Why calling everybody who disagrees with you a "racist" cheapens that charge!

BotanyBoy writes: "Behavior matters, you can deny it all you want, but it's true."

That's all true, BotanyBoy - but modern progressives look at your SKIN-COLOR more than they look at your behavior. Pretty much EVERYTHING is about race to political-progressives, and they also look negatively upon American law enforcement as being automatically racist.

dan_c00000 writes: "A cop was 77 times more likely to be killed by a white man than an unarmed white man is to be killed by a cop."

And if a law enforcement officer has a violent encounter with a white man, I am going to side with that law enforcement officer 99.9% of the time WITHOUT asking what was the RACE of that officer! When you're dealing with a police officer you DON'T behave like an idiot, pure & simple!

BotanyBoy adds: "White people aren't the ones crying racism and "Black privilege!!!" every time the cops shoot an unarmed white man."

If you take away their "race card," the liberal-progressives have nothing left. And they're increasingly nervous that President Trump is going to do surprisingly WELL with black voters in 2020, which is why they're currently using that "race card" so much lately!
Didn't answer the question racist bot.

Didn't have to it's non-issue.

Well racist bot, aren't you concerned about the white menace?

No, I'm not a racist progressive and I've yet to see any white privileges.

If you take away their "race card," the liberal-progressives have nothing left. And they're increasingly nervous that President Trump is going to do surprisingly WELL with black voters in 2020, which is why they're currently using that "race card" so much lately!

Liberal=/= progressive.
White people aren't the ones crying racism and "Black privilege!!!" every time the cops shoot an unarmed white man.

So that one landed pretty softly, better luck next time. ;)

Did you even read the post you quoted there? The point being made was the exact opposite of what you appear to think it was.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVUU7tt2PSE - (ABC News reports: Trump lashes out at Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings - runs 3:27)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71ZXEAc6pWs - (West Baltimore IS DEFINITELY a rat and rodent-INFESTED mess - runs 12:11)

The Democratic Party is once again screaming "RACIST" after President Trump attacked Black Congressman Elijah Cummings for presiding over a rat-&-rodent-infested district! Yes, everybody openly acknowledges that west Baltimore is a dangerous sh*thole, but because a black congressman represents that area (and has for the past 23-years) we're not supposed to bring it up?

THIS is why President Trump won the White House, and why he's getting more support from BLACK Americans who see the TRUTH in his tweets against their representatives. Listening to Democrats repeatedly using the word "racist" against this president is getting old really quick!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pUgOMhrEGw - (Conservative black radio commentator Dan Bongino on FOX & Friends - runs 4:23)
The Democratic Party is once again screaming "RACIST" after President Trump attacked Black Congressman Elijah Cummings for presiding over a rat-&-rodent-infested district! Yes, everybody openly acknowledges that west Baltimore is a dangerous sh*thole, but because a black congressman represents that area (and has for the past 23-years) we're not supposed to bring it up?

It's been represented by a black congressman for a lot longer than that, just not that particular one.
And anyone who hasn't drunk the Kool Aid like you knows what Trump was hinting at, Dump.
YDB95 writes: "It's been represented by a black congressman for a lot longer than that, just not that particular one. And anyone who hasn't drunk the Kool Aid like you knows what Trump was hinting at, Dump."

So, you're arguing that ANYBODY who remarks about what a rat-infested sh*thole west Baltimore has become under Representative Elijah Cummings & the Democratic Party is to be considered a "racist?" - well, isn't that interesting...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olC9gI1XbpY - (Bernie Sanders walks through west Baltimore in 2015 - runs 1:56)

The Democrats are beginning to eat their own! Socialist Vermont U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders uses racist language to describe portions of Maryland's 7th U.S. Congressional District, and we all know what he was hinting at - don't we, YDB95?

BotanyBoy writes: "At least you're willing to admit the race obsessed leftist delusion is....a delusion."

Liberal Democrats would MUCH rather focus on conditions at U.S. border detainment centers where illegals are temporarily being held than focus instead on the rat & rodent infested neighborhoods of those cities run by Democratic Party politicians!
The Democrats are beginning to eat their own!

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Executive Director Allison Jastrow resigns due to "lack of diversity" charge.
The article (or its thesis at least) is absolutely right. Crying racism at absolutely everything is a bad habit among some on the left, and it does cheapen accusations of the real thing.

But the irony of all this is undoubtedly lost on Dumpington and his alts, who routinely hurl that accusation at anyone who calls him a racist. We're not saying everyone who disagrees with us is a racist, Dump. We're saying YOU are a racist, nothing more.

