Whipping boy thread

by the way tt2u,

you're peom is bad and sukcs and I hate it and you and you suck to, and now we must get married.

destruction and doom,


tt2u, my OTHER psychotic alt says to tell you that your poem is fabulous and great and wonderful and you should publish it right away.


Finally, someone who is willing to give some helpful, professional advice. I see exactly what you mean bj. Thank you.......

and of course, we MUST get married. But that has more to do with your father and the shotgun than the poem....:eek:
Finally, someone who is willing to give some helpful, professional advice. I see exactly what you mean bj. Thank you.......

and of course, we MUST get married. But that has more to do with your father and the shotgun than the poem....:eek:

I'm so glad you recognize that I am the only true worthwhile critic around here. You should do everything I say from now on.

My father gave up completely long ago. However, my husbands have shotguns, and they've been trying to get rid of me for years. They've started offering a dowry if you take me off their hands: two file cabinets full of old poetry, $47, a seventeen-year-old siamese cat, a set of saucepans and a '93 Chivvy sedan that needs a transmission.

Pick me up at 8 in front of the courthouse. Does your car have a trailer hitch?

Hit me, hit me (revised)

bad poem
beat it, no excuses
while you're at it,

take good shots
at the poet
family,friends as well
hell, why not ?

pile time and bile
on my past threads
butt heads

be forewarned
anger and frustration
spewed as a pastime
is a vile vocation
Eve AND Lauren. All of us. Together. Locked in lust and poetry. Think about that!

I have thought about it. Well missy, you and your bitch, switch sisters go have fun while I am suffering the slings and arrows of...........whoever is in charge of slings and arrows....
And take Pandora and bj with you.....

but don't take Champers.....please don't take Champers, even though she wants to go with you. ( I know you'll take her. Who am I trying to kid? )

I have thought about it. Well missy, you and your bitch, switch sisters go have fun while I am suffering the slings and arrows of...........whoever is in charge of slings and arrows....
And take Pandora and bj with you.....

but don't take Champers.....please don't take Champers, even though she wants to go with you. ( I know you'll take her. Who am I trying to kid? )

You can cum too :eek:... (Lie to me. It's a big'un, right?)
Hey this thread is sexist!! What about whipping girls? :::stamps feet::: :mad:


Right on, Sista! *fist punches in air with the right-on salute* More whipping-girls and we aint moving until we get some!

BJ would have burned her bra over this but… well… she hasn't got one.
I think butthead should maybe be hyphenated.

I tried to say something about yo mama but I just could not do it :)

Hit me, hit me

this poem is bad
please beat it to death
and while you're at it,
if you have a spare breath

take some good shots at the poet
and not just at my poem,
but my family and friends as well
although you don't even know them

and if you've still the time and bile
to squander, look through my past threads
for a wealth of material to vent on
over which you may choose to butt heads

but be forewarned before you begin
to spew your anger and frustration
what started as a pleasant pasttime
could grow into a vile vocation
Who has been cummin' without me?
Never thought I'd see a whipping boy thread from you -- one that begins with hit me, hit me. You've finally come over to the dark side. :D
Hit me, hit me

this poem is bad
please beat it to death
and while you're at it,
if you have a spare breath

take some good shots at the poet
and not just at my poem,
but my family and friends as well
although you don't even know them

and if you've still the time and bile
to squander, look through my past threads
for a wealth of material to vent on
over which you may choose to butt heads

but be forewarned before you begin
to spew your anger and frustration
what started as a pleasant pasttime
could grow into a vile vocation

I just have a few minor edit ideas...

Hit me, hit me

this poem is
and you're

take the poet
not my poem,

squander my

butt head,

spew anger
as pleasant

and by the way, tt2u, by "all of us" do you mean "ALL of us?"
* sweating profusely *
Right on, Sista! *fist punches in air with the right-on salute* More whipping-girls and we aint moving until we get some!

BJ would have burned her bra over this but… well… she hasn't got one.

I am so glad this forum has finally come to a reasonable understanding of who I truly am... And we may be starting to truly suss out Pandora as well.

Anschul, aren't you tired enough already without signing on for whipping and UYS with a singletail and all that sort of thing? Your moustache might get all frizzy...

but I did like your edit best so far.

I think butthead should maybe be hyphenated.

I tried to say something about yo mama but I just could not do it :)

That's not the word on the street. I got a Pm from someone who once sent a PM to the person who does your housecleaning, and they said they saw a crumbled up note in your wastebasket (quite by accident of course), which said something like....that mother tongue is a bitch....or something like that.....:D
Never thought I'd see a whipping boy thread from you -- one that begins with hit me, hit me. You've finally come over to the dark side. :D

Don't know how long I'm going to stay. I didn't realize it would be this crowded.
And what a mess !
That's not the word on the street. I got a Pm from someone who once sent a PM to the person who does your housecleaning, and they said they saw a crumbled up note in your wastebasket (quite by accident of course), which said something like....that mother tongue is a bitch....or something like that.....:D

It was me. It's always me, didn't you know?

and she said something about yo daddy too.

So are the Whipping Boys and the Ovaltines like, rival cliques now?
