Senna Jawa said:Bogu, this version is disquieting. Where did you get it from? Superficially, it is similar to the classical Basho' haiku, while in reality it's a completely different poem. It's a good one, just a good one, but nowhere near as great as the Basho' haiku. I dislike it, when a good poem does a damage to a great poem.
Bogu, have you just stated your disregard for (non-japanese ) haiku, and that's it, or are you interested in getting into it, in giving haiku a chance? I understand that bunches of bullshitters have at least partially affected your judgment, and that's a pity, because haiku is as real as poetry. Moreover, as a rule, haiku authors are better poets then regular poets, at least when they stick to haiku (some of the haiku specialits do not apply their haiku background when they write a longer poem, in which case they are no different from the rest of the poets).
Senna Jawa
I wrote that haiku myself as I wrote the post, I was just inspired by the haikus in the thread. I'm more than willing to give haiku a chance but I have to confess to a little scepticism but I think I could open my mind enough to give it a chance.
a pond a frog a guy
and his cadillac parked nearby
Now I did find this amusing and it rattled like marbles in my head.