What's your favorite word?

clutching_calliope said:
...and when I find out what it actually means, I'll tell you :) .

"Coolness and composure, especially in trying circumstances," according to answers.com

A quality to which I definitely aspire...


Why? When I first went to school aged almost 5 our teacher asked us every morning to put up our hands if we had brought a handkerchief. According to the result she had three posters one of which she might put up.

They said either:-
"all the girls, - all the boys, - or everybody has brought their handkerchief today".

Handkerchief was the biggest word I had ever seen- it even had other words inside it! It was the first time that I was fascinated by a word and I never realised how that fascination would stick with me and to many more words.

Acushla , an Irish word which I take to mean 'Darling' is a favourite of mine.

The link is to an attempt at a Limerick I posted here on 'Lit' trying to define it. Actually it was this thread that gave me the idea, so thank you unapologetic.

I like it because it has an invisible silent exclamation mark included with each use. It also shows great versatility in usability.

I like words that have more bang for the buck, I guess.

Hi y'all, I missed everyone so much that I came back.
ruminator said:

I like it because it has an invisible silent exclamation mark included with each use. It also shows great versatility in usability.

I like words that have more bang for the buck, I guess.

Hi y'all, I missed everyone so much that I came back.
Holy moley, Martha! Look what the wind blew in! Welcome back, Rumi. I missed you too.
champagne1982 said:
Holy moley, Martha! Look what the wind blew in! Welcome back, Rumi. I missed you too.

dang, that even inspired a call to Martha AND a holy moley....you've made my night. Did anything happen while I was gone?
I like the word opaque. I've used it both as a noun and a verb in a few poems. More often it's a verb and holds negative undertones in its use.
neonurotic said:
I like the word opaque. I've used it both as a noun and a verb in a few poems. More often it's a verb and holds negative undertones in its use.
To opaque something?
I love the word Belly.

I like how it sounds.

Delicious is a good word too. Makes my mouth water sometimes to say it.

Some of my favorite words are the simplest ones.
Finger is a very useful word now that I think of it.

My favourite is actually a two-word phrase - but in any truly sane language it would have a term of it's own. It's 'sexual generosity'. (If we had a word for it, there'd probably be more of it about.)

(By the way, I'm told there's a single word in Javanese that means: 'the experience of stepping from bright sunlight into deep shadow'. - I don't know what it is, but it's probably quite a long word.)

- jimmy
jomar said:
catawampus - try it, you'll like it...
I would like to borrow your catawampus. I plan to sit it cater-corned in my poem. Yes, a cater-corned catawampus is redundant.
Right now my fav is Umbra. I like how it fills your mouth and flows out like a flash flood that soaks into a desert plain leaving only dust and traces of water in one's mind.

du lac :catroar: