What would you do...

I’d tell all the meathead MAGAs that I was testing to find out how stupid they were, and to go home before I sent the National Guard to round them all up.
Yeah, I'd do pretty much this. I'll tell my supporters to accept that we lost fair and square, and they should go home and work harder to win in 2024. If they still attacked the Capitol I'd do my duty as Commander in Chief and call up whatever law enforcement and military support was required to secure the safety of Congress.

Any patriotic American would do the same.
Yeah, I'd do pretty much this. I'll tell my supporters to accept that we lost fair and square, and they should go home and work harder to win in 2024. If they still attacked the Capitol I'd do my duty as Commander in Chief and call up whatever law enforcement and military support was required to secure the safety of Congress.

Any patriotic American would do the same.
This one is actually a good and productive contribution to the thread. Pretty much the total opposite of what I did, of course, but then we can't all be Lenin wannabes.

Good job, Bright.
I would first seek a life so that I'd have something else to talk about other than a three year old event which-to no surprise-yielded not official proof of his involvement

Then, seeing scenes like that are so awful to you, I would leap to the here and now and go cry about all the Nazi's and domestic terrorists on the campuses. You know, the ones that all vote the way you do? For Hate and racism?
Lucky me, then. :)


In the short term, I would:
1. Immediately summon Jared Kushner and William Barr to my presence (two people who seem to have been hated almost equally by Trump's biggest fans and his biggest enemies), order my followers to necklace them in front of the nearest news crew. I would warn besieged elements of Congress that they will be spared this fate if they surrender promptly. I might even keep my word! I'll keep it for a while at least; I do need hostages after all.

2. Direct them to set up an encamped perimeter in those portions of the Capitol that we've overrun so far, hoping that Federal forces won't have it in them to risk the destruction of a national landmark in removing us. I would call upon followers throughout the country to begin forming armed revolutionary cadres to make their way into the city to support us. Rather stupid of my people on the scene not have brought their own guns before doing what they've done, but whatever. My message to the others would be, "Relieve us if you can, avenge us if you can't!"

3. I would open lines of communication with Capitol Hill Police, Washington DC National Guard, FBI, and any other armed System Loyalists who might stand against us. Democratic and Republican party apparatchiks would be pointedly ignored, as in a revolutionary setting the only people who matter are those with guns or those willing to use guns. Media, in a similar vein, would only be countenanced insofar as I need their assistance in disseminating my message.

4. Declare late that night or possibly in the morning that I've had an epiphany, and that I now intend to conduct a revolutionary struggle on behalf of America's workers and peasants, that the elites who hold the entirety of our establishment are our enemy and that the time has come to root them out with the blast of artillery and the chatter of machine-gun.

I would be very careful how I do that last one. I would carry on with all the typical God-fearing Red White and Blue MAGAtard bullshit for as long as I have to, but start to slowly inoculate more and more socialistic talking points into my rhetoric so that my "hardcore base" begin to recognize their true positions as dispossessed peasant proletarians. Hopefully, in doing so, I would new inroads with the urban worker proletariat and start to gain their sympathy (maybe apologizing for some of the dumb things I previously said regarding the George Floyd Uprising), but on the whole I'll keep my focus on the White rural poor who brought me into office in 2016. Mao was right, cities are the graveyards of revolutions.

Intermediate goals:
1. Try to fight my way out of this graveyard of revolutions that I so inconveniently find myself in. Should be possible; West Virginia isn't too far away and if we get any trickle of sympathetic supply (by land routes, by air drop, or even by water up the Potamic River) then we would have the arms and ammunition to secure our passage. Montani semper liberi! Will I succeed where John Brown failed? :unsure:

2. Get in touch with elements of the political Left who might be willing to come to an agreement as a means of avoiding full-scale war. Offer political independence for the Pacific Coast and the Northeast, offer autonomy for urban enclaves, and so on and so forth. Doubt that any Democratic Party officials would take me up on such an offer, but much of the rank-and-file would see it as a tantalizing proposal.

3. If it hasn't happened already, see if those loyal to me can seize control of at least a portion of the US Nuclear Arsenal. It should be possible, many military bases are in remote rural areas and even those storing nuclear weapons are often ill-equiped for protracted siege.

That last one is a grim necessity. Federal forces would likely act very slowly to something so stunning as a lame duck US president leading a nationwide communist insurrection, but when they finally do act it will be without the slightest tinge of mercy. Authorizing the use of nuclear weapons against rebel strongholds is not at all unthinkable, at least so long as we remain unable to respond in kind.

