Why do you cry?

Reading through this thread it is clear that crying, and what triggers it, is intensely personal to everyone.

Many years ago two soldiers under my command were killed in combat. We recovered their bodies back to base. After the debrief I locked myself away and cried uncontrollably. That was the last time I cried. I attended their funerals and faced their families and did not cry.

I have lost pets and family members since but despite feeling pain and grief I seem to have lost the ability to physically cry.

To echo what some others have said - I see crying as a strength not a weakness.
I cry easily, and I always hated it.
I cry after sad movies, touching movies, after hearing or reading touching stories, after finishing a good book, whenever a movie/book character I really liked dies or gets gravely injured, after the death of an animal, sometimes just at random times. I get sad, feel teary, and cry, and have no idea whats going on. Other days I just can't seem to get anything right, which makes me cry, too.
Then there's the other kind of crying, which mostly occurs during and after an argument that got out of control or after something extremely hurtful. I'm angry, furious even, frustrated, desperate, humiliated, and boil down to being a glob of tears, hiccups, snot and wailing.
So, yeah, I cry alot, and if there's something I could change about me, it would be this.
I am the same and yes it sucks! 🌹*HUGGS*

If I could change something about me, it would be this as well, as I think cold hearted bitches get thro the life so much easily than I ever will LOL!
Being yelled at by two people after one hour of sleep when I had to take my mum to docs and parked my car on a wrong place for few minutes, just so she was as close to the elevator as possible cuz she struggles to walk. Made me cry yes.
It depends. I cry during therapy sessions a lot as I dissect being raised by a narc mother and an enabling father. Certain movies or shows will do it (most recently sobbed through The Color Purple), music, even some spoken word performances. The arts are very personal and dear to my heart, so maybe that has something to do with it. Lately parenting a teenager makes me cry, too.
so lucky its legal to wear bikinitops 🫠 it makes your breasts nude except for your nipples.
How old are you, 12? Are you some lonely old man pretending to be a sexy young woman? Or is English just your second language? Every post you make is absolutely ridiculous.
Unfulfilled dreams makes me cry sometimes.

I grew up in a family where you could simply FEEL the LOVE everywhere. My parents they hugged, kissed, touched, laughed and they were happy together. They touched most of the time. My dad used to repare TVs, he had his own room for that and my mum would sit there with him doing some knitting or something like that and he would fix radios, TVs or anythin really, but they would spend their time together most of the time. He would come home from work and would give her big kiss and big hug and he was HAPPY to be see her, talk to her and spend his time with her. He always loved to be around her, hug her, kiss her, hold her. You could tell they LOVED each other so much. I grew up in this and now I crave it. I had so much love and affection as a kid. I grew up thinking what my parents had is what I will have!

But life is far from the fairytale in which I grew up. Marriages do not always last, people die way to soon before it's their time and not every boyfriend is as affectionate and attentive as my dad was. So yes, thats what makes me cry sometimes. But since I am dreamer I will continue dreaming about it lol.
Sometimes I wish I could. I’ve always been in a suck it up atmosphere that caused me to not deal with a lot of mental and physical pain.
I cry, because sometimes I feel like a bloody loser and I'm losing my mind, and I just try and smile like nothings wrong, but it's so fucking tiring!
I'm very lonely. I'm single, nobody wants to date me. I have friends but nobody ever asks me to join them. I spent Friday night alone, again. I had sex 2 weeks ago, just for human contact, I don't think I ever got his name. 😢
My question is to myself...
Why DON'T I cry? Am I insane because my best friend/husband died and I didn't go crazy and fall to the ground and ball like a baby... Why not? What's wrong with me?
My question is to myself...
Why DON'T I cry? Am I insane because my best friend/husband died and I didn't go crazy and fall to the ground and ball like a baby... Why not? What's wrong with me?
I’m really sorry for your loss.

My house isn’t built close to the water, it floats on the bloody ocean. I’ll cry at everything. Sadness, happiness, emotional scenes in movies, books or games, great song lyrics… Sometimes I’ll look at my cat and think about how much I love him and I’ll just start bawling. I’m a mess.
I don't/can't cry. Its how I was raised. My mother was pretty nasty, and mean. As such, did mean things. Crying only got you into more trouble. I couldn't cry at the loss of my Gramma, who was one of the most important people in the world to me. Definitely made, or makes me feel broken. I think my sadder emotional times just make me somber, or reminiscent. I keep my emotions pretty well hidden though. Stoic has been a word used to describe me, by many different people in many different situations.