when is too much too much?

But to pull it back to the asked question:

too much is when you know you are being injured in ways that are not acceptable to you. Know anatomy, and know *your* anatomy. Know what you find acceptable and unacceptable in terms of risk, what areas risk internal damage, what can and can't be done with your body. If someone's doing it, they need to change or stop the scene. For each of us, these levels of acceptable risk will be different. But know the risks, know that being flogged over your kidneys can hurt them, etc.

Too much is when you go somewhere that's not ok psychologically. You will know the feeling when you feel it. Crawly, used, wrong, icky, skittish, just *bad* It will probably happen at some point and you will probably survive it just fine, but pay attention to your internal indicators.
FoxyForestFire said:
if bound and gagged when do you know if too much is too much..... how bad do you let it get before you stop.....? i am new to this and was very very very sore after my first time.... any advice?

Jeezus. Get yourself some help, girl. What is it in your past that made you sink to this level? God loves you, love yourself too.

Good luck,
Re: Re: when is too much too much?

lancemanyon said:
Jeezus. Get yourself some help, girl. What is it in your past that made you sink to this level? God loves you, love yourself too.

Good luck,

I love myself, and I also love being bound and gagged (sometimes) If I didn't love myself, I would not be able to tollerate it. I suspect the girl you where adressing feels the same. IF she didn't love herself, if she where being abused, she would not be talking about it online, she would be hidding somewhere ashamed and blaming herself. such a hotshot phycologist as you should know the dangers of repression. Those of us who acnowlege our submissive or dominant natures and practice them with consenting adults are so far ahead of the victims and abusers that you think you see here.

You are sadly misinformed (or uninformed) about BDSM and the many facets of it. I would recomend you get a little bit of education so you don't have to show your ignorance everytime you speak.

You yourself are obvioulsy a repressed masocist, or why would you continuously come where you are not wanted giving unsoliced advice to people in the name of "god's love' on a porn site?

I would recomend some therapy before your passive agressive massocistic tendancies cause you or someone you love major problems.

And be thankfull for the above advice because everyone else here has pretty much put you on ignore. We are also not fooled by your "compasion"- pretending to care is not the same as caring.
FoxyForestFire said:
if bound and gagged when do you know if too much is too much..... how bad do you let it get before you stop.....? i am new to this and was very very very sore after my first time.... any advice?

Its kind of like excersise- you don't always know until the next day.

forget all of that about being bound and gagged! start with a hand over the mouth, or having your wrists pinned. There is so much you can do before you even break out the ropes and chains. If you start at the height of bondage, what will you move up too? slow down and enjoy every step of the way. (i still prefer having my wrists pinned to having them tied for a variety of reasons, and rarely let myself be gagged- I need my mouth for soooooooo many things:))
A couple more things...
"Too far" is when it ceases to be fun for you. I know, the whole master/slave shit, but if he's tying up people who are "New to this", he's not a master. You can't trust him to know your limits better than you do. Any Dom/me worth his/her licks understands this, and differs to the bottom as to when it's enough.
Seccondly, I preferr hankies to balls for the drop signal. They're easier to hold onto in the throes of having the sense fucked out of you, or whatever, and they don't roll. I hate having something rolly around when I'm distracted with making a scene.
Just my two cents, or so.