Why have Literotica poems been read less in 2004-2005?

oh I just mean that everyone I talk to has found poetry by accident. Come on, it really is hidden very well, don't you think? The word poetry is not even mentioned on the link you click to get to it. You come to it by accident when you go loooking for a story.

Lauren Hynde said:
How do you know traffic hasn't increased exponentially each year? When audio poems were introduced, traffic skyrocketed. Same thing with illustrated poetry. Same thing with public comments.

There are now nearly 30,000 poems at Literotica. Would you bet that the accumulated number of hits in all those poems during 2005 hasn't doubled the hits of any previous year?
sack said:
While looking at the poems that have been read the most in Literotica over the years, I was surprised to see that NONE are from 2005
And I am astonished why children born in 2005 are not taller than the NBA (National Basketball Association) center players?!
SeattleRain said:
oh I just mean that everyone I talk to has found poetry by accident. Come on, it really is hidden very well, don't you think? The word poetry is not even mentioned on the link you click to get to it. You come to it by accident when you go loooking for a story.

Agreed. I came to Lit looking for stories, went through a few categories then started commenting on {God help me} Loving Wives stories. I then started noticing the comments about poetry, especially comments about poems being praised in the New Poems Review. Curiosity piqued I came over and looked - found some excellent poetry and others that were, well, in need of tweaking. But above all, I found it to be an interesting, at times cantankerous, and mentally stimulating community.

So that's another reason to comment on poems - lure in other readers.
LeBroz said:
So that's another reason to comment on poems - lure in other readers.
Good point there. Haven't thought of that.
Hey the administrator let me post a single character reply! wow! I feel so free! No more do I have to make something up when all I want to say is:

LeBroz said:
Agreed. I came to Lit looking for stories, went through a few categories then started commenting on {God help me} Loving Wives stories. I then started noticing the comments about poetry, especially comments about poems being praised in the New Poems Review. Curiosity piqued I came over and looked - found some excellent poetry and others that were, well, in need of tweaking. But above all, I found it to be an interesting, at times cantankerous, and mentally stimulating community.

So that's another reason to comment on poems - lure in other readers.

you can tweak me anytime baby
SeattleRain said:
Hey the administrator let me post a single character reply! wow! I feel so free! No more do I have to make something up when all I want to say is:

"rolleyes" is a pwetty long word, sweetcheeks.
SeattleRain said:
oh damn it!

and don't you talk all condesending to me saltednuts

there there

would I ever do that?
if you're looking at a couple of basic poems, check the views in these two that i posted on the same day 18 October '05.

Under a Bruised Sky
views: 1229

Beneath the Towers
views: 162

my theory is that the word 'bruised' swayed the views. i believe this to be the case because Under a Bruised Sky had 1202 views within the first 24 hours. Beneath the Towers had between 35 and 56.

it's far easier to write than to work out the trends and statistics in this place. lol
okay I am completely jealous.
1,202 views in 24 hours?

The two I posted the week before have 142 and 161 respectively total

You think the word bruised will do that? Damn, I am starting a Bruised series.


wildsweetone said:
if you're looking at a couple of basic poems, check the views in these two that i posted on the same day 18 October '05.

Under a Bruised Sky
views: 1229

Beneath the Towers
views: 162

my theory is that the word 'bruised' swayed the views. i believe this to be the case because Under a Bruised Sky had 1202 views within the first 24 hours. Beneath the Towers had between 35 and 56.

it's far easier to write than to work out the trends and statistics in this place. lol
i practically guarantee it... and, i dare ya.



actually, the fair way to make it work would be to submit the exact same poem under two different titles, one with 'bruised'.

let me know how it goes.
wildsweetone said:
if you're looking at a couple of basic poems, check the views in these two that i posted on the same day 18 October '05.

Under a Bruised Sky
views: 1229

Beneath the Towers
views: 162

my theory is that the word 'bruised' swayed the views. i believe this to be the case because Under a Bruised Sky had 1202 views within the first 24 hours. Beneath the Towers had between 35 and 56.

it's far easier to write than to work out the trends and statistics in this place. lol
I think that if you're looking at the Lit statistics you can see from the submissions page, that they are major screwed up. I have one poem that it says has 906 views. Considering that the most that any of the others have is roughly 300 (a number I don't believe either--I haven't looked at it that much!), and that there is nothing special about this poem (wasn't recommended on the reviews, quite frankly is not very good, nah nah nah nah nah....) I am stunned by this. It is either a mistake or there is something going on here that I really don't understand.


Like that would be new.
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like i said...

it's far easier to write than to work out the trends and statistics in this place. lol

omg i'm on the boards too much, i'm quoting myself now. :rolleyes:

wildsweetone said:
like i said...

omg i'm on the boards too much, i'm quoting myself now. :rolleyes:


well if your moniter is a mirror it is no wonder you cannot concentrate
very nice cleavage
sweet one of the wild
Tzara said:
I think that if you're looking at the Lit statistics you can see from the submissions page, that they are major screwed up. I have one poem that it says has 906 views. Considering that the most that any of the others have is roughly 300 (a number I don't believe either--I haven't looked at it that much!), and that there is nothing special about this poem (wasn't recommended on the reviews, quite frankly is not very good, nah nah nah nah nah....) I am stunned by this. It is either a mistake or there is something going on here that I really don't understand.


Like that would be new.

that was my fault, I fell asleep and my nose was on the "refresh" button. I think I hit it about 600 times. you know, I am a light sleeper, snoring and all

oh damn I have to rewrite that poem
Tzara said:
I think that if you're looking at the Lit statistics you can see from the submissions page, that they are major screwed up. I have one poem that it says has 906 views. Considering that the most that any of the others have is roughly 300 (a number I don't believe either--I haven't looked at it that much!), and that there is nothing special about this poem (wasn't recommended on the reviews, quite frankly is not very good, nah nah nah nah nah....) I am stunned by this. It is either a mistake or there is something going on here that I really don't understand.


Like that would be new.

just out of curiousity... what is the poem's title?

AnnaS, i refuse to look at myself when i'm on the computer. besides, i'm generally too busy looking at other things. lol

writing! sheesh, i'm too busy looking at writing.

i know what you thought. :p