What's the difference between the "Real You" and the "Board You"?

Originally posted by Tinman:
(nothing implied here about Weird Harold, OK? Actually he seems pretty normal from all I can tell).

At last, a cue for wone of my favorite retorts:

I'm no weirder than anyone else. I just admit it.
Pretty new here as far as posting goes. IRL I'm pretty quiet..'cept when truely pissed about something. Hair goes down on line though. Question..Find my on line persona an real moving together.. for the better..Anyone?
I am like alot of people. I only feel comfortable talking about my sexuality on here. I know I can never tell my friends IRL what I would tell anyone here. It's basically that fear of embarrassment.
Originally posted by outrider:
Question..Find my on line persona an real moving together.. for the better..Anyone?

Is having your real life persona moving closer to your board persona for the better? It's hard to tell from just five posts. 'Letting your hair down' in real life is usually a good thing. It releives stress and in general makes you a happier person. Now if letting your hair down means wresting giant space hamsters in the pool, it's probably not a good thing to let creep into your real life. Straitjackets aren't very comfortable. (so I'm told.)

The best thing about keeping your RL and Cyber personas as close as you can, is that you don't have to keep track of your lies, or remember who you are today.
I didn't answer this one right away because I wanted to think about it. My conclusion is that you see more of the real me on this board than RL people do, and for the same reason as the rest of you. I'd endure embarrassment in RL to talk about some of the things we talk about here. Geez, you people helped me decide to keep my pussy shaved in one of the threads here! In RL, my gyno would NOT be the only one shocked to discover that "bare" fact about me.

I don't lie, cheat or steal in RL(my own golden rule, preached to anyone who will listen to it.) If anyone in my RL reads that last line, they will know in less than a second who I am. I also practice the same golden rule here- no lies. (cheating and stealing would be difficult in cyberspace I think.) If I type it, it is the truth.

Although I am very shy in RL, some people are close enough to me that I will discuss sexual topics with them. One close friend described me as being very open and "blunt." I'm still not quite sure, but I think he meant that as a compliment. I'm the only woman that he can talk to about sexual matters matter-of-factly, because he knows he can't shock me or embarrass me. I wish I had that relationship with more people in RL, but mostly it exists for my only here on the bb.

In summary, you get the same person here as you do in RL. Just more of me than I share in RL with most people.
My RL self is pretty much like my BB self. I just can't flirt on the BB or elsewhwere, so I don't even try. I may be a little more free with my opinions IRL than here, but I state them better here.

I live a pretty dull life, so all the adventurous souls on the BB let me get a glimpse of the wilder side of life.
Originally posted by whispersecret:

I don’t know about all of you, but I don't“portray” myself as anything but myself.

Granted, in “real life” I am a little different. The Internet acts a little like alcohol on me. It loosens me up a little:


I do not talk as easily about sex as I do here. Does anyone? Nor am I able I talk about my feelings and emotions as readily as I do on the BB. (I have always been much more able to express myself on paper than verbally.) And since I’m married, the only place I flirt is here.


I don't purposely put on a facade for people here. As Laurel pointed out in some other thread, I may withhold certain parts of myself, but I do that in real life too. I act differently around my 86 year old grandmother than I do around my best friend.[/QUOTE]

I'm much more original here than in RL. :rolleyes:

What about all of you? I'm sure I'm not going to get replies like, "I try very hard to make myself look a certain way so people will like me." [/QUOTE]

OK so shoot me for wanting to be liked! I'm guilty, I confess! I don't try real hard though. Just a little. (Is it working?)

Have you noted a loss of inhibition here that allows you to be more flirty, cruel, open, what have you? Or are you exactly like you are in real life?[/QUOTE]

Much different here. I don't feel all that unihibited. I think the moral police are tracing this call! :eek:

This is a way to for me to escape reality for a while. I have to be careful not to get carried away. You people are very addicting!
Originally posted by CreamyLady:
I had them rolling one New Year's with my rousing rendition of "We're Off to Do The Wizard."

Creamy Lady!!
LMAO!!!!! Good one!

Well, I'm pretty much the same here as in RL. I actually piss fewer people off here than when I'm talking directly to them (sometimes the absence of tone can be useful, apparently I sound patronising).
And like everyone, I am far more explicit here than when talking to people vis a vis (sorry, no accents).
Yeah, I'm pretty much the same in RL. I actually piss off fewer people here though (there are advantages to the absence of tone, apparently I sound really patronising when I am explaining anything to anyone). And yes, I am less explicit in converasation vis a vis (sorry for the lack of accent).
I don't have a "13 inch pecker or 14 inch tongue." But I DO have a bionic middle finger. Whrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Wow DCL that gives a whole new meaning to giving someone the finger
wasn't the flying fickle finger of fate from laugh in?

i only got see it in re-runs :)
I would have to say on the BB's I am more open about sex than in real life. I tend to keep a lot of things hidden about myself in RL. I guess you could say that until I was introduced to this site by Angelique, I would have been considered terribly naive.

Oh but I sure have open my eyes since visiting this board.

Well, which is RL? Kind of like asking which is more real, your spirit life or your physical life. Is *this* the dream or is your dream real?

There is (or will be) more of my shadow that escapes while here than in "RL". But that shadow side is real.

If I'm on the board here, I get an uncomfortable adrenalin rush when my wife's hand turns the doorknob to my office. :eek: I use a utility called "Outasight" a lot. It minimizes windows to the system tray. I long for a relationship where that is not necessary.

I'm an eclectic new agey zen-christian type, while she is a fundamentalist born again type. That happened AFTTER the marriage. I've been trying to figure out what to do about it for ten years. I've been married for twenty.

What I reveal here is often a part of me that needs a connection that does not seem possible in my current "RL".

I've mentioned before that there is a time delay available here that is not so available in RL. (The time it takes to formulate a response and post it as opposed to a verbal response delivered in person. Or lack thereof... )

That time delay affords a chance to edit / clean up content, so I may appear to be less reactive here than in RL.

By the way, WhisperSecret, I just finished the balance of Hostile Takeover. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Well done.
Nicole, you and I sound an awful lot alike. :)

I, too, don't really behave any differently on line than I do in real life. You know when I like you, and you know when I don't. I'd do anything for a friend, and make life as hard as possible on an enemy.

I may be a bit more reserved on this particular website, simply because I know a couple of people here in real life. (You guys know who you are :) ) And although I'm sure they have an inkling of the real me, they don't know everything and I'd like to keep it that way for now.

I will say this to the friend who gave me the name of the website and allowed me to enter her secret world: I hope my occasionally coming on line doesn't interfer with your ability to express yourself. If you begin to feel the least bit reserved when you want to post something, let me know. I'll be happy to bow out at any time.
I portray the real me on line. I find that i am more open to doing things i might of never had the courage to do off line.
Anyone who lies about the things they say and do are just lieing to the rest of us and should stop it....
Well I am pretty much the same in RL as here. Like most I don't talk about sex or my past sexual experiences near as much in RL.
I actually flirt more in RL than I have ever done here. I may be a little more open in RL due to my mistrust of the net and what info might be gathered and compiled about a person.

DCL the closest city to where I live got two fickle finger of fate awards.