What makes me submissive

Luvinit said:
I'm not gonna offer advice. I'm just gonna point out that for me, post was a mood killer. I never felt frisky after smoking weed. I smoked, I ate about 10 pounds of food, I fell asleep. So much for me as a party animal.

Pretty much sums it up with my friends. They don't get high for sex - they just get high to just space out and party if they can. I notice pot doesn't keep you partying the whole night like going sober or high on other drugs can.
Back to basics

I did not want to offend anyone. I have been thinking about my attitude and it sucks. Most of you were right about assuming that I was a drug addict. But I am not I want to start a new. I want to learn to behave on the board and learn to submit. I will sometimes be in denial about things but I will work them out with your help. I will be a better listener. And in time a lot of you that have catagorized me may find you are way off base. Anyway thanks for all the posts and I hope you all will include me in your play. Thanks FIP
Re: Back to basics

Funinpanties said:
I did not want to offend anyone. I have been thinking about my attitude and it sucks. Most of you were right about assuming that I was a drug addict. But I am not I want to start a new. I want to learn to behave on the board and learn to submit. I will sometimes be in denial about things but I will work them out with your help. I will be a better listener. And in time a lot of you that have catagorized me may find you are way off base. Anyway thanks for all the posts and I hope you all will include me in your play. Thanks FIP

Fun, I wasn't trying to pass judgment about your life or tell you what to do with it. I wouldn't do that even if yu were my sub. I'm just saying that drug use during a BDSM scene can be dangerous, even if it doesn't seem to be. That's all.
Re: Re: Back to basics

pagan switch said:
Fun, I wasn't trying to pass judgment about your life or tell you what to do with it. I wouldn't do that even if yu were my sub. I'm just saying that drug use during a BDSM scene can be dangerous, even if it doesn't seem to be. That's all.

Just sneakin' up behind ya! :kiss:
You're all lies, Fip. As Catalina pointed out, you contradict yourself repeatedly. You won't last long here: we don't take kindly to bullshit artists.
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rosco rathbone said:
Potheads suck, end of story.

I've spoken.
Hey rosco, you're not trying to take my dead horse away from me, are you? I'm not done beating it!
Just want to insert a little reason here...

The question that was originally asked and the question that most people are answering are NOT the same thing. The original question was, to paraphrase (and correct me if I get this wrong) "I feel like I need drugs to bring out my submissive side. Is that good?" Honestly, this seems like one of those questions you ask just so you can hear the answer you know you need to hear, but don't want to. No, you should not have to use drugs to bring out your submissive side, or any side for that matter.

Some people are getting caught up in the drugs are good/drugs are bad debate. Will weed kill the average user? Not by a long shot. Actually, studies have found that, when it comes to most illegal drugs, the majority of people try them a few times, then move on, with another group using them once in a blue moon (like once a year or so). By far, the tiniest group of users (but those most visible, and in need of the most help) are those who have become truly addicted.

Be careful not to paint "drug users" with too broad a brush. In this case, no, I would not recommend that this person continue using marijuana in this manner. However, the majority of Americans have smoked marijuana at some point in their existence, and most are none the worse for it. Even most people who have done "harder" drugs (myself included, btw) never even approach problem levels of use. Most live normal, productive lives.

(Climbs down off of her soapbox and waits for the inevitable slams)
ethicalslut said:
Some people are getting caught up in the drugs are good/drugs are bad debate. Will weed kill the average user? Not by a long shot. Actually, studies have found that, when it comes to most illegal drugs, the majority of people try them a few times, then move on, with another group using them once in a blue moon (like once a year or so). By far, the tiniest group of users (but those most visible, and in need of the most help) are those who have become truly addicted.
I fall into the middle group - I do recreational drugs a couple of times a year. A number of my friends, though, fall into the tiny group of true addicts. Fortunately, most of my friends are scattered across the country/globe, so I don't have to put up with their pot smoking directly.

