What kind of freak are you?

Re: You people scare me!

Mr Blonde said:
I'm softcore, I like to hold hands on the fifth date....

*crawls back to his thread of lazy and ineffective dominance*

Then O/our work here is done!
You are a Sex Freak!
While your antics haven't landed you in jail...
They have probably landed you in some relationship hot water.
So you like sex... love it in fact. Isn't that how we're built?

You've done it standing, sitting, but never shitting.
And you always have a vibe in your pocket.
You're most likely to be the biggest flirt... not freak.

Advice? Stay away from those who give you guilt trips.
Monogamy is probably not for you. Find some other free spirits.
When the rules are thrown away, the sex will be that much better.
You are a Part Time Freak!

You've heard it all, thought about some, and tried a few.
You're approach to sex is cautiously kinky...
Which has caused a few lovers to brand you a sexual manic-depressive.
So sometimes you like it hot, and sometimes you like it cold.
In the end, it all blends into comfy bathwater tempreature.
You'll probably end up on the hotter side eventually, but what's the rush?