What Made You Smile/Laugh Today?

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So sue me for a flipping preposition. I still say it's a miracle of some note that you survived this meal. Perhaps you should consider donating your digestive system to science. Not now, of course, but in due time.

Oh man... If you are what you eat, I'm a drive thru.
Pics, preferably involving teeny tiny banana leaves, or it didn't happen. ;)

Good to see you back amongst the online and pervy.

Got LOTS of pics. No teeny tiny bikinis though, sorry. :(

Here's one of a canyon hike we did.


*Green with envy*

Sorry, BB. On the other hand, I did get both the norovirus and a cold on this trip.

Yeah, I know. Still worth it.

This is great and all, but I went to Taco Bell yesterday.

I got a Fresco Chicken Burrito Supreme.

It, too, was "kick ass" and "amazing" and sort of "Mexican."

Also, while I ordered a small Diet Pepsi, they accidentally made me a medium, and then, ONLY charged me for the small. Also, SIX packets of fire sauce. For one burrito!

So yes, that was, like your partying, "crazy" in a way.

DGE, you're my hero! :kiss:
Yes, but you get a killer tax deduction.

Sweet. Is it a one time thing, or can I use it over multiple years? I would like to build some flexibility into the tax benefits on my internal organs, if at all possible. At the recommendation of my accountant and my surgeon.
I am just fucking loving all of this cancer swag. Y'all realize that I am indebted to each of you for future thread support involving the affliction or disease of your choice. Everyone will be getting a groupon via PM.
Sweet. Is it a one time thing, or can I use it over multiple years? I would like to build some flexibility into the tax benefits on my internal organs, if at all possible. At the recommendation of my accountant and my surgeon.

Very good thinking. You could perhaps begin with your fingernails, toenails and testicles. After that, moving inward, you could probably get a few bucks for the spleen and a few more for your adnoids and tonsils. I'd be a hair more conservative about lungs, kidneys, and heart. Perhaps just one every few years or so. Leave your stomach for last, of course, since that appears to be of the most compelling interest.
As background, my mom has only ever been in two long term commited relationships, and she chose both those guys while she was using. She split with my stepdad, the asshole, about three or four years ago, and has just recently started dating again. She IM'd me there most recent conversation and said 'i think we're going steady'.

I narrowly prevented myself from asking if he'd given her his class ring yet. :p
As background, my mom has only ever been in two long term commited relationships, and she chose both those guys while she was using. She split with my stepdad, the asshole, about three or four years ago, and has just recently started dating again. She IM'd me there most recent conversation and said 'i think we're going steady'.

I narrowly prevented myself from asking if he'd given her his class ring yet. :p

*feeling so very old as I listen to The Platters and Four Tops this morning*

In the shop where I sell stuff - I think it was renamed "Blood of Dracula",

but... I just loved "Erotoman"!
Thinking about how much I LOOOOVE my class. :)

I'm not sure if you're a teacher or if you mean you love a class that you're taking, but I you're a teacher then I say "ditto"!

I teach little ones and had a great half day at work today. They were exceptionally sweet and made me smile, especially because they know I don't feel well so were extra quiet. I love kids. :) Well, I love them enough to teach them, not have them quite yet ;)
First night back home. Totally stoked about being back in my own, BIG, comfy bed...except L has a cold and is snoring so loud I can't sleep so I'm out on the couch. :rolleyes:
You can shop at my shop if you send ME some recruiters!
(worst pays-the-bills job ever!)

But you get so very much satisfaction, right?

And I can't afford to send you recruiters just yet. But I will. Soon.

Thinking about how much I LOOOOVE my class. :)

Hey, I love your class. It feeds you. I like it when people find the things that make them come alive.

It makes the world vibrate.
Taking the pudgy (though not as pudgy as she used to be) Corgi out for her pre-bedtime walk, and watching her porpoise through foot-plus deep snow drift on her three-inch long legs... She has so much fun!


Here’s the thing: I’m a hardcore Coke girl. So the fact that someone decided to dump a bottle down a toilet to demonstrate how it could be used as a lime and stain cleaner does nothing to convert me to the dark side. I just take it as further proof of Coke’s perfection.
More, of course, at the link in the headline above.
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