Here's as plainly as I can put it: Donald Trump is either a racist, or he does the best job of playing one on TV since George Wallace. Anyone who supports him at this point is either a racist or is willing to support a racist for other reasons, which I honestly consider even worse than being racist oneself (at least then you don't know any better). Now, yes, you can twist that around to argue that I'm saying anyone who disagrees with me on that particular point is a racist, and I plead guilty. But that's still a far cry from saying I believe anyone who disagrees with me on anything is a racist. I've never said that and I never will.

And the whole reason why we shouldn't accuse everyone else of being a racist? It makes it easier for people like Dumpington to rationalise their own bigotry. But then, they're going to do that no matter what.

Well; George Wallace was a democrat!
RubenR writes: "Inquiring minds want to know; is that why you started your The new faces of the neo-fascist & racist Democratic Party! thread? To make it easier for you to exist & even flourish?"

Why does ANYBODY start a new thread here on this Politics Board section of the Literotica forum, Ruben? I just noticed several things about this new elements of fascism spreading among political-progressives and thought it needed to be addressed by people like you & me.

icanhelp1 writes: "Well, George Wallace was a democrat!"

This is true - and not ONLY was George Wallace a Democrat - he was even an official Democratic Party candidate for president in 1964, 1972, & 1976 - and ran as an Independent presidential candidate in 1968 (actually winning five-states; he's the last third-party candidacy to actually win any electoral votes!)

jp55665566 writes: " President Donald Trump is not a racist!"

Everybody knows this, but liberal Democrats who are still upset that he defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016 continue to call Trump a racist to insult him. They no longer seriously care about the true meaning of that word. They've CHEAPENED its use by using it to attack anybody who doesn't share their political views.
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YDB95 writes: "It's been represented by a black congressman for a lot longer than that, just not that particular one. And anyone who hasn't drunk the Kool Aid like you knows what Trump was hinting at, Dump."

So, you're arguing that ANYBODY who remarks about what a rat-infested sh*thole west Baltimore has become under Representative Elijah Cummings & the Democratic Party is to be considered a "racist?" - well, isn't that interesting...

If they use terminology like you use there ("Rat-infested shithole"), then they probably are, yes.

Well; George Wallace was a democrat!

Overlooking the fact that Wallace spent the last two decades or so of his life apologising for his racist past...so what? That the Dems had some racists in their ranks half a century ago is not in dispute. Does that make it OK for Trump to be one now? I think you'll find most people believe two wrongs don't make a right. You also might find - outside the ranks of right-wing Republicans - our society has evolved somewhat on racial issues since the '60s.
YDB95 writes: "If they use terminology like you use there ("Rat-infested shithole"), then they probably are, yes."

It is what it is, YDB95.

The neo-fascist government/regime in Venezuela calls that nation a "socialist paradise" - but everybody already knows how they're turned their once beautiful & prosperous country into a "shithole" where people now look for food in garbage dumpsters. Socialism destroys economies!

Bernie Sanders & Donald Trump both AGREE that west Baltimore is a rat-&-rodent-infested shithole, but congressman Elijah Cummings is more concerned with conditions at border detainment centers in Texas than he is about the people living in the district that he represents!

"Overlooking the fact that Wallace spent the last two decades or so of his life apologising for his racist past...so what?"

U.S. Senator Robert Byrd (Democrat, West Virginia) apologized profusely, as well! Byrd had risen to the high-rank of Exalted Cyclops in the Ku Kux Klan before being elected to the U.S. Senate, but his virulently racist past was forgiven when he cast the deciding vote to pass ObamaCare in 2009, with President Obama even delivering the eulogy at former KKK leader Byrd's funeral the following year! Racism & the Democratic Party have a LONG HISTORY together!
U.S. Senator Robert Byrd (Democrat, West Virginia) apologized profusely, as well! Byrd had risen to the high-rank of Exalted Cyclops in the Ku Kux Klan before being elected to the U.S. Senate, but his virulently racist past was forgiven when he cast the deciding vote to pass ObamaCare in 2009, with President Obama even delivering the eulogy at former KKK leader Byrd's funeral the following year! Racism & the Democratic Party have a LONG HISTORY together!

No sensible person believes that Exalted Cyclops Senator Robert Byrd Democrat, West Virginia(and Hillary Clinton's mentor) was sincere in his ambitious, opportunistic apologies for being a virulent racist. Democrats are, by and large, far more racist than Republicans IMO.

Hillary Clinton: "f*cking Jew bastard", "super-predators" << to young black men >> "bring them to heel", "I am adamantly against illegal immigrants", "colored-people's time"(inferring inherent laziness), "when they get off the Reservation"(referring to wild men, Native Americans).

Joe Biden: "They're gonna put y'all back in chains", "You can't go into a 7-11 or Dunkin' Donuts without having a slight Indian accent, I'm not kidding!"
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If they use terminology like you use there ("Rat-infested shithole"), then they probably are, yes.