Long term goals:
Hard to say. It depends so much on what the world looks like in that most alternate of Jan 7's. I do think that System Loyalists would eventually get their act together and mobilize their forces against us. They would declare martial law, reinforce any military garrisons that remain under control, possibly induct their captive population into Volkstrum-style anti-partisan militias and throw them into battle against us. That would be the saddest element of this war. 😔

Very likely, the CIA would bring in ISIS and Azov Battalion-style mercenaries to conduct a reign of terror against intransigent populations. FBI would conduct a campaign of targeted assassinations against revolutionary leaders and their families, along with other COINTELPRO-style dirty tricks. The Donald Trump of this world would be very, very lucky if he or any of his progeny die peacefully. Feds like to burn their enemies to death almost as much as I do.

I would need some level of international support, and I think I could get it. Fuckers spent so long accusing me of colluding with the Russians? I'll show them what Russian collusion really looks like! I would put an immediate halt on all Ukrainian aid, call for Ukraine to accept a UN-supervised vote on secession in the Russian-speaking portions of Ukraine, so long as Russia accepts a second, UN-supervised vote in Crimea. I would halt all aid to Israel until they enact a return to the borders as they existed at the time of the Naksah. I would restore diplomatic ties with Cuba and North Korea like we should have done 50 years ago. I would apologize to Iran and offer some form of restitution for my role in the murder of General Soleimani, I would IMMEDIATELY withdraw from Afghanistan and extend full diplomatic recognition of the Taliban regime, I would cease all antagonistic actions against Syria, Yemen, Venezuela, etc.

I don't know if Biden would still be in charge by February. He was allowed to become president because he was "safe" and "normal" (so normal, he was a fucking segregationist when it politically-expedient to be one). I think, in this world, the business and war interests would have him step aside in favor of someone more... dynamic.

Be funny if they picked bitch-boi Bernie to face off against me. He who actually did get cheated out of an election (twice!), and he who's response to it was "OH, YEEESSSSS!!! PUNISH ME MORE, MASTER!!!"

Also, as much as I'm sure it would pain me, I would probably stop fucking Ivanka.
I would have Quantum Leaped into the Capitol policeman closest to you and shot you straight through the head three times. Then a couple times in the balls.
I would have Quantum Leaped into the Capitol policeman closest to you and shot you straight through the head three times. Then a couple times in the balls.
Sorry. Knee-jerk reaction to another retarded thread. I would have Leaped into the closest Secret Service agent.
I would have Quantum Leaped into the Capitol policeman closest to you and shot you straight through the head three times. Then a couple times in the balls.
The closest one to me?

21 foot rule, piggy. ;)

I will now close with you and lock you down before you can draw the weapon and bring it to bear upon me. Then I and the crowd will disarm you and then you too will face the necklace.
I would first seek a life so that I'd have something else to talk about other than a three year old event which-to no surprise-yielded not official proof of his involvement

Then, seeing scenes like that are so awful to you, I would leap to the here and now and go cry about all the Nazi's and domestic terrorists on the campuses. You know, the ones that all vote the way you do? For Hate and racism?
which-to no surprise-yielded not official proof of his involvement

Who? Trump? He did hold the rally that brought all those people to Washington.

And we all would have liked “involvement” from Trump when they forced their way past barricades, attacked cops and smashed doors and windows to break into the Capitol. Instead Trump sat and watched on TV.
yielded not official proof of his involvement



From the article:

“Donald Trump scrawled the words on Twitter that motivated right-wing extremists to seek blood on Jan. 6, 2021, and kept secret a plan to direct his supporters to the Capitol that day, according to evidence and testimony presented Tuesday at the seventh hearing of the House select committee investigating the pro-Trump riot.”



Hope that ^ helps.


👉 Lovecrap68 🤣

Who? Trump? He did hold the rally that brought all those people to Washington.

And we all would have liked “involvement” from Trump when they forced their way past barricades, attacked cops and smashed doors and windows to break into the Capitol. Instead Trump sat and watched on TV.
Nah, right wingers are right on this one.

The problem with Jan 6. wasn't that it was an insurrection. The problem was that it wasn't an insurrection. Not a serious one, at least. If it had been then they would have at least all brought their guns with them.

My previous "halfhearted July Days" comment actually fits, the more that I think about it. July Days led to the October Revolution. Jan 6. could have led to something too. Heck, maybe it will in the end, history is still be written after all.

