when you see posts by white supremist guy, what do you do?

when you see posts by white supremist guy, what do you do?

  • actually post a lengthy deconstruction of the post

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Ah see there is the rub, most of the world looks down on american's as rude stupid and bullyish. They have very good reasons for it though, most people on vacation tend to be rude seeming to the places they visit because where they are from spitting all over is normal or what have you.

Stupid, well because hard to look intelligent asking where the Eifel Tower is when you can see the dang thing all over Paris. :rolleyes:

Bullyish, well because of Bush, and Clinton, and Roosevelt and well most any president from the last 150 years. Some of course being worse than others, but any small little thing that affected a country negatively is remembered. Seriously do you think we are liked in Vietnam, or Korea?

No I've not done any of the above, but it's funny how one person being an a**hole is swept across an entire country and all american's are looked at that way. I've talked to a goodly number of people in Europe and I'll tell you one thing, there are jokes about americans in schools and corner shops of all sorts. Sadly, all have a large amount of truth to it. :(
and it doesn't help when the president is a self-righteous cowboy.
Sometimes I post asking why that IP or IP range hasn't been banned yet.
Yeah, but so was Roosevelt, just nowwhere near as stupid, clueless, or as deserving of one of those dunce caps you would see in the old comics and movies. ;)

Ok, also I am pretty darn sure, Roosevelt was all around a MUCH nicer person.

Tele most likely he isn't banned because he isn't exactly saying go right and kill you some of those whatever, he is just saying wrongly of course that white people are going to have to fight for what is there's, though I'm failing to see why a colored guy moving in next door has an adverse effect on my house or land. Granted if he is a gangbanger or drug dealer it lowers the value, but those come in all colors and alot are white people, they are selling drugs to afford those sites and groups he is advertising, usually to other white people in those groups. :rolleyes:
I ignore the racists on Lit. First time I saw it/them here I was amazed. I couldn't believe it. I was tempted to post a response, but then I decided when they post here it's another version of the Jerry Springer show; nobody's mind is going to be changed - unfortunately. And since I know that the vast majority of Litworld is as repulsed and sick about the fact that there are still people like this in the world as I am, I don't bother with the futile task of taking of them on here.

But on other subjects raised here, you know, it's possible to be a redneck without also being a racist and mysoginistic pig! Some of my best friends would scare you with their appearance even in broad daylight, and they're the nicest, friendliest, most helpful, generally respectful people I know, if you can just get past the scarey exterior.

We all should keep in mind that being from different areas of the US, or even being from the US itself for that matter, does not automatically equate to being crude, obnoxious, etc.

The one time I was overseas I made damn sure to dress nicely and speak at least a little of the language so I wouldn't be even perceived as a "typical American," and I found that I was immediately accepted. I like to think it was because I made an effort. I saw plenty of people not making an effort though. The American tourists I saw slouching around in ripped jeans and obnoxious and obviously American tshirts in beautiful cathedrals and museums were so obviously clueless to how they were insulting and desecrating the beauty around them by not even making an effort to be respectful was horrifying. But then again, they do the same thing in their home towns, which I find equally sad, but I don't think it has to do with any generalities about where they live or where they're from. They'd be equally clueless in self absorbed anywhere.
Personally, I'm glad they're posting on Lit.

Means they're not out there breeding...at least for some space of time.

(I just pass right on by the posts, for the record).
I just keep informing the admins to ban his IP. I have worked with a bunch of message boards systems and most of them have a Ban IP section.
it's pretty clear to me that there is a reason that option is either unavaialble or undesirable.

I read on another board that the reason they are dong it is that someone spamed their board with threads about free speech, and links back here to Lit.

Lets go spam their board with racist shit. :)
The person obviously wants to cause a stir, so I say ignore it. Of course if it's particularly offensive or threatening, then I am sure the mods would ban him on the spot. The world and Lit would be pretty boring if we all were the same colour and/or race.
Thing is, you can't ignore him because he makes a new account everytime he gets banned. I could tell an admin off get banned and be back tomorrow ready to dish out more. As I keep saying, lit only banned the account and never the IP. There is an IP ban as this is a standard form. Would stop him from creating a new account everytime it gets banned and spaming the same shit all the time.
Banning IP won't work that well, dial up have a new IP address every single time, and if you ban a provider then you may also be banning regular upright posters to literotica. Likely why the person hasn't been banned that way, the truely clueless never use DSL or cable, though it's not actually available to many areas anyway.
Am I being naive when I wonder if these people even think for one minute they will influence someone to lean to their beliefs this way? I am sooo tempted sometimes to tell them to shut their stupid mouths up because they make no sense at all but I know that won't work either of course.


I don't report this to the moderator because I know (see) other people already do this. Otherwise I would.
well, i understand that bad pennies, boomerangs and shitheads have a tendency of doing that. :>

Tele2047 said:
Sometimes I post asking why that IP or IP range hasn't been banned yet.

Which is why I send bad post reports. In hopes the board owners/admins/moderators will consider some level of censure.

The problem with vBulletin software is that IP blocking can be tricky precisely because of the range issue and roaming vs. static IPs. You can also chase the proverbial tail if the basshole starts creating duplicate handles to get around the ban.

The best option for the board admins, IME/O, is to apply a blanket mask to his handle(s). He can continue to post but only he can see his own posts/threads. He won't have a clue why no one is paying any attention to him.
Well see, that is the problem, there aren't enough parents being uprigth parents, instead they shove their kids in front of a TV and ignore them, so they watch alot of movies and cop shows and regular shows, many of them have no black people or no white people. The 70's shows were in large part showing mixed groups, but this not being the 70's it's apparently stepped away from being a good thing, watch Friends sometime, or Seinfeld.

Watch soemthing new, it's either all white people or all black people, usually the only integrated shows have mexicans and whites, or whites and asians, I've not seen to many white and black people in a show together, the token white guy or black guy don't count for that either. What it does it gives the kids an impression that they shouldn't hang out with black guys or white guys besides one.

Then if perhaps they come on to here still living in a smaller city or town with very few if any black people and see what the latest dumbass is spouting, they perhaps might say hmmmm, he sorta makes sense. Worse are white kids who grew up in low income area that for some reason are full of black people shooting at each other, they will jump on that bandwagon, especially if their brother/sister/best friend were killed recently by a stray bullet or mistaken identity.

See the problem with the states isn't that these people are here, it's in the way people live and try to better themselves. Much of it comes from TV, they see so many people living better than they are, and think why am I not living like that. It's all really pathetic and desperately needs someone to step up and say no we won't let that happen anymore, Aerican's deserve to live better than people in Africa with no income. Sadly, Bush cares more about turning Iraq into his own success story and doesn't know how to notice that the states are worse off because of it and that they won't ever be a success story for an American.
IMO, the idiot probably thinks we would tolerate his kind of postings because of the kind of site he thinks we are. I am glad to see we are proving him wrong every time he stops by. My fellow Texan Jesse Custer would be proud. That said, I ignore the loser- mostly.
I tell them to stop being so bloody stupid - doesn't work but it makes me feel better. A+&ho@es
I ignore the account so I don't have to look at it. If he truly wanted to be effective for his cause, then he would not be spamming. All spam does is set people against the cause more times than not. I think he's just trashin the site, so rather than feed his desire for attention, I merely ignore it and continue on with my day.
I put it on ignore and refresh the screen so my "regular" looking lit comes back.