What pissed you off today? Mark II

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Men pretending to be women online, deceitfully. F***ers.
I hate having to have that at the back of my mind.
people still thinking I am a guy! I don't know how many more times I can say it so you understand. Just ask around those that have spoken to me and heard my voice, do some research or just shut the hell up...end of!
people still thinking I am a guy! I don't know how many more times I can say it so you understand. Just ask around those that have spoken to me and heard my voice, do some research or just shut the hell up...end of!

Wait, you're a chick! Aw man.....:D
people still thinking I am a guy! I don't know how many more times I can say it so you understand. Just ask around those that have spoken to me and heard my voice, do some research or just shut the hell up...end of!

I'm sure you're not a guy. Just as I'm sure you are catfishing men here at lit. How many men will come to your rescue because they all believe they're special to you? What happened to batman?
I'm sure you're not a guy. Just as I'm sure you are catfishing men here at lit. How many men will come to your rescue because they all believe they're special to you? What happened to batman?


Accusing someone of a crime is pretty serious...imo.
I'm sure you're not a guy. Just as I'm sure you are catfishing men here at lit. How many men will come to your rescue because they all believe they're special to you? What happened to batman?
I don't know you, I have never interacted with you, for some reason you have taken it upon yourself to attack me...bravo and have a nice day :D
I don't know you, I have never interacted with you, for some reason you have taken it upon yourself to attack me...bravo and have a nice day :D

I'm not going to blow smoke up your ass because you have tits and are willing to chat and talk dirty with what looks like every male on the playground. Have a nice day yourself. :D
"To lure someone into a relationship with a fictitious online persona" is a crime? Fuck - the Playground is in some big trouble.

Oh! I thought catfishing was luring someone into a fake relationship and taking their $$...that's the way it is on Dr. Phil. haha *shrugs*
How on Earth do you manage to post >6000 times in probably less than 3 months?
I don't think even Dennie & Dollie managed to do that.
The audacity of some people on Lit!
I was going to meet someone I've been emailing with for over a year. I knew it was a woman. Last week, she told me she would be in the area - going to a 50th birthday party for one of her sisters. I said I'd love to meet for coffee, just her.

She showed up, alone. We talked, got to know each other. Then he husband walked in and immediately turned the conversation to me going back to their motel room.

Of course I told her to never contact me again.
The audacity of some people on Lit!
I was going to meet someone I've been emailing with for over a year. I knew it was a woman. Last week, she told me she would be in the area - going to a 50th birthday party for one of her sisters. I said I'd love to meet for coffee, just her.

She showed up, alone. We talked, got to know each other. Then he husband walked in and immediately turned the conversation to me going back to their motel room.

Of course I told her to never contact me again.
WTF?!?!?!?!?! :mad:
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As annoying as this may be, phasing out all or most of the active super-long/never-ending threads will increase the forum speed substantially. If you see a thread that's active with more than 5,000 posts, please feel free to PM me with the link.

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Thank you for your patience and kind understanding!
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