What do you vote with?

Hi Rain

I haven't read the other responses yet, so I may be saying the same thing. There are times that I run across a poem that is so offensive (and we know that's possible here at literotica) that I find it impossible not to give it a low score. Besides, most of the offensive poetry is usually poorly written. There are times that I've read poems that I don't agree with or appreciate, yet they are well written. If a poet expresses himself/herself brilliantly, then I simply have to appreciate that and it give the poem a good rating. For me, I can forgive a lot if it's presented magnificently.
WickedEve said:
Hi Rain

I haven't read the other responses yet, so I may be saying the same thing. There are times that I run across a poem that is so offensive (and we know that's possible here at literotica) that I find it impossible not to give it a low score. Besides, most of the offensive poetry is usually poorly written. There are times that I've read poems that I don't agree with or appreciate, yet they are well written. If a poet expresses himself/herself brilliantly, then I simply have to appreciate that and it give the poem a good rating. For me, I can forgive a lot if it's presented magnificently.

oh damn
I never write anything magnificently :rolleyes:

think it is time to retreat to my underground existance

Tathagata said:
I'm basically the same 4 or 5 I've explained why before.
If i don't like it I just don't vote
many times I vote but don't comment because I don't have the time to or can't think of anything that " needs" to be said

On the subject of trolls...yep I have a few too.
there are people who are just going to one vote you no matter what you put up.
I feel bad for them...they need to get laid or something

and Catbabe......
relax will ya??
don't get your panties in a knot..
Oh wait...

you know all you poets with trolls get better scores than me!

I want a troll. ;)

I think they may be somewhat of a fashion statement.

Do they come in extra long?
Can I wear it around my neck, I am opposed to fur and it is getting chilly.

Can they be fashioned into slippers?
SeattleRain said:
you know all you poets with trolls get better scores than me!

I want a troll. ;)

I think they may be somewhat of a fashion statement.

Do they come in extra long?
Can I wear it around my neck, I am opposed to fur and it is getting chilly.

Can they be fashioned into slippers?

again with the extra long...
what is it with you women??

i haven't voted in several weeks..mostly because i'm avoiding this place as much as possible trying to get my insurance license..which means being studious..

if i think something is worth a read..i give a 5..because even if them red h's don't really mean much..before i started hanging out on the threads..before i really started voting or leaving comments, i was lurking..just reading poetry at this sight..and posting on occasion..

i had a busy life back then and didn't have time to read 40 poems to find the 15 i really enjoyed..so i read the ones that had that little red h by them. i missed out on a lot of really good poetry too because some poetry here is incredibly delicious but because enough ppl don't vote..and because of trolls bent on bitterness..they don't get the scoring needed to get that little h by their poem.

then i started voting on all the poets that really rarely post something that isn't worth reading..if ever..prob atleast 20 people running around here that are always worth reading..and i was leaving my comments ..to let them know i was reading..even if i couldn't offer any constructive feedback..

but after doing that for most of the summer, and even though my poetry was taking form..i was getting fewer votes and lower ratings..i realized that there were only a few..maybe 6 or 7 taking the time to vote on my stuff..when you invest so much time into others and you're not given it back..it makes it hard to want to keep giving your time..atleast it's that way with me.

i haven't posted a poem in weeks, and besides the occasional blurt on the suddenly passion thread haven't even written anything..i'm past the voting..i just don't care anymore which is prob why i haven't posted anything..now that my stuff maybe is worth a read..it certainly isn't getting read by ppl who like i once was, don't have the time to invest to read the whole list everyday.

i'm grateful for the feedback and for the help i've gotten from many of you ..i'm feeling more and more confident about writing poetry..i owe a lot of it to those of you who have taken the time to teach.

seattle..even if you write stuff that's not your best..it always is worth reading..and would never score less then a 5 with me...simply because i feel like others would enjoy your stuff as well, and i know, ..from experience, sometimes without that little red holy h..it's not being read by vistors and those lurking in the shadows.

and there's my nickel on the matter!

:heart: :kiss:
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Tathagata said:
aren't you sweet


I'd sugest some Seattle too but I suspect it would turn into an orgy
which, you know, is fine with me


morning, you missed the orgie.

