What Made You Smile/Laugh Today?

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warn a woman before springing tea spew worthy pics on them yeah?

that was too too funny.

thanks kiwi.

There are roads around here where people will dress them up and just sit them against a post in really funny outfits. It is twisted but well the destruction they cause over here is really bad.

Now you can go to bed at night and when it starts to annoy you, think about designing a costume for the possum once it's dead.

Maybe a BDSM type outfit?
Just curled into bed at Mr. And Mrs. House and not only does my bed have snuggle fresh sheets on it, but there was a new memory foam pillow waiting for me too.

Feeling loved. :heart:

*Wistful sigh*

*Forlorn Bunny face*

*Goes to bed before I get ridiculous*
There are roads around here where people will dress them up and just sit them against a post in really funny outfits. It is twisted but well the destruction they cause over here is really bad.

Now you can go to bed at night and when it starts to annoy you, think about designing a costume for the possum once it's dead.

Maybe a BDSM type outfit?

Wow. Talk about a totally different take on "playing possum".
This column from Dear Prudence. The first written letter from a woman who wants to experiment with her perceived bisexuality is good, but don't miss the video letter, from a woman who wants to add kink to her sex life.
I'm babysitting my great niece today, and K and D are playing on the xbox and trading the baby back and forth as their turns allow. It's so awesome to watch my son learn that real men play with babies.
This possibly belongs on the boring thread, but I will share it anyways.

I will confess that the score between the old printer and I would still be in it's favor cumulatively for the hours I have lost with its shenanigans...but if we just look at the squeaky paper jam skirmishes of JUST today I totally win. :D
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Good girl

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