Why do you spend time in the Lit forums?

I was a reader and commenter on Lit for fifteen years before I discovered the Forums, and that was only because the site's anti-spam bot decided that I was a spammer. I then discovered that AH was where most of the sane people hung out.
If the anti-spam bot had labelled you a spammer, how did you get into the forums in the end?
If the anti-spam bot had labelled you a spammer, how did you get into the forums in the end?
By spammer, I meant it would no longer let me communicate with authors. The tech support folks on the forum fixed it after several weeks of me whining
read the posts on threads, pm chat with people like minded etc.
Slid down the slippery slope from ignorance into purgatory, I guess... :)
I didn't even know this place existed until I had a story nominated for the Reader's Choice Award.
I saw the 25th Anniversary Challenge and submitted a story for that, posting in the thread for that contest, which meant following the thread a little.
Asked a question or two, got decent answers, and picked on a little which brought out my inner masochists.
Saw a thread or two I though were engaging, and dove in, and now I'm here.

I feel like I've found a quirky little neighborhood full of interesting people, even a sister I didn't know I had(@onehitwanda ) and a secret crush(@EmilyMiller) just don't tell her. I don't want her to think I'm like a stalker or anything. I mean cute little blonds terrify the hell out of me, if I'm honest. :)
lot of openions. different people. variety of topics. impressive and thrilling sex related threads. bouquet of wide range fragrance. coudnt find a better site.
I didn't even know this place existed until I had a story nominated for the Reader's Choice Award.
What if authors who like the forum were to put a little note in the afterward of their stories with an invitation and a link to the forums. I suspect there are LOTS of authors who would like this place if they knew it existed.
Going back to when most of my time spent was in copyediting books for mainstream publishers--mostly foreign affairs/espionage/terrorism nonfiction,, I had also started writing erotica and found Literotica. I came to the board periodically then to take breaks from the heavy editing and clear my mind. I moved to mostly writing and less mainstream editing, but I've kept the habit of taking "discussion board" checking as a break from other work.
I’m fairly new here, but I love learning about different peoples attitude to sex, learning more about myself. I’m open to chatting via PM for kinks or chatting, would be great to have a naughty connection for chatting/pics
I came here to try to find recs for new stories, on the grounds that people who chat about writing might be more likely to write the kinds of story I like. Worked quite well.

With mostly wfh it's my substitute for chatting at the tea point with colleagues. Not quite as filthy, though!
I originally came here for help for my first story.

Which I did get and met some great people.

Now I stay and talk.
Sometimes for inspiration or to help break a writer's block. Recently, it's been to kill time while waiting for a story to get back from an editor or go from pending to published.
1. like minded people with regards to erotica.

2. Analysis.

3. Intimacy.

4. Curiosity.

5. Enjoyment in well written stories.
First of all, 5 out of 5 for me, too.

And your comments and caveats around 1) apply to me too. My partner, a sexually experienced woman, calls me sex-obsessed, and her adjective for me when it comes to sex is too "mind-ey". I know, from this site, that being "mind-ey" when it comes to sex is not a male thing, even though she likes to make this generalisation. There are plenty of mind-ey people on this site.

This site provides a safe outlet for some of the sexual fantasies I have, that I don't share with my partner. She knows what they are, and has made it clear that she's not comfortable indluging them. She can't stand Chinese food, so we don't go to Chinese restaurants. She's quite happy for me to eat the occasional Chinese though -- as long as I don't start taking other women out on dates to Chinese restaurants. And, out of respect to her sensitive nose, I don't bring Chinese takeaways home very often -- just food we can share.

This place is my "Chinese Restaurant".
First of all, 5 out of 5 for me, too.

And your comments and caveats around 1) apply to me too. My partner, a sexually experienced woman, calls me sex-obsessed, and her adjective for me when it comes to sex is too "mind-ey". I know, from this site, that being "mind-ey" when it comes to sex is not a male thing, even though she likes to make this generalisation. There are plenty of mind-ey people on this site.
Thanks for the new word!!! And thanks for the peek inside your head.
I thought of this question when I woke up this morning and got so excited composing it in my head that I wanted to leap out of bed. Couldn't, though, as hubby was bringing me breakfast in bed. :) I couldn't really concentrate on my book. Glad to dig in!

So, to repeat, why do you spend time in the Lit forums?
1. The word games
2. The sense of community (I only really frequent AH)
3. The interesting threads
4. The very useful input and support I've received from one or two folk here
5. Oh... and the word games... love 'em so much, I thought I'd mention them again!