I got a board meeting and need to feed and water the executives this morning

what shall I roll up, hmmm need a sense of serenity along with a shit eatin grin giggles that stay on the inside, a touch of intellectual, oh the ability to use big words, and a steady hand for passing out reports

I will have a Carrington omlette with a side of Catalina Frisco.
Cuppa Liar tea and topped off with a long toke on Wicked Eve Weed.

mmmmmm dreamers breakfast.

okay gotta go get my cheerios and coffee

bye y'all

see you on Monday with your smut

~ms. rain
SeattleRain said:
oh damn
I never write anything magnificently :rolleyes:

think it is time to retreat to my underground existance

Maybe I'm asking for too much. lol
But I was thinking about what I said about offensive poetry needing to be very good to get a higher score. Then I thought about a lit poet who writes a great deal of incest poetry. He writes about being with his daughters and granddaughters. I don't even click on his poetry anymore. Subject matter like this would have to be more than just magnificently written for me to tolerate it and vote on it. It would have to move away from "I spread my daughter wide" kind of content and be more about a person's need to do this and if he is tormented by his acts. I want details like the shadows on the wall or the open window. I want to read about his anxiety and how he listens for approaching footsteps. This would help put the poem on a higher level. It may not be brilliantly written, but it would move out of the gutter and away from a lower score.
*Catbabe* said:
Umm, that was me relaxed.:p You don't want to be around if I am not relaxed *G*:devil:

for some reason that sounds both fun and terrifying
I vote for

what I like. Quality is too hard to figure out as a rule.
Thats my confession and there is nothing holy about it.
I vote for

what I like. Quality is too hard to figure out as a rule.
Thats my confession and there is nothing holy about it.
I vote for

what I like. Quality is too hard to figure out as a rule.
Thats my confession and there is nothing holy about it.
Maria2394 said:
Also, neo alerted me to this and I was so surprised to learn, I experimented on my own poems and he is right
See.. uh- huh, yep.. ;)

As for voting... I vote if I like the poem and if I don't then I don't—it's simple as that. Voting low just because you disagree with its content is just plain mean-spirited. I don't nit-pick because this is a free site—I can choose to utilize that back button as easily as someone can submit a poem. If I have questions about what the poem means or about its content then I send FB through Lit.

- neo
Tathagata said:
again with the extra long...
what is it with you women??


okay Tath, have you EVER heard ME make a ref to "extra long" hmm? nope, if I crafted my own, um, troll, it would be NOT be extra long, but it would be really thick :D

oh, and it would make me be a really good pet and it would make me feel really really loved and adored
...and tired and prolly a little sore
WickedEve said:
Maybe I'm asking for too much. lol
But I was thinking about what I said about offensive poetry needing to be very good to get a higher score. Then I thought about a lit poet who writes a great deal of incest poetry. He writes about being with his daughters and granddaughters. I don't even click on his poetry anymore.

Eve, Im 100% with you on that one, while I realize and respect freedom of speech, I exercise my own right of refusal to read what I know will make me feel sick...I stopped clicking on those poems too....a long time ago
Free to Good Home

Troll. Not too long, but pleasantly plump and well-groomed. Curious, likes to go poking around areas he knows he shouldn't. Makes an excellent house pet, and likes attention. Knows a few tricks: will stand up for poetry treats, roll over for a warm bath. Requires little care but keeps odd hours, sometimes stays up all night. Once won "Best in Show" at scout camp. Previous owner changing orientation, trading for a cat.

PS: Can become over-excited and throw up.
Re: Free to Good Home

flyguy69 said:
Troll. Not too long, but pleasantly plump and well-groomed. Curious, likes to go poking around areas he knows he shouldn't. Makes an excellent house pet, and likes attention. Knows a few tricks: will stand up for poetry treats, roll over for a warm bath. Requires little care but keeps odd hours, sometimes stays up all night. Once won "Best in Show" at scout camp. Previous owner changing orientation, trading for a cat.

PS: Can become over-excited and throw up.

Angeline said:
your av is combusting. are you still sleepy from staying up to watch the game last night? :D

this is my halloween AV
it's either this or a dressed up chimp

yes i am
i'll be in bed real early tonight
Tathagata said:
this is my halloween AV
it's either this or a dressed up chimp

yes i am
i'll be in bed real early tonight

i like it. like your location even better. :D

and i'm tired, too.
You haven't acknowledged

Tathagata said:
well we have 2 nights to sleep before the madness starts again

the effect of your new tattoo onthe outcome of the ALCS series....

don't piss off the monkey tath...the Bean Town boys need all the monkey mojo they can muster....

buy the chimp another bottle of tequila, kick back, and watch him spin his magic...:D

Go Sox!