What story research have you done that would potentially put you on a watch list, say with the FBI or MI5?

My story One Night in Dubai has some international espionage, and one major supporting character is a CIA agent, but honestly most of the research was geography. I spent a lot of time wandering around Dubai on Google Street View. The espionage stuff was all cribbed from Tom Clancy novels.
I just had to Google to learn how to properly spell Rohypnol, the "date rape" drug, and get some info on its effects, for a new story.

No, I'm not writing a rape story, per say. It's an attempted rape story. But the guys pick the wrong target, a She-Demon, and wind up regretting it.
Every time I write a story, ads pop up for things I might have mentioned, like clothing or jewelry. Often the same name brand name or style.

I haven't really researched anything that might look suspicious, but it makes me wonder who or what is looking at whatever we write, never mind any research we might be doing.
I've done a lot of research into things I suppose might seem suspicious to law enforcement or the CIA, but at my age, I doubt they'd waste the time to come talk to me. Even if they did someday, I'd just laugh and show them my stories. Who knows, I might get a few more followers out of it.
I've written James Bond fanfic, so there's been a fair few searches to establish grade structures (MI6 is a Directorate General in the Foreign Office), details on Enhanced vetting (funnily enough, not much on that is in the public domain), and lots of looking at maps of the local area and googling addresses listed as belonging to the Vauxhall Cross building.

Not to mention research for my Lit story Image Nine Point Four which involves a lot of detail on Parliament and security - the legal shenanigans are basically an excuse for 'plausibly' having a caning and sex scene in the middle of the Houses of Parliament, in front of Supreme Court judges, as you do. Coming up with a plausible estimate of how many MPs have genital piercings (more or less than the general public, do you think?) probably set off a few alerts for potential blackmail, besides the potential for subversion.
I think the worst thing I've looked up so far is which incest laws applies to which US state. :unsure:

Most of my common searches go along the lines of "What's the difference between a cardigan and a sweater?" and "Is fuchsia just another word for pink?"
I just had to Google to learn how to properly spell Rohypnol, the "date rape" drug, and get some info on its effects, for a new story.

No, I'm not writing a rape story, per se. It's an attempted rape story. But the guys pick the wrong target, a She-Demon, and wind up regretting it.
Nice. Little blonde she demon??? Curious minds and all that…
Coming up with a plausible estimate of how many MPs have genital piercings (more or less than the general public, do you think?)

Thanks, now that's going to be the first question I'm going to ask myself every time I see one being interview. As if half of them didn't turn my stomach enough.
I've been working on some interesting stories lately. At least I think so. Anyway, for one, I've been doing research into various party drugs like Ecstasy and ketamine. For another things you would need to create a fake identity. I can see in my innate paranoia, any of these searches getting me a visit from guys in bad suits driving black suburbans.

So, I guess the question is, what trouble have you been getting into lately? :)
Here in the NL it is quite common for teenagers to be given a school assignment to research and present the effects drugs have. (Obviously not actually taking the drugs, just look up info online)
Knowing what the dangers and side effects are is useful information. Probably works better to deter teens from wanting to try drugs as well.

I doubt anything I research for a story would be interesting for law enforcement.
For example I looked up the Roman Emperor Claudius and his wives. Messalina is known for cuckolding her husband and having a gangbang competition with a Roman sex worker. I was thinking of turning that into a story.

"How often do you think about the Roman Empire?"
Daily. Yes. Don't question it.
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The ability and willingness to work through issues is critical to any successful relationship. I'm thinking the involvement of demons makes it even more important. :)
We’ve so far managed to iron out the gross inconsistencies between our separate sagas in the same universe. But we view it as Homer and Virgil (pretentious much?) telling different takes on different ways. Which allows for some local variation.

We’ve so far managed to iron out the gross inconsistencies between our separate sagas in the same universe. But we view it as Homer and Virgil (pretentious much?) telling different takes on different ways. Which allows for some local variation.


There's actually not many inconsistencies, in fact I think we've worked through most of them enough to have logical in universe reasons for the differences.
Thanks, now that's going to be the first question I'm going to ask myself every time I see one being interview. As if half of them didn't turn my stomach enough.
Sadly mysexymp.co.uk is now defunct, so you can't rate out-of-date pics of MPs any more (you may recall Owen Patterson being rated the sexiest MP about 8 years ago - the pic submitted of him must have been 20 years old...)

Though a recent survey claims Dishy Rishi is no.1: Results here
Thanks, now that's going to be the first question I'm going to ask myself every time I see one being interview. As if half of them didn't turn my stomach enough.

Gotcha there. Transfer this idea to the US Congress and I want to just throw up. With one exception - Boebert is hot, and the recent theater video scandal is completely in-character. Would have to gag 'er, tho’.
Gotcha there. Transfer this idea to the US Congress and I want to just throw up. With one exception - Boebert is hot, and the recent theater video scandal is completely in-character. Would have to gag 'er, tho’.
This is the first I'm hearing of this and was surprised to see night vision video inside the theater.

I didn't know that was something theaters had. I wonder how that could be incorporated into a story?
I think theaters have been doing this for a while. I would conjecture so in the Denver area especially in the aftermath of the Aurora mass-shooting a couple of years ago. I don’t think it’s necessarily to spy on patrons’ amorous activities in the dark, although somebody of Boebert’s stature really should have known better, and she should have been much more mea culpa about it than she was.
The use of video cameras (including night vision) is common in theatres, largely for security/safety reasons, but also to monitor crowd movements. They also catch amorous activities, though that's incidental. It's done to protect both the patrons and the theatre itself. In the event of incidents, accidents, or lawsuits you can pull the video and see what happened.

In this modern panopticon, simply assume that you're being caught on video tape everywhere. It's estimated that the average person in America is caught on video tape 27 times a day.
I am writing a series where the two main characters are hired killers. Special Forces type. Researching ways to kill people, how guns are made, concealed weapons, bombs, assassinations, Russia, Drugs and Cartels...I may be flagged with someone...lol. But I think along with research on writing styles, grammar and other writing related searches may clue any possible watchers in to my activities. Still, I always chuckle as "this search will do it" pops into my head.