Rather doubt it though. Trump might be a lot of things, but another Lenin? That, he is not.
Nah, right wingers are right on this one.

The problem with Jan 6. wasn't that it was an insurrection. The problem was that it wasn't an insurrection. Not a serious one, at least. If it had been then they would have at least all brought their guns with them.

My previous "halfhearted July Days" comment actually fits, the more that I think about it. July Days led to the October Revolution. Jan 6. could have led to something too. Heck, maybe it will in the end, history is still be written after all.

Rather doubt it though. Trump might be a lot of things, but another Lenin? That, he is not.
They did bring their guns.

They did bring their guns.
Less than single-digit percentage of "they." Hardly the kind of firepower one brings to bear when planning to overrun state institutions and implement a revolutionary insurrectionist government.

July Days, not October Revolution.
Less than single-digit percentage of "they." Hardly the kind of firepower one brings to bear when planning to overrun state institutions and implement a revolutionary insurrectionist government.
I didn't realize it required a percentage to meet your definition. Maybe add a disclaimer next time.

July Days, not October Revolution.
Yes, because obviously you need big bangs and shit else it doesn't count. 👍
The closest one to me?

21 foot rule, piggy. ;)

I will now close with you and lock you down before you can draw the weapon and bring it to bear upon me. Then I and the crowd will disarm you and then you too will face the necklace.
You're Trump in this scenario, right? Which means you'd be shitting your gold-plated adult diapers as I slowly walked up to you, nodding at the other agents and cops confidently. After I put three slugs through your face, I can face whatever consequences come afterwards, including death, being happier and more content than I ever have been in my life.
You're Trump in this scenario, right? Which means you'd be shitting your gold-plated adult diapers as I slowly walked up to you, nodding at the other agents and cops confidently. After I put three slugs through your face, I can face whatever consequences come afterwards, including death, being happier and more content than I ever have been in my life.
If we're going by the Quantum Leap system of rules then no, I'm not Trump. I look like Trump, I control his body, and I have somewhat-patchy access to his memories, but his physical form is an illusion (aura) which I'm "wearing" over my own. If we're going by the "Gabriel over the White House" system then I'm actually an angel and I shall turn you into a pillar of salt right before I vaporize your hometown.

Either way, I'm not really a profoundly-ignorant and morbidly-obese man in his 70's. And I'm not attracted to my daughter.
Well... :censored:


I still have all the knowledge from my last life, I still have my reasonably-healthy body, I still have my cursory knowledge of Jujitsu and Silat, and I still have my skill as a gun owner.

Now, between the two of us, I don't actually know who would win in one-on-one duel to the death. This is the Internet, after all, so of course the both of us are 12 foot tall Navy SEALs who both have 12 inch dicks, but I would say that I have a fair chance of keeping myself alive until my retinue of Red Guards in the making uh, patriotic American dissidents can subdue and dispatch you.
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I didn't realize it required a percentage to meet your definition. Maybe add a disclaimer next time.
Not a serious one, at least. If it had been then they would have at least all brought their guns with them.
See the "all" there? That's the disclaimer. They would have all brought their guns with them. And used them. Not "maybe a dozen of them would have brought a few guns, which even they didn't have the balls to put some pigs in a blanket with"
Yes, because obviously you need big bangs and shit else it doesn't count. 👍
in a revolutionary setting the only people who matter are those with guns or those willing to use guns.
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The Proud Boys might argue with you, considering the length of their prison terms. Dumbfucks.
Oh believe me, I don't at all oppose that outcome.

Well, yes I do. The Kerensky regime made the same mistake with us after the July Days, when they locked up Trotsky (also on the charge of sedition, though they only held him for 40 days) but allowed him and his partisans to go on living.

I wouldn't make that mistake. If I leaped into the body of Biden instead of Trump, I would see to it that absolutely no one present on the 6th or sympathetic to those who went was still alive at the end of my first hundred days. They would all die screaming, and many of them would die to the melodies of their daughters moaning. Fun time to be an FBI agent, that would be for sure. :LOL:
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This is a pretty good article on some reasons why the J6er's didn't bring their guns.

I'm going with Option 1 and 4. Fact of the matter is, they still fundamentally trust the system and they thought all would go well if the did their little performance act and then go back home. The real reason why they didn't throw down on the pigs is because most of them are still pig-brained themselves. If they hadn't been arrested, they would be at home demanding felony convictions for all the students who protest the ongoing genocide in Gaza.

July Days, not October Revolution.
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