Where is the erotica?

Free is after all what it is (and that sums up Literotica nicely).

This is just my second reply since noticing the Board here.

My input would be that with such a large sum of writers, writing at no cost, you will get the good and the average. Likely a great deal more of the average. The great will naturally be enjoying the fruits of their skill with a publisher.

I have just one story submitted (thus far). I am under no illusions that on a scale of 1 to 5 I rate a 2 if I am lucky (I refuse to think of myself as a 3 or 4 regardless of my friends generous comments). If I was a 5 I wouldnt be here, I would be to busy making a living writing.

To be entirely honest, when I first checked out the Literotica site, I expected to spend my time chatting while jacking off (and not much else). I had no idea the site had anything else useful to offer.

I have since found the people on here can be entirely helpful and basically friendly. The bad apples are just as easy to find as on any forum. The stories here can be excellent occasionally, but lets not kid ourselves, we are all amatuers (some just talented ones).

Subject matter, hey I thought I had thought it all. I am amazed at the range of stories here. I try to write as technically competent as possible. If along the way its actually amusing reading, well that gets a big "right on!" from me.

I cant imagine pleasing everyone (heck if I get just one positive remark I am impressed).

Like others will say. Write what you know, and write for your pleasure. If you please just one person you have succeeded.
Something else that should be mentioned is that some of us just want a good wank. (Like me) I tend to give 5's to stories that get me hard and make me want to blow my load in the nicest possible way rather than stories by misguided souls who try to expand the mundane.
Hey, something original goes a long way in my book.
Try these.



Note: They get pretty dirty, careful if you only like softcore!