There is nothing racist about calling a rat infested shithole, a rat infested shithole. Especially when it’s a demonstrable FACT that the place in question is indeed a rat infested shithole.

You clearly need to go look up the word racism as you obviously don’t know what the word means.
YDB95 writes: "If they use terminology like you use there ("Rat-infested shithole"), then they probably are, yes."

It is what it is, YDB95.

The neo-fascist government/regime in Venezuela calls that nation a "socialist paradise" - but everybody already knows how they're turned their once beautiful & prosperous country into a "shithole" where people now look for food in garbage dumpsters. Socialism destroys economies!

Bernie Sanders & Donald Trump both AGREE that west Baltimore is a rat-&-rodent-infested shithole, but congressman Elijah Cummings is more concerned with conditions at border detainment centers in Texas than he is about the people living in the district that he represents!

"Overlooking the fact that Wallace spent the last two decades or so of his life apologising for his racist past...so what?"

U.S. Senator Robert Byrd (Democrat, West Virginia) apologized profusely, as well! Byrd had risen to the high-rank of Exalted Cyclops in the Ku Kux Klan before being elected to the U.S. Senate, but his virulently racist past was forgiven when he cast the deciding vote to pass ObamaCare in 2009, with President Obama even delivering the eulogy at former KKK leader Byrd's funeral the following year! Racism & the Democratic Party have a LONG HISTORY together!

His apology reminds me of Maxwell Smart on "Get Smart." "Sorry about that, Chief."
Thomas Sowell writes: "The word 'racism' is like KETCHUP - it can be put on practically anything - and demanding evidence makes you a 'racist!'"

http://www.azquotes.com/picture-quo...hing-and-demanding-thomas-sowell-27-84-75.jpg - (Thomas Sowell quote #1)

Racism is not dead - but it IS on life-support - kept alive mainly by the people who use if for an excuse - or to keep minority communities fearful or resentful enough to turn-out as a voting bloc on election day!

https://i.imgflip.com/w6j4h.jpg - (Thomas Sowell quote #2)

Do the people who are always demanding that there be more "TRAINING" for police ever say that the hoodlums that police have to deal with should have more "training" by their parents, instead of being allowed to grow wild, like weeds?

http://assets.patriotpost.us/images/2015-08-18-72d4c6e2_large.jpg - (Thomas Sowell quote #3)

Liberals seem to assume that, if you don't believe in their particular political solutions, that you don't really care about the people that they claim to want to help.

http://www.relatably.com/q/img/thomas-sowell-quotes/Thomas-Sowell-Interesting-quote.jpg - (Thomas Sowell quote #4)
YDB95 writes: "I'll spell it out for you again:

1. I believe YOU are a racist, Dumpington.
- It's just too bad that you don't actually know what a racist IS, YDB95!

2. I believe everyone who supports Donald Trump is either a racist, or inappropriately comfortable with supporting one. - Yes, and I believe that everybody who supported Barack Obama is a buffoon - or was inappropriately comfortable in supporting a buffoon! What of it?

3. I do not believe everyone who disagrees with me is a racist. - No, if you wanted Hillary but the other guys wanted Bernie, you're fine with that. But if the other guy instead wanted a more conservative candidate, then you believe that person must be a racist. Ditto for somebody in 2008 who might have supported John McCain instead of Obama! Such a person would have to be a racist!

"It's simple, really."

Yes, it's EXTREMELY simple - accusing somebody of being a racist who ISN'T really a racist cheapens that charge! It's like staging your own fake racist-hoax-attack in downtown Chicago! The next time it happens for real fewer people will actually believe you!
But if the other guy instead wanted a more conservative candidate, then you believe that person must be a racist.

If that "more conservative candidate" kicked off his campaign by calling Mexicans rapists and drug pushers, yes.

Ditto for somebody in 2008 who might have supported John McCain instead of Obama! Such a person would have to be a racist!

That's just one of a very long list of claims you've made without ever once pointing out a single example of a real person actually saying it. Certainly I never did.
The careless use of any label leads to the degradation of its true meaning.
Doesn't matter whether is is racism, liberal, fascist, whatever the turning of the word from its real, "true" meaning into a general insult is demeaning to all.

For example, there are some morons on this forum who apply the label fascist to the Democratic Party in the states. Such an absurdity, just absolutely mindless. Apart from that, it is such an insult to the memory of the 400000 Americans who gave their lives in WWII to purge the world of facism. Also lets not forget that it was a Democratic Party president who dropped 2 atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, without hesitation, to remove the threat of fascism from the face of the earth.
Beware using political labels as insults to try and gain a few miserable points. Your are demeaning yourself and more importantly debasing the greatest patriots from your history.
YDB95 writes: "If that "more conservative candidate" kicked off his campaign by calling Mexicans rapists and drug pushers, yes."

