Wheel Challenge: Snapshot

Blistering heat waves across the painted sky
The Summer sunset brings a cooling breeze
Fine hairs standing on her damp exposed neck
Breathing in her familiar intoxicating scent
Lightly tasting a sheen of her sweet sweat
Her delicious sigh so wanting for more
A fine print long dress barely held closed
With just thirteen of her thirty pearl buttons
My hand slides down her lovely bold curves
Touching her waist as the fireflies dance
To the tune of crickets on a hot Summer night
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A mighty river has small beginnings,
of water tinkling merrily over stones
where the Dipper makes her nest
and Kingfishers dart for minnows.
Otters leave secret footprints
on muddy banks and Weasels play.

Isis meanders through the countryside
to become the mighty Thames,
throughout London to the North Sea.
blue pen and mandarin peel
share a poetry book's cover
handwritten list of planted veggies
shares the wall with calendar
ring around the 25th
anniversary number 2

The walkway is cracked
concrete gutters run dry with dust and debris
a faded ball rolls across
ground baked hard as pavement
the earth consuming the blood and sweat
of boys that dare
to crash body to body
in the pursuit of something more
than broken moments
and fractured dreams
Fresh from the oven
Crispy hot, soft inside
and a light golden brown
Melted butter
The sight, the scents
The taste
Is anything better
Fresh bread
easter morning

his mother in the cool den
diminutive and neat as a pin
not a hair out of place and
dressed in her sunday-church best
spring shades to accompany
pinned corsage of white roses
yearly ritual
Black Hole

dark mass at centre
of fuzzy glowing orange orb
bottom half brightest
event horizon image
millions of light years away
Congrats Piscador looking forward to the next one. Very good work all.
Crash of the biscuit tin
on the floor sends sleeping
dogs leaping to their feet
eyes questioning .. what? What?!

Broken biscuits anyone?
legless cows dapple the pond
tails slapping at pesky midges
white dog guards from the green shade
watching they don't float away