What the heck...

Okay, first, so you are saying you think my very adult cat, long gone btw, was equating the back of my head to a big furry boob in the middle of the night while I was sleeping???
Not literally. She just felt relaxed and close to you and reacted in the one way she would react to similar feelings she had about her mother feeding her.

While I think a GF or two might have thought the same thing about me in general, I can't come to grips with this statement about my cat. Now, contrary to any allusion your Lit name is kat, but I'm guessing that while 98% of your conjecture might be perceptually correct but that leaves an elusive 2% of your conjecture that only a real life cat can say is just human SWAG (Scientific Wild Ass Guess)
A bit funny since you are, I assume, a female irl and have no cat genes in yourself??
Of course I cant understand cats 100%, I would have to be a cat for that and last I checked I was just a humble human (yes, a female one). I know for sure I have Hungarian, Turkish and Italian genes added into my mostly Slav ones and I heard some speculations from a pretty renowned historian in my family about old Illyrian genes too. None mentioned cats yet ;)

You might think that adult cats are mentally immature because of domestication, however I would point out that if my very adult cat did this infantile gesture to the heads of other people and other cats while they are sleeping, then I'd have to agree.
My cat only did it to me and in the middle of the night.
Some cats may develop such bond with several people, however some react in that infantile, instinctive way with just one. She would hardly react the same to other cats since she doesnt see them as dominant motherly figure, cats dont relate to each other in that way when grown up.
As for middle of the night, maybe that was the time when she felt closest to you and was sure you will not back off.

I could be wrong, because...
That is why its called opinions and speculations and its fun as a mind practice :)

And to StrayKat - what other outcome could there be in debating cat topics with a Wulf? :D
Hahaha, I dont mind, I like the challenge and hearing different opinions.
Besides, even though I do identify as a cat on my profile and AV, you might notice I speak of myself as a "bitch" a lot of times too :D
My cat seemed to find it ...humorous... to punk me, by flexing it's claws and get me to jump out of bed screaming from a blissful night of slumber.
Repeatedly. :mad: :rolleyes:

I also see this as possibly a revenge issue for all those times I got her to run around chasing a laser pointer which seemed to torment her by running all around her then hide under the couch (turned off). She was sure a herd of laser lights were hiding under the couch the way she would extend her paw under there and try to dig them out.
See, it does make sense.:D
I think you are just inserting human values over feline ones.

Hm, so you believe humans exclusively feel intimate and relaxed while nursing?
I am amazed at how the rest of the mammals manage to survive without some basic emotional reactions then :rolleyes:

But of course you could know more about cats and breastfeeding and stuff than I do, there is always a chance :)
Hm, so you believe humans exclusively feel intimate and relaxed while nursing?
I am amazed at how the rest of the mammals manage to survive without some basic emotional reactions then :rolleyes:

But of course you could know more about cats and breastfeeding and stuff than I do, there is always a chance :)


Here I thought we were talking about my cat kneading the back of my head with it's claws while I slept. Now check me on this, I may be wrong because I am no cat expert, but I thought cats have their boobs in a place other than the back of the head?
Call me funny, but I think even a kitten knows where the head is and where the belly is. If my cat clawed my tummy, I'd whole heartedly fall for this reasoning.

Also, if I felt a cat mouth nuzzling my ear while flexing her claws, again, (think she was brain damaged, I'd think perhaps your line of reasoning might be plausible... or is that clawsible?

To collars and cuffs, Smarty! :rolleyes: