why all the incest stories ?

Does that include vampire sex stories? They're dead. ;)

Beastiality is taboo, but --unless I am mistaken-- such stories are not permitted at Lit (fantasy critters excepted, of course). So its entirely possible that if beastiality stories were allowed that they could be rampantly popular also. There's a whole world of "furries" out there who write about sex with anthropomorphized beasties to sate their own fantasies and share their love of the unnatural with like-minded individuals.

Well, you could always combine the taboos... a little incest, a little necrophelia, lots of vomiting to be sure. I wouldn't recommend it, I'm just saying that its still possible.

i don't know if bestiality stories are popular with readers, but i do know that they are fairly abundant on sites that allow them.