Which ones do you use?

wildsweetone said:
is that the place that offers to publish your award-winning poetry for you, along with other poets and then charges you for publishing? i read about it on the 'net somewhere.

oh wait, this is the 'net too.

oh heck, it's one of those days, isn't it?

i am such an idiot. lol


yes it is... <grin
and it is better to have one of 'those' days rather than one of 'those days back then'

Net makes it seem as though we walk a tight rope <grin
I prefer the WEB <grin spiderman for president (~_~)
My Erotic Trail said:
yes it is... <grin
and it is better to have one of 'those' days rather than one of 'those days back then'

Net makes it seem as though we walk a tight rope <grin
I prefer the WEB <grin spiderman for president (~_~)

i bet you know i never ever thought of looking at NET or WEB with reference to the INternet like that before.


what a day! *killing myself laughing*
WickedEve said:
Last year was suppose to be the year of "Submission Frenzy!" I was going to submit poetry everywhere. Well, last year is gone, and there was no frenzy. So this year is going to be the year of "Submission Frenzy!" Maybe. :D

Okay, I'm submitting one poem to one place, and I'm wondering about bios. I actually have poetry at quite a few places, to my surprise. I'm guessing I don't list them all in my bio. What do you do? Do you list only the best or all of them? I know including literotica isn't a good idea, and I've never included it in the past. Sorry, lit. :eek: Tacky to include my own site? Anyone know about Net Poetry & Arts Competition (NPAC)? I won medal there a few years ago. Is that a cheesy site or something respectable? I really don't know.

do it this year, will you please. :)

submitting one poem? ... i don't think it's a good idea to send a submission with only one poem in it (unless i'm reading you wrong and that's not what you're doing). you should always send a block of poems. most journals specify the max number they want in their guidelines.

i also don't think it's a good idea to cite literotica, since poems here can be posted by anyone, anytime, without objective judgement and acceptance by an editor. and yes, it IS tacky to list your own site in a list of publications (anyone can lay out their own work on their own site), though you should definately list Eve's Habit in your bio, AWAY from the sentence/s listing whatever publications you mention.

i would also not cite any blogs, nor anyone else's personal website, nor Justus Roux's (since that is strictly a money-making operation). you have a lot of nice journal-only credits you should surely include in a bio (Erosha, mannequin envy, Dead Mule, Lotus Blooms Journal, Barking Dogs).

get your poetry read, Evie. :rose:
listen to the man of rain, he seems to know of what he speaketh

eh hem, I have something stuck in my throat I think it might be the old testament
TheRainMan said:
do it this year, will you please. :)

submitting one poem? ... i don't think it's a good idea to send a submission with only one poem in it (unless i'm reading you wrong and that's not what you're doing). you should always send a block of poems. most journals specify the max number they want in their guidelines.

i also don't think it's a good idea to cite literotica, since poems here can be posted by anyone, anytime, without objective judgement and acceptance by an editor. and yes, it IS tacky to list your own site in a list of publications (anyone can lay out their own work on their own site), though you should definately list Eve's Habit in your bio, AWAY from the sentence/s listing whatever publications you mention.

i would also not cite any blogs, nor anyone else's personal website, nor Justus Roux's (since that is strictly a money-making operation). you have a lot of nice journal-only credits you should surely include in a bio (Erosha, mannequin envy, Dead Mule, Lotus Blooms Journal, Barking Dogs).

get your poetry read, Evie. :rose:
Thank you. :)
I think I have a decent bio now. But now I'm having poetry problems. I've read what certain ezines want, then I check out the poems, and some of the poems seem to be different than what the site states that it wants! So, there is some confusion on my part. I have some new poems, and I'm trying to decide which poem goes where. I agree about sending more than one poem. I need to send several in hopes of offering them something they'd actually like.
WickedEve said:
Thank you. :)
I think I have a decent bio now. But now I'm having poetry problems. I've read what certain ezines want, then I check out the poems, and some of the poems seem to be different than what the site states that it wants! So, there is some confusion on my part. I have some new poems, and I'm trying to decide which poem goes where. I agree about sending more than one poem. I need to send several in hopes of offering them something they'd actually like.

you DO have a very good bio. :)

about your 'poetry problems,' (which i don't think you're having :) ) ... if i were you, the first thing i'd do is take down the wonderful poems of your own that you have up on the Habit (since in some eyes, even though you are the editor there, that could label them as 'previously published' and make them ineligible to be sent to most journals -- replace them with poems that are already published elsewhere, at Lotus, Erosha, etc.). and i have seen scores and scores of quality poems from you that you have stashed somewhere ... i remember Zoey, and the sock puppet ... so many. :)

lay them out and organize them. it sounds to me like you'll be shocked when you see all the good poems you have filed, and forgotten, apparently. ;)

as far as a journal seeming to accept poems different from what they state they want, that could have a variety of causes, all the way from poetry being hard to catagorize up to the poetry editor being a different person than the one listing the journal's preferences (that has happened a bit at Mannequin Envy, though anna and i are skating through it nicely, finding a pleasant meshing of styles and preferences).

the ones you consider top-notch ('Bullwhip Rose' for instance), send those to more than one place. most journals, both print and web-based, are only too glad to read simultaneous submissions, as long as you withdraw the poem if it is accepted elsewhere.

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