One thing you reminded me of, ethicalslut, is the medical marijuana debate. I happen to think that pot should be legalized at a minimum for medical uses. (I've heard good arguments from both sides about whether or not it should be legalized for recreational use.) But there are a number of conditions for which pot is genuinely valuable. (The DEA disagrees.)
Oh, and "getting in touch with" one's submissive (or transgender, etc.) side requires that there is a side there to begin with. If you can't experience sensations without help, then are you sure there's really a side there at all? If pot helps because it reduces inhibitions, that's one thing. But if you don't want to be submissive except when you're high, then you probably aren't really submissive. It's the pot.
Etoile said:
Oh, and "getting in touch with" one's submissive (or transgender, etc.) side requires that there is a side there to begin with. If you can't experience sensations without help, then are you sure there's really a side there at all? If pot helps because it reduces inhibitions, that's one thing. But if you don't want to be submissive except when you're high, then you probably aren't really submissive. It's the pot.


Thank you and goodnight!
Etoile said:

One thing you reminded me of, ethicalslut, is the medical marijuana debate. I happen to think that pot should be legalized at a minimum for medical uses. (I've heard good arguments from both sides about whether or not it should be legalized for recreational use.) But there are a number of conditions for which pot is genuinely valuable. (The DEA disagrees.)

Tax it to hell. That's what the neo-cons are saying and the far left in Canada are saying and pretty much the rest. It's the older folks and the reg cons that are against it in Canada and unfortunately, they have a lot of power.
Etoile said:

One thing you reminded me of, ethicalslut, is the medical marijuana debate. I happen to think that pot should be legalized at a minimum for medical uses. (I've heard good arguments from both sides about whether or not it should be legalized for recreational use.) But there are a number of conditions for which pot is genuinely valuable. (The DEA disagrees.)

Thank you for bringing that up Etoile. My Master suffers chronic ill health and also insomnia. Pot is the only thing He has found which helps both His pain and enables Him to get a bit of sleep. Prescription painkillers upset His stomach, and sleeping pills just zonk Him out all the following day :rolleyes:

Here in NSW Australia we are breaking the law.....but His own doctors have suggested it to Him, and it's more fun than morphine - I get the smoke second hand and we have some giggles together. ;) I will add that we do not play when He has been smoking. We are lucky we have some good friends who get it for us at a discount :)
Bandit58 said:
Thank you for bringing that up Etoile. My Master suffers chronic ill health and also insomnia. Pot is the only thing He has found which helps both His pain and enables Him to get a bit of sleep. Prescription painkillers upset His stomach, and sleeping pills just zonk Him out all the following day :rolleyes:

Here in NSW Australia we are breaking the law.....but His own doctors have suggested it to Him, and it's more fun than morphine - I get the smoke second hand and we have some giggles together. ;) I will add that we do not play when He has been smoking. We are lucky we have some good friends who get it for us at a discount :)

It is a pity it can't be used legally for medicinal purposes in all countries, especially under the guidance of medical practitioners. I remember a study done several years ago with AIDS patients from memory......the postive effects from measured intake of pot replaced a tableful of other medications which not only cost a fortune, but in many cases caused other side effects for the patient which were far from pleasant. Western medicine is often blind to the positive uses of many natural products, while supporting the chemical intake of substances which cause more harm to the person taking them, and often little or no benefit.

Catalina :rose:
catalina_francisco said:
It is a pity it can't be used legally for medicinal purposes in all countries, especially under the guidance of medical practitioners. I remember a study done several years ago with AIDS patients from memory......the postive effects from measured intake of pot replaced a tableful of other medications which not only cost a fortune, but in many cases caused other side effects for the patient which were far from pleasant. Western medicine is often blind to the positive uses of many natural products, while supporting the chemical intake of substances which cause more harm to the person taking them, and often little or no benefit.

