Whats in a name?

MADDOG came about because because at school (and even to this day), I was crazy - Nice, sweet and lovable, but crazy! So one day, a friend just reffered to me as "Maaaaaaaaaaaad DOG!", and it stuck, and before long people didn't know my real name any more!

So basically, that's how I got it.

nicknames-you guys use nicknames??

My real name is earthgoddess,although my parents insisted on naming me something mundane,so when I found this board my real name leapt out of my soul and viola-ta da here I am...besides earthgoddess is too long for my tax returns...
Welcome LHR...nice to see someone from the hair club in here....and the rock scene....watching Ac/Dc on VH1 right now...

MM....My nickname is from another chat forum. Got into a silly conversation(not surprising eh?) with some female that started off with her "hunting Wabbits" a la Elmer Fudd. Naturally I had to turn wabbits into something rather risque...so every time we chatted after that she asked how my wabbit was doing...wabbits= Bugs= Thumper( arather cute little rascal, like me;))

Blame the fifth leg on Siren....That woman must be radioactive....causing mutations!:D
Nurse no like bunnies!!!!

That's a leg!!!! Wow...walk with me siren;)

I stopped believing in santa a long time ago...so

Don't...stop.....don't..stop..don't stop...don't stop...don't stop, don't stop.....hehehehe
I was wondering...

Merelan said:
It is the character in on of my favorite books.
I used to use my name, but began getting "followed", so had to change.
This is a very interesting thread... second page and we are all still dressed, mostly.

What's the book you're talking about? 'Cause i was reading one the other day and i came across that character name in one of the chapters. I'd take a guess at the title, but i'm afraid to look silly in public! :eek:

Getting back on topic, though...my nickname story's pretty simple. I happen to be a chocolate girl, and the "goddess" part is the same as one of Siren's pink happiness pills. Gives me a little self-esteem boost every time i see it. if i don't cheer for myself, who will? :D
It is a Pern book.
And we are still all dressed. Laurel should put this one in the record book.

[Edited by Merelan on 06-18-2000 at 10:02 PM]
jeez! And I've read them all at least twice and didn't recognize the name. doh!
Master Singer...
The book is Robinton's story, she is his Mother.
Merelan, it sounds like you really have an obsession to get naked, come on over and I'll help you! Or you can always just start to strip for us! ;)

I came up with ShyGuy because I'm somewhat shy in real life, and because I'm a guy too, so that's it. When I started to chat I did use "Shakes", and I stole that from the movie "Sleepers", where it was the nickname of a character.

Oh yeah, and the "68" is the year I was born.

Bodizefi....(bow-di-zef-eye).......I love the movie Point Break with Patrick Swazye and Keanu Reeves. Swayze's character is Bodizefi who is a seeker, surfer, rule breaker, and adrenaline junkie. That description fits me pretty well.
Well im Puerto Rican and Italian and a lot of my female friends are Puerto Rican and they call me popi guess its a slang type thing for male... and so i decided to use it here.

Melody_Lane I too do not have a middle name..

It has been close to two years now, since having the internet. One of the first programs I hooked up to was Refugee, and then ICQ. I have used Katerina right from the start. I am not sure why I chose it, I just liked it I guess. Once I became Katerina, I decided to use it for my pen-name in my writing too. However, Val-Kyrie was also a nice twist. Unlike my real name, I think Katerina is very classy. Not saying my own name isn't pretty, because it is. But once I started with Katerina, I just stuck with it. It's me now, at least in the internet world...

Have a nice day Kat :)
I guess I should have used a fake name also. Shannon is my middle name. Most of the times on the web I use that instead of first name.
My first reply to this thread didn't seem to "take" and I've lost it, so here's the short version:

I wanted to pick a handle that didn't "define" me quite so narrowly as "LuverMan" or "PussyEaterGuy" or something like that. I also wanted to stay somewhat annonymous, as I was entering the fray as first time erotic writer, and honeslty didn't know what the hell kind of freaky world I was getting into. And I wanted to feel free to write whatever perverted thought that came into my mind, but from a real place, and I thought the best way to do that wasn't to create a handle, but another person entirely, with a real sounding name.

So I looked for something that was non-descriptive, had no connection to my real life, and meant, basically, nothing. So I came up with "Dixon Carter Lee", who was free to be whatever he evolved into. I have no idea why I chose those names...I just liked the way they sounded together. I came up with Dixon first, I think, just because I always liked the name ever since reading it in a book of names for babies. The "Carter" probably came from watching too many episodes of "er". And "Lee" just rounded it off nicely.

So, there you go.

I think I like Endlessly's story the best.
Originally posted by Oliver Clozoff

toooooo easy (all of her clothes off) haha

I've been online about 3yrs now and all my chat nicks have been feline oriented (cause i'm a LEO!! hehe) Alpha Lioness, Feline Wild, Scratcher, and finally Savage Kitten (and sometimes Toy Kitten)

The name 'Savage Kitten' is an oxymoron ...much like my own personality (or so i like to think haha) and it also has a lot of sexual connotations to it:)~
I like the word "whisper". It brings to mind softness, intimacy, and it just sounds nice. And as I've said before, I need to stay anonymous because of my job as a public school teacher, hence, "secret". Now I wish I'd juxtaposed the words, but alas, it is too late. :)
*Making it my life goal to meet and exceed Amorphis in the number of posts on this board*
Just drop your mind in the gutter. *I'm guessing that's its permanent residence for most of you* You'll figure out my name in a jiffy.