What Made You Smile/Laugh Today?

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However, today I got all the groceries we need for a week (for a household of eight) for $100, without cutting out extras like K's special coffee creamer or B's chai tea. I. Rock. :D

:nana: That's awesome! Not sure how grocery prices compare to here but it sounds like you got some great deals. I love the feeling of a full trolley that costed less than expected. :D
I saw this on Facebook and felt the need to share. I think Satin will like it, especially.

The Friend Zone Is Bullshit

Also, the butthurt comments cracked me up. Way to make bitches wanna fuck you, boys!
Yes you do, gracie!
I know how hard that is...:rose:

:nana: That's awesome! Not sure how grocery prices compare to here but it sounds like you got some great deals. I love the feeling of a full trolley that costed less than expected. :D

Well, there are some bargain stores that don't take food stamps so I can't normally go there. It was awesome, though. With food stamps our grocery budget has been about 700/month. If I can keep it to 110/week that'll be 260 dollars a month less that 'I' have been spending.
It turns out that my oldest has a moderate wheat allergy. I've been trying to find meals that we like that are noodle free (easier said than done) and today I bought rice noodles to try with K's homemade alfredo sauce, and it was a hit. :D
It turns out that my oldest has a moderate wheat allergy. I've been trying to find meals that we like that are noodle free (easier said than done) and today I bought rice noodles to try with K's homemade alfredo sauce, and it was a hit. :D
you can get pastas that are wheat/gluten free. the store doesnt usually have a big section so you might need to look around or ask manager, but all major chains carry these nowadays.

gl hope this helps


But now I want bananas. Or banana bread. Hmmm. I may have to go to the grocery store and see how many overripe bananananananas they have.
And last night's smile/laugh:

We went out to dinner and a movie. She ordered a margarita with her meal, not realizing it would get to her long before the food did, and that she'd essentially had nothing to eat all day. By the time she finished salad, she was buzzed. She stayed that way through the bacon-wrapped scallop appetizers and her steak, and well into the movie.

The movie, btw, was "The Hobbit," which we both greatly enjoyed. I will note, however, those who have *any* issues with vertigo should sit as far back in the theater as possible because some of the more adventurous or battle-filled scenes *will* have your inner ear whirling like a dervish if you're closer to the screen.



But now I want *CENSORED* Or *CENSORED* bread. Hmmm. I may have to go to the grocery store and see how many overripe *CENSORED* they have.

I was totally with you on the why... But then I realized it was the slicer and not the pasty yellowed evil itself you were questioning the existence of.

Sigh... This may be your one twuly unforgivable fault, Sir.
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you can get pastas that are wheat/gluten free. the store doesnt usually have a big section so you might need to look around or ask manager, but all major chains carry these nowadays.

gl hope this helps

Yes, we know. They're nasty. We'd rather not eat.
Yes, we know. They're nasty. We'd rather not eat.
This webpage, Five Delicious Alternatives to Wheat Pasta, offers some things you could maybe try with him to see if they're acceptable.

Another page I pulled up also suggested
Tinkyada Rice Pasta
If quirky flavors aren’t your style, and you’re looking for a gluten-free pasta that’s
virtually indistinguishable from wheat pasta, then the Tinkyada brand is the way to go.​
I don't have personal experience with any of them, but since you live a lot closer to a major metropolitan area than I do :rolleyes: you might be able to find some or all of them.
Aha, I can see Gracie and Curious have never had "real" bananas. Vine/sun ripened bananas on a tropical island? Those are bananas. The things we get here? Not even close.

So sad.
This webpage, Five Delicious Alternatives to Wheat Pasta, offers some things you could maybe try with him to see if they're acceptable.

Another page I pulled up also suggested
Tinkyada Rice Pasta
If quirky flavors aren’t your style, and you’re looking for a gluten-free pasta that’s
virtually indistinguishable from wheat pasta, then the Tinkyada brand is the way to go.​
I don't have personal experience with any of them, but since you live a lot closer to a major metropolitan area than I do :rolleyes: you might be able to find some or all of them.

Tinkyada is actually pretty good compared to other brands I have tried. I made a gluten free lasagna a while ago that was really really good and completely devoured. I didn't precook the noodles and made sure the sauce layers were not soupy so it didn't have enough moisture to get soggy.

Trick to the rice pasta in general is timing the cooking carefully and stopping it from getting mushy. I slightly undercook it and immediately rinse it with tepid water to halt the cooking. Then I only sauce it immediately before serving it because the hot sauces will cook it a bit more if it sits in it. It is just not as durable as wheat pasta... But it can still be really good. The spiral shapes are a bit more forgiving than the regular spaghetti noodles in general.

Thanks for the suggestion, K... But bananas = evil... Period.
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Careful or I'll kidnap you and take you to a beautiful, warm, tropical island. ;)

Let me get this straight...

A brilliant and beautiful woman is threatening to take me against my will to a tropical island... And I am supposed to feel deterred from speaking my truth?!

Talk about a sadistic tease...
Thanks for the suggestion, K... But bananas = evil... Period.

Careful or I'll kidnap you and take you to a beautiful, warm, tropical island. ;)

Let me get this straight...

A brilliant and beautiful woman is threatening to take me against my will to a tropical island... And I am supposed to feel deterred from speaking my truth?!

Talk about a sadistic tease...
For *that* kind of incentive, I'll agree with Curi and forswear bananas. When do we leave?
Signing on as the Associate Kidnapping Specialist. Will work for sunscreen applications.

For *that* kind of incentive, I'll agree with Curi and forswear bananas. When do we leave?

Not fair! No! I'll never give up! Nope!

Bananas are evil! Evil Evil Evil!

Um, as a totally and completely unrelated thought... what island? :eek:
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Hm, I guess I kind of suck at the sadist thing, eh?

Worst. Kidnapper. Ever.

Good gravy, just imagine what I would do if you all said you didn't like cupcakes??
Fluffernutters in space!

This video taken by Sunita Williams, former commander of the International Space Station, giving us a tour of the station. At the 6:06 point, we learn that she has a supply of Marshmallow Fluff and peanut butter on hand because she likes fluffernutters. :D
"The Incredible Story of What Happened When Two Gay Men Were Harassed While Waiting for Pizza"

You can read the whole article by clicking on the "whole article." ;)
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