It's silly to say that Americans corrupted the English language on a thread than includes the word "wankshaft". Americans use a few unusual words. Uh-huh. Got it. And...?
New Yorkers use a few different words than Floridians and Hoosiers and Scotts and Aussies and Irish and Londoners and Liverpoolians the Welsch and -- do I really need to go on making a point of explaining the word "colloquialism"? And is it really necessary to look up and reference for you the history of the English language's evolution to point out how various the tongue is spoken just within three London city blocks, much less through the ages?
Where is this pristine "uncorrupted" English to which you infer? Locked up in some golden urn inside the Tower of London next to Shakespeare's quill and G.B. Shaw's first draft of "Pygmallian"?
I'm a professional writer. I know my Latin based words and what the contraction "o'clock" means and whether or not a preposition belongs at the end of a sentence. Take my word for it, the American dictionary is every bit as a large as the English dictionary. And we use it, every day, just as well as the English, and liberally and gleefully pepper it with our own, unique slang, just like every other English speaking nation on earth.
Just where are you getting your assurance about "corrupted" languages from? American TV? (I'm going to KILL the WB Network).
As for "All Americans are anything..." *sigh* I've already posted elsewhere on how lazy are the thoughts that follow such phrases. So, in lieu of response I'll just quote that great American linguist Tony Soprano: "Fuggettaboutit".
[Edited by Dixon Carter Lee on 07-19-2000 at 01:32 PM]
I'm a professional writer. I know my Latin based words and what the contraction "o'clock" means and whether or not a preposition belongs at the end of a sentence.
What does o'clock mean, btw?
Speaking of Tony Soprano... I wonder how the next Sopranos series will match up. The last one wasn't quite as good as the first - though it was waaay better than I thought it might be - and I'm wondering how they'll be able to carry on now that the actress who played Tony's mom has died. The tension between the two of them was the backbone of the show.
While we're on the subject (but not to start THIS again), why is it that every Brit here that talks smack on American TV uses Jerry Springer as their sole example, as though that's only program we have over here? What about shows like the Sopranos? E.R.? Oz? Yes, there's shitty programming, but we definitely don't have the monopoly on THAT. I've been watching BBC America off and on for the past month or so (trying to catch episodes of Antiques Roadshow) and I'll tell you right now that Brit TV produces some pretty mediocre stuff as well. WTF is with that Johnathan Creek show? Is that popular over there? Yecch....
Everybody hates Jerry Springer, and everybody hates to see it. But they just HAVE to.
And since everybody loves to hate Jerry Springer, that is the only show they remember. Because you gotta remember to hate Jerry Springer.
That's why it seems to be the only show us euro guys know
Touchy so very touchy. This thread had taken an interesting route into the mechanics of linguistics. The rules and structures of languages are quite interesting and comparing their adaptance to different cultures is quite a good topic. I don't see why you DCL, have to come raging on to this thread like a bull so that you can defend american english. As a professional writer, I'd have thought you'd have had interesting things to say on the subject of linguistics. But instead all you do is whine about how you know what o'clock means! Come on - you're better than that.
There may well have been some idiots claiming that america has corrupted the english language but why waste your time on them. There were lots more interesting points you could have commented on. The emergence of different accents for example.
So how about you all calm down and try again. I really would be interested in hearing what you have to say.
"Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me."
If that doesn't work I will start singing Kumbayhe.
(or however the damn thing is spelled.)
And yes, that is a threat, I cannot sing for beans, in any language!!!
Reaching for the acoustic guitar that hasn't been played or tuned in years....
I think Barney said it best with his immortal phrase:
I love you, you love me, we;re a happy family ...
Or maybe Rodney King:
...can't we all just get along...?
Nation bashing is getting fucking tired. If you wan't to be a proponent of your nation, nationality, race, creed, spiritual or sexual orientation, sports team, hobby, special interest or philosophy WHATEVER. Knock yourself out.
Otherwise if you want to trash something pick on an individual or specific event or action. Gross generalities are a ridiculous form of argument.
To say everyone in Great Britain is like Flagg or that everyone in Denmark is like Xander or every Canadian is like me is utter crap.
To say Dave or Roland or me for that matter is a fucking imbecile for something they have actually done or said is perfectly fine legitimate and valid. Be judgemental say they or I am a fucking freak say they are a sage or the anti-christ or the love child of Ronald Reagan and Maggie Thatcher. But we should quit this bullshit in a hurry. Yes, I say we. Because I have been guilty of it too.
I pledge to make a valiant effort to stop. I will defend my country, my beleifs and myself as I will willingly share them with others. I will not denegrate, dismiss or generaly bash based on nationality. Its just fucking stupid. Stupidity and cowardice are evil twins that should be despised
Don't know what y'all are bein so fussy over. I speak good ol amuhrican and that's enough for me, eh.
(Oh, dear Lord.. I said 'eh' in a thread about American lingustics.. I know I'm going to get sodding deported or something now. GAH! I said 'sodding!' when will the horror of multinational slang END?!?
Oh. Funny story about hippie music that has nothing at all to do with this thread, except DCL mentioned the song in passing. When I was little, I thought the words of that famous song were "The ants are my friends, they're blowing in the wind.. The ants are blowing in the wind."
ha ha endlessly ... robert zimmerman would cringe ...
bobby sherman ?? LMAO
btw .. i have in front of me a "Dictionary of American Slang" .. it is a german publication .. i wonder if Mistress H has heard of it b4 .. it is true i promise ..
here is an example:
"oops: used in surprise and as an apology on recognizing a mistake, minor accident or slip of the tongue. 1949: Albert .. had the right to blow his horn - oops, we mean cucumber - after exhibitng the 26 inch vegetable he grew ... "
i swear to god this is true .. i copied it right out of the dictionary.
well .. hmmm .. what i want to know is when do we get to blow Dixon