What Made You Smile/Laugh Today?

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My phone went kaput. Been out for a week.
The apple store was able to restore it, and after two people telling me my texts wouldn't be backed up, the final guy said "maybe" and yay!!! They were! (I had texts from my friend who passed on here and I just wanted to keep them.)
Fingers crossed it stays fixed, although the guy said it may be a hardware problem.

What'd I miss? Besides CUTE KITTES!!!!

More cute kitties, apparently.
While driving over the bridge that crosses the bay tonight, the warm ocean-y smell was invigorating!
I know I've *thought* about mentioning my Easter present, my Kindle, but I don't remember if I have yet or not.

If not (actually, even if I *have*), I LOVE my Kindle! It's with me on the way to every appointment, in my room, and has ended my decades-long practice of creating misshapen left rear pockets in all my pants from the books I've carried with me everywhere for over 30 years. It's freakin' awesome. :D :) :D :) :D :heart:
I know I've *thought* about mentioning my Easter present, my Kindle, but I don't remember if I have yet or not.

If not (actually, even if I *have*), I LOVE my Kindle! It's with me on the way to every appointment, in my room, and has ended my decades-long practice of creating misshapen left rear pockets in all my pants from the books I've carried with me everywhere for over 30 years. It's freakin' awesome. :D :) :D :) :D :heart:

Speaking of kindles ... I replaced mine, which mysteriously broke last month. I've asked around and it seems that either idunno or notme did something to my screen. :rolleyes:

Either way, replaced it and got a nicer one with a RED cover. :nana: The lady I bought it from had bought it for her son just a couple of weeks ago, but then he bought himself an ipad and uses it to read books, so she sold it to me. I had to delete quite a few books and stuff in some form of russian. lol Plus, did I mention it has a RED cover? :nana:

btw - red is my favorite color. Half the clothes I own are red. I usually paint my nails red. I'd dye my hair red, but I don't have a redheads complexion, and it would just make my skin kinda yellow. :(
Reading the best of Craigslist on the train to work. Had me in giggles for the whole trip.
I was going to put this in the Canada thread but I think it belongs to everyone. :)

Sing along from space!

Thanks for posting this Keroin. I think Hadfield's attempt to include us earthlings during his time on the international space station has been wonderful, and this is just one example.

Not to pick too fine a nit here, but it seems to me that Mr. Hadfield still qualifies as an earthling despite his current residence. ;)

That said, he's one cool dude to do the things he's been doing from the ISS.
Not to pick too fine a nit here, but it seems to me that Mr. Hadfield still qualifies as an earthling despite his current residence. ;)

That said, he's one cool dude to do the things he's been doing from the ISS.

Nit picker.

Yup he's one cool dude.
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Thanks for posting this Keroin. I think Hadfield's attempt to include us earthlings during his time on the international space station has been wonderful, and this is just one example.

My pleasure! I have really enjoyed all of his interaction from above. To me, he is the embodiment of the best of our Canuck culture, and the perfect ambassador for space exploration.
Hiked down the river to the waterfall and back today! YAY!

Oh, how I wish I could have joined you today, that sounds blissful.

My smile - creating 2000 golden words over two days on a subject I know little to nothing about for the other halves assignment and realising that I NEVER need to open that bloody dispute resolution textbook again.

Ahhh, life is now good again. :)
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