What the word "Freedom" means to you

ain’t little flags
waiving during the
fourth of july parade

is little flags
standing guard
atop a soldiers grave
by exmrn27

Freedom is the gentle tapping of a swaying set of dog tags
Blowing in the wind against a wooden cross
As a formation of brothers
Snap to attention as if on cue,

Only to raise a final salute
To that PFC from Charlie company
Who pushed that other Marine away,
And hugged that intended grenade as a baby
Only to disappear in a cloud of dust and sand.

And there he was, captured in a deathly sleep
Which burns into the minds of those that saw it
But will sadly be lost by those
Who were never there --- Ah the bitter rub in it all...

A heavy price while people are busy at the mall
And tuned into the ever reaching circus
Of the boob tube and the many jokers
That use aloof minds as a two-faced coin
To pander and fiddle for this and that
Only to come up far short than they should be.

Freedom never had such a somber tone
As the bugle slowly performed taps,
To another unknown face that gave all
So that others could breath that sweet free air;
And thus is the never ending story
To the ones that hold the line.

There are a lot of poems on the theme of fighting for freedom. I found yours to be powerful and thought provoking. Very nice write.
I left the theme of this thread rather open on the subject of "freedom". Sometimes one can become a prisoner within yourself. I met a female friend like that, a woman, beautiful inside but locked in her paralyzed view of herself. Freedom and Liberty are synonyms...I wrote this poem with her in mind.

by Naamplao

Come walk with me,
Take my hand,
Let me show,
A future land.

Where there is no hate,
Only love and peace,
Acceptance for all,
with worry to cease.

Shed this cocoon,
Of isolation, despair,
Discover the world,
With a fresh new air.

Full of life,
Opportunity untold,
Where, like a butterfly,
Your wings will unfold.

For beauty lies within,
A mirror cannot see,
Just reach in and find,
Sweet liberty.

Thanks for your kind compliments, I've been working on a series based on my fellow service member's stories and accounts.
Fingertips torn and bleeding
tearing at the prison bars
you placed around my mind
and soul, forever seeking
to drag me from this abyss,


I fear it will never be mine.
I have heard of it
I think it exists
but cannot find it.
Marriage bliss turns sour and cold
Feelings darken
Children live cozy and warm
Heart does harden

Wedding ring binds me
Lust for another
Daughter’s happiness shackles my soul
Need for a lover

Lift addled sprit from hellish torment
Cry from the rapture
Children’s happiness pay for redemption
She loves me
Marriage bliss turns sour and cold
Feelings darken
Children live cozy and warm
Heart does harden

Wedding ring binds me
Lust for another
Daughter’s happiness shackles my soul
Need for a lover

Lift addled sprit from hellish torment
Cry from the rapture
Children’s happiness pay for redemption
She loves me

Mick, that's quite good so far. Nice to see you in here playing!

No you can't move however
you want if you want
my hand in yours. But you can
decide if you want to move
like this. One step. Two more.
Your eyes on mine and mine
on yours.

This pattern is a dance.
The constraint of your step
allows me to match yours
even though our legs are joined
to different bodies and even
though our bodies came
from different wombs, you feel
my rhythm in yours, in your pulse
the song of our twinned spiral
of pleasure.

Of course, this
is not the only pattern.
There are round dances,
square dances, lines
but this one
is the one I know.
This partnership
of toe to toe
is the way
I move
not because
I must but because
it matches the music
of my blood.

I do not need to spin.
My chin is lifted,
my eyes (though there are two)
have one focus
because it makes me
happiest. And what else
is freedom but the choice

to be happy?
Stay true to yourself Dora sweetheart and I applaud you for it even though I know that way holds pain. I hand you the crown wear it with pride :rose:
.....means no labels

Naked on the pantry shelf
ingredients wear me
Upon dipping
my cling to your spoon
says, I am honey
But I can be
any sweet thing
you crave