What's your least favorite word?

champagne1982 said:
Make peace behind
those gossamer curtains
where hides the font.
Genuflect and then stretch,
prostrate at the altar,
to worship the gifts
of wine and fruit, generosity
of the Goddess.

I dislike what Boo dislikes. If you can't take the time to make certain you're word isn't misplaced malaprop or misspelled snobbery, then how am I supposed to give credence to your poetry at all?

Aww... Thats so sweet I sent the check overnight mail! lol Hi Babe! How the hell are ya?
champagne1982 said:
i dislike what Boo dislikes. If you can't take the time to make certain you're word isn't misplaced malaprop or misspelled snobbery, then how am I supposed to give credence to your poetry at all?

Oh sweet, bitter, fuckin' agony. LMAO
BooMerengue said:
Aww... Thats so sweet I sent the check overnight mail! lol Hi Babe! How the hell are ya?
I'm still chuckling at my errrrrrror ... :) I'm good! It's great to have you popping in. You AND Rumi in one week; is this a conspiracy to make my whole body wag instead of just my tail? :devil:
oh so and ever so and anything so so so so very it seems TheRainMan already said my favorite one to hate, gossamer.
La Mariposa—lighter
than bone lace—
mere gossamer weight.
I think words like gossamer influence a poet to write pretty poems--too pretty.
Can anyone come up with something gritty, using gossamer?
WickedEve said:
I think words like gossamer influence a poet to write pretty poems--too pretty.
Can anyone come up with something gritty, using gossamer?
I first noticed the symptoms when her thoughts began to drift away from her like gossamer on a gentle breeze. You could see her mind reaching for them, straining, but they—airy, insubstantial, buoyant—remained just out of her reach. Later, the fine web of her intellect was reduced to a few broken and twisted strands, which clutched the withered husks of her memories like dead insects.
Tzara said:
I first noticed the symptoms when her thoughts began to drift away from her like gossamer on a gentle breeze. You could see her mind reaching for them, straining, but they—airy, insubstantial, buoyant—remained just out of her reach. Later, the fine web of her intellect was reduced to a few broken and twisted strands, which clutched the withered husks of her memories like dead insects.

eight legs tread like air
stop... and start again so slow
bite! hide in gossamer strands

does that work, Evie? It's an off haiku... sort of
BooMerengue said:
eight legs tread like air
stop... and start again so slow
bite! hide in gossamer strands

does that work, Evie? It's an off haiku... sort of
Oh, spider poetry. I adore spiders. Not ones in my house, though.
Tzara said:
I first noticed the symptoms when her thoughts began to drift away from her like gossamer on a gentle breeze. You could see her mind reaching for them, straining, but they—airy, insubstantial, buoyant—remained just out of her reach. Later, the fine web of her intellect was reduced to a few broken and twisted strands, which clutched the withered husks of her memories like dead insects.
If I remember correctly, you liked my Conrad Dimple poem. Besides the two I had posted at lit, I had a third one (written last year) but never shared it. Right now I'm working on #4 and I used gossamer. We need a gossamer poetry challenge. Maybe. :devil:
WickedEve said:
If I remember correctly, you liked my Conrad Dimple poem. Besides the two I had posted at lit, I had a third one (written last year) but never shared it. Right now I'm working on #4 and I used gossamer. We need a gossamer poetry challenge. Maybe. :devil:

count me out.

if i used that word i think i might hate myself.

it's too big a risk. :cool:
champagne1982 said:
I'm still chuckling at my errrrrrror ... :) I'm good! It's great to have you popping in. You AND Rumi in one week; is this a conspiracy to make my whole body wag instead of just my tail? :devil:

Why, yes, yes it is. I could love me some conspiracy theories, yes indeed. I'm particularly fond of the ones I help conceive.

...and now,...maybe I should gossamer else for a little while to wander so as to give you good folks a break.


oh yeah, I'll be back, though, so don't sell or take all my stuff while I'm gone.
When I read this one

Tzara said:

I part the yellow curtains.
Her indigo jeans still hang
on the clothesline, legs spread

as I remember her, last evening.
We listened to Mozart
and drank red wine. Then

later, sprawled over the bed,
I played with her, with that part
of her I can't say. Can't name.

Speech is not everything.
Confined to silence, yet could I
speak my piece in tongues.

I don't even know what to write, other than to say that this one will stick with me.
I like spiders too. I like the hold they have over us. Poisoning our dreams. Making us run or jump; we so big and they so small. I've been Brown Recluse bitten twice and it's real unpleasant, but kudos to something so small and so soft and tickly to be able to nearly wreck my life.

I kill spiders in the house.