What happened to the xxxjessica thread?

Whoa...I get off of Lit b/c well regular life called, and I come back to this?! I'm so verklempt!
Lmao Tek :kiss: you of all people I shoulda known you attention whore :D Verklempt = overcome w/ emotion...it was a bit tongue in cheek tho ;)

I did google the term, and read the dictionary definition. But I like my take on it better.
Intensive treatment? Will there be spongebaths?

Also, what are we talking about?

Spongebaths, wtf are you talking about? How does one being verklempt equate to a spongebath...thanks for giving me the image of spongebob, being rubbed on my body :eek:
Spongebaths, wtf are you talking about? How does one being verklempt equate to a spongebath...thanks for giving me the image of spongebob, being rubbed on my body :eek:

Well, I read intensive treatment to mean intensive therapy. Doesn't that come with sponge baths?

Spongebob? (ha, I wrote spongeboob the first time!!) you have some out there fantasies, SD.
Well, I read intensive treatment to mean intensive therapy. Doesn't that come with sponge baths?

Spongebob? (ha, I wrote spongeboob the first time!!) you have some out there fantasies, SD.

treatment...therapy..hmm okay I see how you would get that.

LoL spongebob (damn you tek I nearly did the same thing!!!!!) no he's NOT one of my fantasies...
treatment...therapy..hmm okay I see how you would get that.

LoL spongebob (damn you tek I nearly did the same thing!!!!!) no he's NOT one of my fantasies...

Ah! But spongeboob is! Got it! :D Well, you can't have spongeboob...it's mine!