What do you NEED right now? pt 2


Tybee in may.
Portland, Maine in September.
And just booked Vietnam in November.

If I have to cancel all of this stuff because of covid, I’m going to be devastated. Money lost. More stewing.
Celery and peanut butter. Oh, and some lube and 1 AAA batteries.

Peanut butter, crunchy or smooth,?

AAA battery, for light or heavy demand?

Lube Synthetic or water based?

Celery, how big, normal or Organic?
Hey. Hope you are doing okay. 😘 been thinking of you.

My smart watch tells me I've gotten 17 minutes of deep sleep
😂 no wonder I don't dream these days :rolleyes:

I'm a very impatient person, and constantly waiting on doctors to call is driving me flippin insane. Otherwise I'm pretty good :)

I don't know how you feel when you think about cancer being inside you, but to me it's like this little fucking monster, and I want it killed, and gone. I'm more pissed off than scared I guess?
I'm a very impatient person, and constantly waiting on doctors to call is driving me flippin insane. Otherwise I'm pretty good :)

I don't know how you feel when you think about cancer being inside you, but to me it's like this little fucking monster, and I want it killed, and gone. I'm more pissed off than scared I guess?

I totally get this. I'm so angry that there is so much waiting time, and so many wasted visits..... We can't tell you that until you do this first... uh. Then why do I have this appointment now? :mad: so many fucking times I've heard "I can't tell you yet" I think I'm going to scream.
And yes. I want it out. My damn biopsy site is having a hard time healing though. I'm back on antibiotics. :mad: