Why do people say so many goodbyes online before they stop the conversation?

I think it has to do with not wanting to be the first to "hang up." like being the first to leave the party, you think everyone will think you can't wait to get away from them. I too never can say goodbye (sorry Diana), and usually because I feel the other person will think I am trying to get away from them. I sure this breems of deeper issues!
I am both a perpetrator and a victim in these IM crimes of adios, goodbye and c ya! The only way to end it is COLD TURKEY! If the person loves and adores you, they won't read too much into it. Say what you need to say and get off(literally and/or figuratively)! :)

I have also been guilty of wanting to get the last word in. Therefore, a series of goodbyes, see ya laters, take care and so on take place. I must confess, and for punishment, I will take 30 lashes. Please, make them gentle lashes though, I have sensitive skin. :D Katerina
Dear Kat,

anytime you want to say goodbye repeatedly is fine bye me.

ps: My computer misses you.


Lovely Latina said:
DAMN. I just became REALLY, REALLY EXPERIENCED with a freakin' floating virgin head thingy!
(No offense, FH)

aaaaahhhhhhhggggg! I give! <dammit, have to go to work>

<raises arms in victory!>

Work?? HA!

<ponders a second>


Now who's been one-upped? :D:D <lights up a cyber cigarette>

Siren, I have the same problem when I am online. I don't like to be rude to people, so when I say goodbye I will wait 30 seconds or so but then just sign off. If the other person keeps saying goodbye, I might repeat 'bye' a second time but then I will sign off. I found that was the only way to get offline sometimes. I have no idea why it is so hard for some people to say goodbye and then do it, but it seems to be one of those things. If it has something to do with the last word, then I just let them have it. Sure makes it easier to say goodbye.

And thats my last word on that....
LL I know the feeling... now if you help me get really really experienced I can show you what it does for me

What last word?

da Chef
I know I'm bad about saying goodbye, but in many cases, I've found that I have no where else to go and nothing better to do or am even trying to avoid doing something (like right now I should be typing a letter to a freakin' management company... sorry, digressing horribly).

In many ways, I've found that I just want to be around people and don't want to be alone. Just a natural reaction due to my introverted childhood. Putting up a post is difficult for me, but I'm trying and I hope it becomes more natural.

I have fallen into the trap of the Long Goodbye, but lately, I just don't have the time or patience for it. Usually I would keep responding because I didn't want the other party to think I was slighting them. Now, I figure, they'll remember that I already said my goodbye and that the "User Offline" message was a good indication that I was done. :)
Well goodnight Siren......
Hope you sleep well.....
Talk to you tomorrow sweetheart......
I'll miss you.....
Sweet dreams.....
Are you still there?
Did you go to sleep?
Why don't you answer me?
Are you mad?
Where are you?
What's the problem?!?!
Xander said:
Oh and Lovely Latina!!!!

Where have you been smilie girl?? And how the hell are you?? :D

Oh and I think that Nurse is really giving you competition for the title as Smilie Girl.

Xander Sweetie!

Where have *I* been!? Where have *YOU* been!? I've been looking for that sexy "arm" <wink wink> of yours on your webcam, but it doesn't seem to be working these days. Par-kay? :( Had my webcam working for a few days, but I just got soooo bored trying to fool myself and guess MY OWN exposed body parts (Hey! Got 8 out of 10 right!), that I just gave up. *sigh*

As for the title of "Smiley Girl"...I gladly relinquish my crown to Nurse. 'Sides...it messed up my sexy coif.

Chef: You're almost there, baby...just few more posts to go! I'll be waiting with baited breasts. ;)

Floating Head: HA! Try and last-word ME, will ya!

Ah yes, but how about this...

You've just begun to say your goodbyes when one party or the other gets kicked off line....so you sit and wait for them to come back online just to answer your salutation, then when they have, you get kicked off...grrrrrrrrrr....a sure fire way to make the "Long Kiss Goodnight" turn into "Marathon Man"....figuratively speaking, of course...I know no one's ever gonna mistake Geena Davis for Dustin Hoffman....unless he does something like "Tootsie 2"....

Talk about digression...

Havoc :cool:
Lovely Latina!!!

LOL@LL jeez that's a lot of Ls'.

I've been here all along LL. :)

And you're right, my webcam isen't working right now grrrrr.
But I am sorry to tell you, that the "Guess a bodypart" gameshow has been taken off the air. Not enough viewers.

I wouldn't mind guessing some of yours tho' ;)
Lovely Latina said:
Floating Head: HA! Try and last-word ME, will ya!

()___))___________)))~~~~~ [/B]

Damn, where do you come these? I am truly impressed.. LMAO

You are great, LL!! Oh god, I needed a good laugh today. LOL

Well, maybe I won't always get in the last word, but I will be laughing a lot.

Hi Siren,

Glad your here on the board. Saying goodbye online can be a long process for some people. I don't really know why, but if its just the last word thing, then I will usually let other people have it.


Bodizefi, must we continue this diatribe? We have all had our say on this matter and people have paid attention. But I see no reason for you to continue with the vulgar language. So can we just move on. If you don't like certain people here then just go to another thread, please.

Magic Merlin
Just wanted to add to that comment of Merlin's.

Bodizefi, it seems like you are beating a dead horse. I also don't see any reason to continue attacking someone. And especially with the language. Let's go on.
Floating Head said:
Bodizefi, it seems like you are beating a dead horse. I also don't see any reason to continue attacking someone. And especially with the language. Let's go on.

*Wants to know what part of this dead horse he's beating*
Sorry, I just flashed back to one of the stories on the 'Extreme' index.

*This, and other, meaningless posts brought to you The Endlessly Fan Club. You're damn right we want fries with that*