Here is a simple "yes or no" question for you: if somebody is in this nation illegally - they could be from Mexico or ANY other country - and that person commits a violent crime (including selling drugs), should they be protected by Sanctuary Cities here in the U.S.?

"That's just one of a very long list of claims you've made without ever once pointing out a single example of a real person actually saying it. Certainly I never did."

Oh, give me a break! You have repeatedly labelled me a racist without a single piece of evidence of my doing anything remotely racist! In your mind, being a conservative is racist! In your view, standing respectfully during our national anthem makes a person a white supremacist!

magicalmoments writes: "Doesn't matter whether is is racism, liberal, fascist, whatever the turning of the word from its real, "true" meaning into a general insult is demeaning to all."

You are essentially correct, although I seriously doubt if most liberals feel insulted by being called "liberals" anymore than I would be insulted by being called a "conservative!"

"Beware using political labels as insults to try and gain a few miserable points."

Again, I agree with you, magicalmoments - although if somebody were to actually admit to being a Marxist-Socialist (e.g. Communist) or a National-Socialist (e.g. Nazi) and you then refer to them as such, then I'd say that's hardly an insult, as they ADMIT to embracing such a hate-filled ideology!

RubenR writes: "When you use the word 'racist' only for specific people that are continuously posting racist comments (like dump)..."

There you go, Ruben - I don't share your political views, so you call me a "racist!" You are a classic example of the boy who cried wolf! When you meet a REAL RACIST and try to condemn what they say, nobody is going to believe you anymore! You're destroying your credibility!
YDB95 writes: "If that "more conservative candidate" kicked off his campaign by calling Mexicans rapists and drug pushers, yes."

Here is a simple "yes or no" question for you: if somebody is in this nation illegally - they could be from Mexico or ANY other country - and that person commits a violent crime (including selling drugs), should they be protected by Sanctuary Cities here in the U.S.?

Of course not. But that's not the issue. The issue is that he implied that most Mexican immigrants were violent criminals, which was already a common stereotype.

"That's just one of a very long list of claims you've made without ever once pointing out a single example of a real person actually saying it. Certainly I never did."

Oh, give me a break! You have repeatedly labelled me a racist without a single piece of evidence of my doing anything remotely racist! In your mind, being a conservative is racist! In your view, standing respectfully during our national anthem makes a person a white supremacist!

You got several things wrong here (big surprise, huh?):
1. First and by far the most important, you completely ignore what I was addressing in my comment that you repeated in blue there. The issue at hand was (and still is, since you've failed to address it), exactly who said anyone who voted for McCain in 2008 must be a racist? I never said that, and I've never seen anyone else say it.
2. Yes, I have repeatedly called you a racist, but not without evidence. You just insist that your racism isn't racism. Saying it does not make it so. Just off the top of my head, there's your constant insistence that people of color only vote Democratic because they've been bribed with free stuff. I know you think it's not racist to say that. In my view, that only proves just how racist you are.
3. "In your mind, being a conservative is racist!" Not only have I never said that, I have repeatedly said I don't believe that. (Mind you, you and I probably have very different definitions of "conservative". But that's beside the point.)
4. "In your view, standing respectfully during our national anthem makes a person a white supremacist!" Show me where I said that, Dump. Go ahead, I'll wait. Show me.
Of course not. But that's not the issue. The issue is that he implied that most Mexican immigrants were violent criminals, which was already a common stereotype.

You got several things wrong here (big surprise, huh?):
1. First and by far the most important, you completely ignore what I was addressing in my comment that you repeated in blue there. The issue at hand was (and still is, since you've failed to address it), exactly who said anyone who voted for McCain in 2008 must be a racist? I never said that, and I've never seen anyone else say it.
2. Yes, I have repeatedly called you a racist, but not without evidence. You just insist that your racism isn't racism. Saying it does not make it so. Just off the top of my head, there's your constant insistence that people of color only vote Democratic because they've been bribed with free stuff. I know you think it's not racist to say that. In my view, that only proves just how racist you are.
3. "In your mind, being a conservative is racist!" Not only have I never said that, I have repeatedly said I don't believe that. (Mind you, you and I probably have very different definitions of "conservative". But that's beside the point.)
4. "In your view, standing respectfully during our national anthem makes a person a white supremacist!" Show me where I said that, Dump. Go ahead, I'll wait. Show me.

I realised very early on that its a waste of time trying to debate an issue with Dump. He is one of those special people, a stable genius if you like, who believes what he utters is true simply by virtue of the fact he uttered it. He adds nothing of interest in any of the debates he latches himself onto and the threads he starts are honey traps for the unwary and the unwise. Arguing with him will drive you to the same state of feeble mindedness that he exists in. He is best ignored completely.