What pissed you off today?

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Headache. I've already taken analgesics. I'm going to take a nap, and the fecking thing had better be gone when I wake up! :mad:
Dang summer cold!
1. cold shower -i know, should be a hot shower, but it's too damn hot!
2. Thai soup (hot & spicy kind!)
3. a bottle of pinot noir
4. an antihistimine
5. sweat it out, and sleep like a baby all night!
Hearing from my very talented friend about how her dream job seems to have fallen apart due to sexist strain in her workplace. They are really going to regret loosing her after she goes, and I tried to reassure her with thoughts about how maybe she has outgrown the job and it's good she moves on... but her heart is heavy and that is a tough place to start.
More an annoyance than anything.

I spent 3 hours tonight working on clientelling from home, because hours have been cut and I have too many other projects/responsibilities/clients to take care of on the clock to make time for it. Except that clientelling is now mandatory, and necessary to maintain (much less improve) my bottom line.

Which would be fine, except that my hours have been cut and I'm too busy at work [squeezing in all the things others aren't willing to volunteer for] to clientele, and doing it off the clock is annoying as fuck.


This would be what the children call a negative feedback loop...
If I don't stop ramming the same part of my head against the same wall, I am seriously going to be lop-headed. I know the truth of the situation and STILL let myself get frustrated by it. *facepalm*
"If that crazy bitch doesn't stop ramming her lop head into me, I'm gonna have to get plastered" - the same wall
Ahh, where's that quote...

and the freakin' horse you rode in on...

(ok, so I'm about to explode...:rolleyes:)
Seeing a man that I am all but certain would be a true Dominant, especially in the bedroom...and knowing that he is simply out of reach. That the lifestyle I deeply desire is out of reach because my heart belongs to a man who has no sexual desires.....oh wait, that's everyday.
Me: Hey, is there a way to generate XYZ report you sent last week at the store level? It was incredibly helpful & efficient for clientelling/marketing purposes, and I'd love to be able to utilize it more.
PR: Umm.. yeah. That's actually not possible with the systems you have in store; we use a totally different software for things like that. And I'm afraid we just don't have the time/resources to run those sorts of reports very often. Remember, your client book is your greatest asset!!

So when PR wants to, it can run a report isolating clients by defined search terms, creating a spreadsheet with name, email, address, client ID#. Which allows me to hammer out 60 personalized special events e-vites an hour with online software that will track RSVPs (for followup), create auto-guest lists for reuse, etc. Efficient, professional and easy to either do from home and/or during down time at work.

But because they have access to different software than me, my only option is to collect client information at checkout to fill in their profile, create a physical hard copy for my client book, and when special events occur, research through my client book/cross reference it to the less detailed reports I'm able to pull at a local level, and generate a new list through copy/paste or by hand.


Fuck that shit; I'll create my own spreadsheet system. :mad:
Me: Hey, is there a way to generate XYZ report you sent last week at the store level? It was incredibly helpful & efficient for clientelling/marketing purposes, and I'd love to be able to utilize it more.
PR: Umm.. yeah. That's actually not possible with the systems you have in store; we use a totally different software for things like that. And I'm afraid we just don't have the time/resources to run those sorts of reports very often. Remember, your client book is your greatest asset!!

So when PR wants to, it can run a report isolating clients by defined search terms, creating a spreadsheet with name, email, address, client ID#. Which allows me to hammer out 60 personalized special events e-vites an hour with online software that will track RSVPs (for followup), create auto-guest lists for reuse, etc. Efficient, professional and easy to either do from home and/or during down time at work.

But because they have access to different software than me, my only option is to collect client information at checkout to fill in their profile, create a physical hard copy for my client book, and when special events occur, research through my client book/cross reference it to the less detailed reports I'm able to pull at a local level, and generate a new list through copy/paste or by hand.


Fuck that shit; I'll create my own spreadsheet system. :mad:
Step into my office. I've been hearing good things about you from the district manager.
Me: Hey, is there a way to generate XYZ report you sent last week at the store level?

Fuck that shit; I'll create my own spreadsheet system. :mad:

No shared software within the company system? Really? Shame on them! Sucks for customer service.

Screw the software, you're hard copy is your tried-and-true best best, CM
There was a riot at my university. A large dormitory's geyser blew a few days ago and it hadn't been repaired. So the strapping young men decided to make the entire university "unfunctionable" until they could get hot showers again. Cue vandalism, hospitalization of victims, burning tires, and general chaos. The police had to evacuate the entire campus. They've threatened to do again on Monday.

Welcome to Africa.
Stupid f-cking neighbors. I guess I should say their lawn service. Machines going since seven this morning.
There was a riot at my university. A large dormitory's geyser blew a few days ago and it hadn't been repaired. So the strapping young men decided to make the entire university "unfunctionable" until they could get hot showers again. Cue vandalism, hospitalization of victims, burning tires, and general chaos. The police had to evacuate the entire campus. They've threatened to do again on Monday.

Welcome to Africa.

So sorry it came to this, Artic Fox ~ positive Karma coming your way!
Stupid f-cking neighbors. I guess I should say their lawn service. Machines going since seven this morning.

Out here noise regulations allow loud noises like lawm mowers, and machinery like construction or renovations to go on from 6AM to 10PM. However barking dogs, is considered the only real moise comlaint. So 7AM is not too bad. Also it is possible for your neighbourhood committee to put through a petition to your town or city to have your neighbournood to have noise regulations to go to 8AM which many older neighbourhoods do out here.

Stop complaining, and do something about it. If you petition fails then you can complain.
I should really learn to stop saying things in the smile/laughter thread that deal with other people. They always let me down, and then I end up looking like an idiot.

I'm so tired of being uncertain, of feeling like a fish on her hook, just waiting for her to decide whether she wants to deign to reel me in.

This fucking sucks...
A two-fer post today, on sort-of related topics.

FCC eyes tax on Internet service
By Brendan Sasso - 08/26/12 06:00 AM ET

The Federal Communications Commission is eyeing a proposal to tax broadband Internet service.

The move would funnel money to the Connect America Fund, a subsidy the agency created last year to expand Internet access.

The FCC issued a request for comments on the proposal in April. Dozens of companies and trade associations have weighed in, but the issue has largely flown under the public's radar.


LEAKED! TPP: the Son of ACTA will oblige America and other countries to throw out privacy, free speech and due process for easier copyright enforcement

By Cory Doctorow at 6:00 pm Saturday, Aug 25

The Trans-Pacific Partnership is the son of ACTA, a secretive copyright and trade treaty being negotiated by the Pacific Rim nations, including the USA and Canada. As with ACTA, the secretive negotiation process means that the treaty's provisions represent an extremist corporate agenda where due process, privacy and free expression are tossed out the window in favor of streamlined copyright enforcement. If this passes, America will have a trade obligation to implement all the worst stuff in SOPA, and then some.
As usual, much more in the stories, linked through their headlines above.
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