What pissed you off today?

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I was waiting in my car, at the mall and this guy just starts throwing trash out of his car, cups and wrappers, right on the ground. Really? Are people still littering?
Frostbites on my cheeks. Like my skin isn't horribly dry in the winter already, now in the frostbitten spots I look like I'm trying to shed my skin completely and sport a lovely, fleshy look instead.

Dear future self,

no more skating, no matter how much of a last chance it might be for a while, if the windchill is close to -30C (-23F).
Westboro Baptist plans praise gathering outside Sandy Hook Elementary school to celebrate God 'executing his judgement'

WBC hates America. WBC hates ... everyone? Simple solution. Let them - no - MAKE them leave. Good luck to them in finding a country that will accept them.

One of the journalists that I follow on Twitter linked to a Tweet about this by one of the Phelps family. The direct replies were mostly very angry rebuttals. These people are truly sick with self-absorption.
Pretty much everything pisses me off right now including things that didn't piss me off last week

I do believe SADS has got ahold of me.

Actually, maybe they did piss me off last week too...
Pretty much everything pisses me off right now including things that didn't piss me off last week

I do believe SADS has got ahold of me.

Actually, maybe they did piss me off last week too...

I am with you 100% on that one Stella ... meds and light therapy are my saviors! (and my husband's uncanny ability to calm me down when i want to rip someone's head off or cry for hours)
I am with you 100% on that one Stella ... meds and light therapy are my saviors! (and my husband's uncanny ability to calm me down when i want to rip someone's head off or cry for hours)
I am doing light therapy, which is why I think it held off for so long :) Time to triple my vit D pills? I sure don't want to take Zoloft. I seem to have become sensitized to it-- no orgasms, not even on 25 mg a day.
I am doing light therapy, which is why I think it held off for so long :) Time to triple my vit D pills? I sure don't want to take Zoloft. I seem to have become sensitized to it-- no orgasms, not even on 25 mg a day.

I understand completely Stella. I started on lexapro .. worked well on the SAD but i gained weight and couldnt lose it, lost my sex drive completely, and became a foggy zombie in many ways. I added in light therapy and that helped.

After 4 years on lexapro I changed to Wellbutrin (loved it since it brought my sex drive back in full force or more, i was also able to lose a bit of weight). But it didnt take care of my SAD and depression symptoms completely so the doctor added zoloft .. the meds are a a good combo for me. Now I also take enormous doses of vitamin D and that helps too. I think the wellbutrin and zoloft actually balance each other out so my sex drive hasnt taken a bit hit on the zoloft, thank goodness.
Completely getting thrown under the bus by a "friend" and coworker. Then realizing what kind of people I work with and how much I hate it. Job hunting...
Completely getting thrown under the bus by a "friend" and coworker. Then realizing what kind of people I work with and how much I hate it. Job hunting...

That is horrible! So sorry to hear about your lousy co-workers .... good luck in your job hunt.
1) A friend's husband
2) A friend's mom- I don't know why there is such animosity there
3) The freaking price of tattoos at my local tattoo parlor
4) The fact that rape is pandemic in South Africa
5) Fox News
6) The douchebag who lives across the street who starts running a leaf blower at 7 am
3) The freaking price of tattoos at my local tattoo parlor - LOL, I know ... when I got my first tat I was shocked at the price ... but for good artwork by a skilled artist - you get what you pay for.

4) The fact that rape is pandemic in South Africa - add the high incidence of AIDS and that is even scarier
It is very rare that i get truly mad about much but i did get mad at a friend yesterday and sent them this email.......

hey there sweetie,

I had a think this morning about what bothered me so much about you saying you were going to donate your earnings to the Viki Soto appeal........ and i want to express how i feel without judgement.

Takes a big breath...........

So many cases like this, ordinary people doing heroic things, in the news draw good minded people like yourself to them and raise a lot of money for very good causes. They do so because of incidents like the shooting or that poor boy who stood on the corner and was hit by a random car.

But there are so many charities out there doing it so hard that cant buy the media advertising that these tragedies get........

I don't make a big deal of the fact that I support a little known but phenomenal children's charity more with my time than financially. they provide housing for families from remote area's who children must have prolonged treatments in hospital. Farmers who had crop dusting planes or light planes to for general transport in the outback also donate time and fuel to ferry the kids back and forth in times of need so they can spend more time at home rather in in hospital or a strange house staffed by well meaning strangers. But that's my choice to support some unsung hero's.

Ask yourself, with all the publicity and wonderful people like you that Viki Soto's charity will appeal to is there not a school or a children's hospital in more need of your funds than that teachers family and friends who will probably gain more than they will know what to do with, through donations form wonderful people like you. Perhaps the counselors and psychiatrists who treat children of trauma like those who survived the shooting need a help hand more urgently.

I like that you care about these things but I find in a lot of ways you are so reactionary to the news and i just wanted to give you another perspective. News stories will always draw alot of money to them and charities who are proven to do good year after year as they hang by a financial thread never will.

I would like you to watch this commercial.....


The children of today are the ones who will ultimately decide new laws and which nursing homes we reside in and the funding given to them when we are old and feeble or if like Logan's run we will all be given an end date.

Just needed to say that and ask you to think about where your hard earned money should go. If you are giving to a highlighted media charity so you can be seen to make a difference or if your motivations are truly altruistic. I know that sounds like a challenge, but i am sure there are area's of your home town, that need hep more than Viki Soto's family. Think about it, please.

I agree fully that Viki was a hero and i would hope that if a gunman came to my classroom I would do the same but who knows ....... I just wanted to point out the unsung hero's to you.


I know a lot of people will pounce on me for that but I felt the need to say it again.
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