What would be your last meal...if you were on death row?

A 2 liter of cold Mountain Dew and a plateful of hot melted ham and cheese sandwiches, on sourdough.
Maybe I'd get lucky and induce a heart attack before they throw the switch.
The liver of the judge that sentenced me flash fried with gravy , onions and sweet potato mash
A vodka gimlet. Steamed clams in white wine and garlic. Pasta carbonara. Caesar salad. A bottle of Sassicaia. Heroin. A pack of cigs.
A grilled porterhouse medium, full rack of ribs st. Louis style, huge baked potato with butter, top the tator and real bacon bits. A bottle of Johnny Walker silver. For dessert pumpkin bars with cream cheese frosting.
Capilinni de Mare and a nice piece of chocolate cake. Coke for the dinner, cold milk with the cake.
BigMac Menu and felt disgusting after. I spend half day in McDonalds doing different translations here https://isaccurate.com/portuguese-translation-services and finally finished the letter which i had to write last week already. At the beginning the language seemed very simple to me, but now it gets more and more complicated. I would already quit if that wouldn't be so important for me.
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Another way to be a nasty type of dead man walking is request or make something with overwhelming odor, like durian fruit (smells like shit or rotting flesh) or surströmming (fermented rotting fish). A homicidal chemist may know how to make strong or unhealthy odors from ordinary food.