What do you want?

visuals and tangibles

For me, a poem needs to make sense. Seemingly random words strewn about I can't understand. It isn't to say that the poem is flawed, or that the words are truly random. Its that I lack the ability to perceive beauty in what I see as disjointed phrasing.

If it makes me see or feel - if I can wrap my mind around what the author is trying to convey (or at least what I *think* they're trying to convey) then its what I want. The ones I don't understand - probably will never understand - my eyes slide off of. They re-focus and try again, but on the third pass I cry uncle.

When reading poetry, what catches and holds you there? What makes you seek more work by that poet? What inspires you?

What do I want. It sounds like a simple question, should be easy to answer.

I want to feel something personal, conveyed to me by the author. Something that makes the poem seem as if I am there. Granted, images are wonderful, but some poets have a way of incorporating more than the visual. Smells, tactile sensations, sounds, especially the sound of water. It is hard to do without using all the usual words...

that brings me to a good vocabulary. I think for me, I enjoy reading poems by people who show a mastery of the language, especially when English is the second or third. IN some ways, poets here, such as Liar, Lauren Hynde, and a few who no longer post, truly impressed me with their ability to convey so much and do it so well.

I guess that's all for me. I just like well written, articulate poetry that speaks to me about things in my own life, relative and subjective. There are so many good people here. Plenty to learn.


~ m