What're you working on this week?

My novel, and a serial story for Lit.

Finishing rugrats playhouse, replanking the deck, and painting the utility room.
Paint chips for children's bedrooms. Interface design for theraputic computer game. Keeping cool in this non-air-conditioned house. Writing more chapters in a very long story and trying to finish two short stories that I mean to post here if they turn out at all. Not such a bad week, actually. Better than many. ;-)

I have been working on the second part of my first story and am finally making some progress. The only problem is I am not sure what to do with the main character. In one sitting I think of her becoming more and more nasty, unpleasant and completely unlikeable, and the next one I think of her as more sympathetic and in the end somewhat redeemed or at least ambiguous. Hopefully as I fill in the outline the "right" character will win out.
I had a brainstorm for a new story in a fantasy setting, so Colin and Heather have taken a back seat. (Truth for true, I'm not sure what's gonna happen next in their story. They have such a copacetic relationship.) This new one is a pretty freaky examination of, perhaps, humanity's two basic drives: the need to fuck and the need to hit. As isolated from each other. BDSM is not a cateogry I'm willing to broach right now. I'm having fun with it.

Other than that, I finished my summer Statistics course on Thursday, and I've been playing a lot of video games. And also been dealing with a crisis of epic proportions among the close friend-group for the past ten days or so. It's been a long couple of weeks.
MathGirl said:
Ps. Dear Og, In the speech for your daughter's wedding, it would probably be best if you left out the part where you're so happy that you no longer have to support her and can buy that motorcycle. Just a suggestion.

Oops, I've already bought the motorcycle now she's got her B.Sc in Neurosciences and Psychology. She's still working on her MB. The bridegroom has nearly finished his PhD in Optometrics.

That's two daughters with degrees including Psychology. The other combined it with Journalism. I wonder if the Psychology is a hint to Dad?

Number One daughter did Geography and Development with a bias towards SE Asia. Getting as far away from Dad as possible?

I think "Eskimo Nell" with solo contributions from the bridesmaids would start the party on the right note. Any suggested verses for the bridesmaids to sing?

Terry Prachett's Oggs are the respectable side of the family.

Originally posted by oggbashan Terry Prachett's Oggs are the respectable side of the family.Og
Dear Og,
You could always sing the hedgehog song. Then there's the other famous Terry Pratchett song, "The Wizard's Staff Has a Knob on the End."
This week:

1. Organizing the submissions and finishing my column for the August issue of Sabledrake Magazine.

2. Going over the playtest comments for Naughty and Dice (adult rpg supplement) and revising it.

That's probably all I'll be able to get to this week. Coming up next on my Big List Of Projects are a couple of short stories I'm hoping to submit to anthologies, the next in my series of kids' books, and possibly another fanfic. I also have to put together a game to run at a convention in August.


Shattered Web, a ver long and involved story I'm writing with several other people. High Fantasy, and one of my poor characters is going to wind up a Queen. All she wanted to do was spend eternity doing nothing except spending time with her husband *grins*

Other various role-play projects.

Slash Fest entries. HP ones.


My erotica's taken a back-burner at the moment...
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MathGirl said:
Dear Og,
You could always sing the hedgehog song. Then there's the other famous Terry Pratchett song, "The Wizard's Staff Has a Knob on the End."

Or, if you want a more romantic theme for this wedding, I suggest the HP Fan Fic song, "I May Be A Tiny Chimney Sweep, But I've Got An Enormous Broom".
Svenskaflicka said:
Or, if you want a more romantic theme for this wedding, I suggest the HP Fan Fic song, "I May Be A Tiny Chimney Sweep, But I've Got An Enormous Broom".
I felt like explicitly making no comment here.

No comment.

I've always felt vaguely dirty watching the chimney sweep climbing up the same chimney that Santa comes down. :(

Vaguely dirty is not a bad feeling, actually. ;)
Nothing if not the usual...

Washing dishes, laundry, vacuuming the rugs, dusting the tops of everything, (Including his knob) changing sheets this Thursday, cleaning the bathroom Friday. In between working on part two of a story that I've already submitted, and hoping to get it finished by Satureday so that when I go grocery shopping I can pick up something for me to read as well. Basically a typical week.
