What do you NEED right now? pt 2

I need… my new anxiety and depression medication to really start working much faster!
Hug? Is that pathetic? Yeah probably
500kazillion dollars to pay for groceries since apparently that's what they cost these days. LOL
I need… my new anxiety and depression medication to really start working much faster!
I know what that's like. I've recently swapped mine. You'll get there, and if you need to talk about it don't hesitate to message.me.
I'm about to post a laughing response. But I want to make it clear that I'm not laughing at your sickness. I'm laughing at your attempt at sympathy boobs also. You are so wonderful. :love:😘
I'm appreciative of the visual more than the actual act. :)
Thank you for the inspiring thought . 🥰🥰🥰