What do you want to see more of in porn?

Ms. Longlegs, I doubt that I patronize you. I've already said you are one of the coolest chicks on this site. Yeah, I prefer a shaved mons, but so what? Beggars can't be choosy.
OK, I had considered this settled, and thought there was no need to endlessly litigate it. Oh well.

Please note that a communication can be received as patronizing or insulting even if you don't intend it that way. You don't think you patronized me with your comment, but in fact you did, and the proof of that is that I felt patronized. That's the measure of the thing.

Try turning it around. Suppose I say something insulting to you, calling you a racial slur for example. I don't get away from consequences by saying I didn't mean to insult because in this context, you're the person who decides if an offense has been given. The best thing for me to do is to apologise and try not to do it again. It would certainly be poor form for me to argue that there was no offense because I'm not qualified to say if you have been offended. Get it?

So once again I challenge you to get through a whole day without patronizing anyone. This will mean paying attention to the way people react to you, and not arguing with them or telling them anything. Especially not saying that you're not patronizing people when you quite clearly are continuing to do so.
I would love to get more porn with a bit of story
Most people would disagree but for me the build up process to the actual sex that is happing is very hot too
I love edging or building up my wish to cum finally so a nice sexy story is something I would appreciate very much
It even wouldn’t feel like the sometimes stupid just fucking if you know what I mean
I guess porn isn’t the thing for stuff like a backstory and people don’t watch porn for a good story
So I read erotica more often than watching porn lately ☺️
I would love to get more porn with a bit of story
Most people would disagree but for me the build up process to the actual sex that is happing is very hot too
I love edging or building up my wish to cum finally so a nice sexy story is something I would appreciate very much
It even wouldn’t feel like the sometimes stupid just fucking if you know what I mean
I guess porn isn’t the thing for stuff like a backstory and people don’t watch porn for a good story
So I read erotica more often than watching porn lately ☺️
It's why well written erotic stories can be more powerful than a movie, the build up the imagination is so good
^It had a period of pushing physical limits. Now it's more fake incest and similar roleplay. Taboo sells, but producers are limited to what they can legally sell. Credit card companies and hosting sites such as pornhub mostly set the boundaries to avoid legal consequences as accomplices. Intimacy can be found with some searching. There are a few studios specializing in romance, sensuality, couples porn, etc.
I haven't watched porn in years. It's so gross and violent these days. Maybe I was always looking in the wrong places, but if I had my choice, I would like to see some amount of
Sensual love style porn is a nice style to watch or the porn designed for women is less abusive. But again it goes back to the rush getting to ther sex and so all porn is going to be poor
Maybe the world has changed and we in a world that people don't want to take the slow time and enjoy its all about the quick fix. Buy cheap sell fast life style
Sensual love style porn is a nice style to watch or the porn designed for women is less abusive. But again it goes back to the rush getting to ther sex and so all porn is going to be poor
Yes, I see what you mean. But in all porn these days, it seems the woman is just being used. Even if it's just sex that is being shown, I think there can be a strong display of intimacy between the players. Just for once, I would like to see porn of a guy who is making love to a woman. I would like to see him view her in the highest regard, as if making love to such a desirable and wonderful creature as she, is the greatest privilege of his life. And I would like to see him cum, not because he has endured enough friction, but because he has experienced the immeasurable ecstasy of her.
TBH, I'd like to see less of the freaky stuff and more high quality, genuinely sexy interaction between two or more people who seem to genuinely be getting off on what they're doing.

The sensationalist nature of porn now,w here it seems to be more about being more and more shocking, more and more degrading... it si such a massive turn off for me.

Maybe that's just me.

lots of love, Sara xxx
One of the reasons I put realistic porn (mom/dad bods) for my answer. I'venoticed that if you have natural bodies in the video, it seems more natural, or organic. Just my 2cents..

P.S. just signed up on your site