What is Lance... This is personal

What is Lance

  • Our hero and we want to be like him

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • A real prat who should grow up or better still piss off

    Votes: 30 50.0%
  • A bit mean and should temper his ways

    Votes: 12 20.0%
  • Hugely intelligent and a bonus for this forum

    Votes: 16 26.7%

  • Total voters
Re: Lance

pierced_boy said:
PS UCE the Christmas wishes are an oblique way of saying that I don't intend seeing or corresponding with you before that event. While it was not entirely disingenuous it was meant largely as GOOD BYE

Have a nice day.


No wonder I didn't get it. Dishonesty and indirectness are never things I initially expect from anybody. Someone has to hammer it into me that this is their style, first. Thanks for doing so.

To qoute Desdemona:


And a personal thank you to Laurel and Manu for the ignore function. I do believe I may very well have found the first person to put on ignore, if for no other reason than to scroll through the threads faster and easier.
It's too bloody long for a flame explanation

con·cise adj.
Expressing much in few words; clear and succinct.
Freya2 said:
Ok, you all have permission to shoot me. I cannot believe I read that friggin post, UCE! Goddamnit!

How bored am I? Let me count the ways.

You are sort of person every author wants to have for a reader, lol. I guess I am this way too. Even when I start a really, really bad book, I can't just put it down or quit reading after I have started. I HAVE to finish it, no matter how terrible the experience.
Re: It's too bloody long for a flame explanation

lark sparrow said:
con·cise adj.
Expressing much in few words; clear and succinct.

Give up hon. As well meaning as you are being and I know you are, UCE will not get it. She's like the person who loves to hear herself talk.... except in her case, it is ennnnnndless verbage.
40 paragraphs (literally!) on one 2-4 post online misunderstanding!

I love to read and understand as much as the next bookworm, but I am sorry, that is far above and beyond the call of duty. lol

Do you have a journal that your Master reads nightly, UCE? Is he still caught up reading in 1982? ;)

I usually read your posts but that one was simply too daunting!
UCE said:
You are sort of person every author wants to have for a reader, lol. I guess I am this way too. Even when I start a really, really bad book, I can't just put it down or quit reading after I have started. I HAVE to finish it, no matter how terrible the experience.

I am too! Drives me bonkers at times. Once I get to a certain point, I'm stuck reading the friggin thing. Soemtimes I skip long posts, but for some reason I started yours, then I was stuck finishing it.

PS you weren't THAT snippy. Just a tad.

Taking after one person--*any* one person--goes nowhere. If you have an issue, discuss it.

If you don't like each other, don't post to each other.

If you want to see change, effect it. Don't quibble about whose fault it is that things don't already match up with your imagined master-plan for the perfect BDSM forum.

If you need a time-out, be adult enough to take one.

And if you have nothing better to do than spend hours and hours bashing each other, please don't bring your negativity here.

In short--
This is your Moderator. Please cut the shit, everybody.

Thank you,
UCE said:
Oh come on! Please read it! F's summary was right on, but I put a lot of effort into it and I tried to be very nice about the whole thing.

Sorry UCE, I didn't get anytime... and I got tired and went to bed. But I'm glad someone both a) summarized it and b) read it. So, if I ever do get sometime, I might come back and read it, if I remember. :)

But, I'm willing to just say: If you are willing to type that much stuff, you win. LOL. Hell, I'm not even willing to *talk* that much. :)

P. B. Walker said:
Hell, I'm not even willing to *talk* that much. :)


The strong, silent type as well? Damn, PB, you jus' keep gettin' better and better!
SexyChele said:
The strong, silent type as well? Damn, PB, you jus' keep gettin' better and better!

LOL... yeah... just get me hard, wrap some tape over my mouth, mount me... and just use me all night long.


But seriously... somebody go back and read that long post outloud and see how long it takes... lol. If it's more than 20 mins then it's too much talking. ;P

PBW "I'm shy"

UCE said:
I wasn't here in Sept to see this clash you speak of below and I can't be expected to know all this history--therefore how can you take my remarks as trying to make you look bad...unless of course you thought I WAS here in Sept (which I suppose is reasonable; I think I started posting in Oct--may have been a stray post in sept, but I wasn't reading anything in any depth at that time) and talking from a position knowing all about this business.

I believe I joined the forum just after everything about that was finished because for awhile I kept seeing oblique references to it, none of which described what had happened in detail. At any rate, I was rather happy that I had managed to miss such a huge flamewar and I did not seek out further knowledge of it.

I just thought your remark to Lavender was unfair. Whatever a person's history on a board or how tangled up it is in other issues, I can clearly see, from having used to have read some of Lance's messages, how a woman, any woman, might want to tell a misogynistic joke about him. The man makes a lot of enemies with his big mouth and his "strike below the belt" methods of fighting, that I doubt you can deny, even if he's a friend of yours. How do you know he hadn't laid a heavy sexist trip on this Lavender woman on some forum or thread which you never saw or participated in and which caused her to really dislike him, so much so that she not only was eager to join battle in Sept. but also felt a strong emotional need to bash him much later in December?

I think you are defending a friend, and that's cool, people are allowed, but I honestly didn't understand why you were defending them in that way. Now I do. But seriously, when I say I mean a question honestly, I simply mean it honestly. I want to know, not to gain a point against you. Fuck, despite the people you are friends with (Freya I am NOT referring to you! Just want to keep that straight, lol), I kind of like you. You are realtively more even-headed than many posters here.


Mind reading again aren't you UCE?

The fact of the matter is that you did post to something that was played out eons ago.

Risia please don't.

other's have posted to it and given their opinions. Just because the thread starter doesn't wish for the thread to continue doesn't mean we don't... or that we want our words to disappear.

No bodies words need disappear

Only the propagation of crap would end in this sewer

Risia please consider

must be better than a mitsubishi !

Re: personally

Ebonyfire said:
I do not care one way or another.


I don't really care either. It's more the principal of the matter. Today it's a thread we don't care about... tomorrow it's an important thread.

Re: Lance Take the hint dear boy

Amazed said:

Fuck off and die, coward. You registered an identity just so you could bump this thread...what a piece of shit....ha! Ahahahaha!
Lance you realy are a piece of filth

Lurked here unregistered for enough time to know you are awful. Have your fun little boy, at others expense if you must, just don't get righteous about it.