What was that?

hmmm sorta true. I have almost blacked out from pain. actually I have amnesia due to pain.
but I've never had the rest of those symtoms.
but I am sorta "used" to sever pain after 20 years. what may hurt me maybe something someone else cant tolerate at all and would get that sorta reaction. after 20 years I've had to learn to deal with pain.. so it is very possible that someone's body would react differently since they havent had all that I have. your body... your mind.. your brain's chemistry to process pain is created by your physical experiences.
I know a few times in life when I too was in alot of pain I felt the same things with the same results............
a person can pass out/black out from pain.
or be delirious
also keep in mind everyone's body is conditioned differently..
therefor one can react differently to something then others.
I've laughed after breakin an arm.

people really look funny at me.
pain COULD triger a panic attack.
her panic attack could have been trigered by pain as well.

could be the combo of those... being excited and pain.
body releases hormones... and caused a panic attack.
its possible

Wizard said:
I know a few times in life when I too was in alot of pain I felt the same things with the same results............