Catalina :rose:
That's the problem I have with the DEA's dissent that I linked to above. They claim there are other drugs that can have the same desired effect, and use glaucoma as an example:
Advocates have promoted the use of marijuana to treat medical conditions such as glaucoma. However, this is a good example of more effective medicines already available. According to the Institute of Medicine, there are six classes of drugs and multiple surgical techniques that are available to treat glaucoma that effectively slow the progression of this disease by reducing high intraocular pressure.
So I thought I'd look up those six classes of drugs.
Ocusert is a miotic drug. Side effects include blurred or dim vision, stinging, burning, or discomfort in the eye, itching or redness of the eye, etc.
Propine, an epinephrine, is similar, adding increased sensitivity to light.
Ocupress is a beta blocker. Same effects, plus it stings and burns for a few minutes when you drop it into your eyes.
And so forth.
my tuppence

ethicalslut said:
Actually, studies have found that, when it comes to most illegal drugs, the majority of people try them a few times, then move on, with another group using them once in a blue moon (like once a year or so). By far, the tiniest group of users (but those most visible, and in need of the most help) are those who have become truly addicted.

Be careful not to paint "drug users" with too broad a brush. In this case, no, I would not recommend that this person continue using marijuana in this manner. However, the majority of Americans have smoked marijuana at some point in their existence, and most are none the worse for it. Even most people who have done "harder" drugs (myself included, btw) never even approach problem levels of use. Most live normal, productive lives.

(Climbs down off of her soapbox and waits for the inevitable slams)

Ah, an informed reader! I usually avoid drug discussion because it tends to degenerate into polarized, heartful and subjective comments across a divide which is convincing no one. Part of what we're learning is that it truly takes time to form an addiction, no matter what anyone thinks. About 3 years. Most people chip until then. But there are the people who will get there and the ones who won't. The problem is not the drugs per se but the reason anyone would want to use them regularly. Only someone who is unhappy with their reality is going to want to get that far away from it regularly. Most people wouldn't go bungee-jumping every day, either. In other words, most people who take a lot of drugs, or take them regularly, are self-medicating. Birds will get drunk on fermented berries, but if they did it every weekend, the cats under the trees would put an end to their genetic line.

(I hated pot, and am such a wimp in some ways, that it took me to 29 to finally be able to wordlessly pass, rather than at least take a symbolic toke (which is enough to put my waaaaay out there, for some reason.)) It should be legal, and regulated, though, like the alcohol industry, which is much more dangerous when abused.
When the topic turns to sex & drugs, I always think of the passed-out Chloe Sevigny getting humped by that horny little AIDS-ridden skateboard wigger in the film Kids . It was supposedly a horrific scene but I found it totally sexual; and from the way it was filmed I deduce that the auteur felt likewise.
rosco rathbone said:
Still smoking bones at 45 eh?

Christ; I'd be embarrassed to be a pothead at 30. Come now; switch to martinis and act your age.

I hate potheads

Gevalt! Glad I fessed up to my dubious past Before reading that thread.

Been in with a lot of strange and scary tribes in the distant past, most of the dealing or using. Mean Mexican Mafia chicks, mild-mannered murderers on the lam, busboy wanna-be hitmen, the teen bride widow of a gambler millionaire (murdered because he owed the mob), a rich former alterboy catholic Republican millionaire's son turned gay coke-using disco fiend. For a while, I hung out with all the redneck hippie ex-biker mountain man freaks, back in the day. Charlie Daniels Lives! (And his brother Jack.) Death to Disco was their cry! (And now hippies and disco are Both Baa-ack! eerie. What's that feeling? Deja rien ne pas vu? When you're someplace and it feels like you ain't never been? Or maybe that you just shoulda never been? So then I turned 21, got married and became what many people call normal. Uh where was I? Oh... Dru-ugs!!

:D :devil:
Re; What makes me submissive

Just a girl’s opinion, offered with respect and empathy. To limit yourself by using a substance – whether it’s pot, or martinis – to further your sensual focus seems like you’re tying your own hands, cheating yourself of the heights to which you can soar, unimpeded by a substance.

What about a different kind of focus? A hot bath while submerging yourself in the imagery that makes you tremble? My own choice, when I know I’m in for a really demanding scene, is thirty minutes of meditation focused on the soft waver of a candle, my imagination oriented on the scene ahead. Yoga, sensual music, naughty films, even, are other forms of focus.

My thoughts and empathy go out to you, Fun…I hope you find it within yourself to trade the chemicals for something more rewarding.


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