What do you want to see more of in porn?

More pegging scenes that are sensual and loving rather than fake domination/submission. Pegging can be a beautiful act between partners and doesn't have to be portrayed as the guy taking it against his wishes.
Couple’s snowballing
Time for viewers to see that cum doesn't have to be an icky thing for men to avoid. Sex is the most intimate thing a couple can experience. Couples awkwardly distancing themselves post orgasm is ridiculous, the intimacy of sex should have a slow, gradual ending, not an abrupt "don't touch me until you've cleaned yourself off" one.
Different scenarios. Culkqueen videos but a white male, white wife, but Hispanic or Asian mistress.

Guy mows the lawn and is seduced by the neighbors wife, he is white and she is black.

Hotel scene where two lonely travelers meet each other in the hotel bar and after a few drinks, they both head up to satisfy each others needs.

Nudist resort and an orgy begins to form.

Woman exhibits in big box store or grocery store and he man is so aroused that they both just do it in the car in the parking lot.
Hotel scene where two lonely travelers meet each other in the hotel bar and after a few drinks, they both head up to satisfy each others needs.
That’s the plot of an old chickflix without the porn side. The porn would make it great. It can be a yearly evolution, from an innocent girl seduced by an experienced older man into insatiable dominant cuckoldress of boyfriends and husband in a FLR.
I'd like to see more actual relationships and feelings in video porn. I don't mean the actors need to know or be in a relationship with each other; it's fine if it's just a story. But I'm demisexual and not generally turned on by sex in and of itself. I want to experience sex between people who know (or come to know) each other, who care (or come to care) about each other, and who react realistically based on those relationships. Exploring kinks, or making love, or just roughly fucking the hell out of each other, is vastly more interesting when feelings are involved. And it's ok if those feelings include shame or anger or whatever! But real people generally have feelings, and video porn almost never shows any of those beyond exaggerated reactions that seem immensely fake.

So much video porn is just naked sweaty bodies heaving. Here are two or more attractive people, and they're going to do (generally extremely predictable) things to each other's bodies, usually in the same order, with the same camera angles, that I've seen hundreds of times. And, look, people obviously enjoy that, and more power to them! But it's difficult to find video porn that establishes the relationships AT ALL outside incest porn; written stories are of course another matter entirely.

Yes, this means I want some amount of characterization, and some amount of narrative. It needn't be excessive; brevity is fine. I prefer stories (and video porn) where relationships are starting to become romantic and/or sexual to those just showing a couple fucking, because, again, there's rarely any explanation for who they are or how they're feeling, which leaves me intellectually unmoved. If there's no character development and no story arc then I usually just don't care.

There are exceptions to the above, typically when I'm projecting a story or relationship onto a scene, or actors are expressing obvious tenderness to each other, but in general, what I'd like to see more of is relationships and feelings.
I mostly like real looking people, not models and having or at least appear to be having real sex. None of the money shots. Fuck and cum inside of her or if a BJ, keep his cock in her mouth until he is drained.
A little drip down her chin is always hot!
I feel so boring, but more plot.
I think sometimes the context makes the scene so much hotter. Especially when its incest porn.
Agreed, I don't need a massive backstory but basic context is useful. Who are these people to each other? What was the catalyst for this sexual encounter? Knowing what the situation is beforehand makes the actual sex hotter. It just does.
I think spilling his juice is just bad technique but I suppose it does look hot to a guy and he gets to think that he came so much she could not deal with it all.
As much as I enjoy a healthy, hearty ejaculation, overcoming (no pun intended) a girl's mouth is excessive fantasy for me. Precisely how much she can manage and hopefully swallow will do nicely.

Mind, the same does not apply to ejaculations below decks, where (and I do firmly believe that was what she had in mind!--sort of 😉) as Mae West said "Too much of a good thing can be wonderful."
Faces. If you want to not show your face on your Reddit or OF that's your right to do so but I've been seeing more of it migrating onto the mainstream porn sites and I'm not happy about it. I want to see beautiful faces contorted in the sweet ecstacy of sexual bliss.
As much as I enjoy a healthy, hearty ejaculation, overcoming (no pun intended) a girl's mouth is excessive fantasy for me. Precisely how much she can manage and hopefully swallow will do nicely.

Mind, the same does not apply to ejaculations below decks, where (and I do firmly believe that was what she had in mind!--sort of 😉) as Mae West said "Too much of a good thing can be wonderful."
Most women like to know that they made a guy cum really good so an excess can be good for her ego.