When Are We Old Enough for BDSM?

I don't know... people recognize they are gay or lesbian and make the choice to accept themselves long before they are legal adults sometimes... and that is not necessarily making a commitment to a "lifestyle". I wouldn't equate it to marriage either, as that is a commitment to someone else specifically, as well as being a legal and cultural choice rather than "who you are".
the only sex ive ever had been sex where either i or my partner is very clearly in charge. im only 18, but i dont see myself ever not being into this. i think that we work out the things that excite us very early in life. we dont understand them but, yeh. ive always had fantsys of both controling and submiting, so i guess it was inevitable.
catalina_francisco said:
That is why I emphasised 'people who were not simpky experimenting, but were committing to it as a lifestyle choice on a permanent and serious basis'. I felt there was a difference between experimenting with light spanking or such and committing long term and/or permanently.

Catalina :rose:

Yes, this sort of fits in with my 5-10 years theory. As for riding a bicycle, that is just a passing phase of childhood for most people but at some point Lance Armstrong (only bicyclist who comes to mind) decided he was serious about it. Anyway, my explanation was for shit so this clarification will not really help much. I just want to emphasize there is a cooling off period between first inkling and making it a sustained part of your life.
while there's definitely a age (i'd hope like... 21? at least) where bdsm should be introduced IRL, but as far as discovering ya like bdsm, i found out online when i was...... ehh.... younger, younger is all that needs to be said.... >.<