What is a high "number?"

I am somewhere in the 50's when I count and don't regret it. No children, no diseases and my spouse doesn't care cause she was as free as me when it came to sex.
49 year old male
Right around 50, all women except for one guy.
Married for 9 years. My wife is 37 and her number is 5.
Well over 4,000 .... times. With the same one woman I love. I feel like that's high.
Male 48 IDK Low 20's somewhere, possibly less. but been married 18years and with the same person 22 years. Wife was married before me So there's 1, actually I didn't care so i never asked. Could have been a porn star for all i know.
Just kidding, I would have ran across her sooner or later watching porn LOL
No seriously for me wouldn't matter dont care.
I'm almost 26 and honestly, I don't know what my number is. I haven't kept count but I do know I'm at least in the triple digits. :eek:

Sounds like we are in the same boat, I don't think the "number" really matters. Are you factoring one night stands is it long term relationships that counted for multiple accounts. In my opinion sex is sex. Have it with one person forever or with multiple people who cares! Just enjoy the ride! šŸ˜˜