Why should Perversity prevail ?!?

here is about what i read so far !

Hi !.i think we really like the way that we have all risen up to the occasion (this time, with our heads) and have been debating wonderfully.....here are some of my further views on what i have read so far !.....

"SOME of the racial and sexuality hatred in this country.i think that this is the time for change and drastic action! not words and sissy treatys"

Look, this is not the problem in your country alone..it is the problem of an entire global community.I also think that it is time ...but how should we go about it ?

Given the fact that these acts of perversity are glorified on every single aspect..certain groups of people find encouragement and acceptance..seek refuge in constructed illusions of "IF THERE ARE A WHOLE LOT LIKE ME, THEN I AM RIGHT !"

I think that we people are increasingly been subjected and sucked into a world where our darkest desires are fulfilled so easily by media and we fail to see the real truth ! i don't intend to be idealistic here..but i think that's what we are missing right now.

Now..why don't we shift the debate to a different plane ? as far as now....there have been some excellent posts on rightfull autonomy, privacy and general detest at perversity....but, how do we still answer the question....

The question is whether we accept or tolearte or detest perversity...or is it that there is simply nothing we can do about it????( now, i don't think that's true ).....

so, now...along with the question..."WHY SHOULD PERVERSITY PREVAIL".....comes another...."SHOULD PERVERSITY

in this light , i would like to quote two other posts <b>"immorality is so objectively obvious, and consequently contrary to public policy then what was immoral may indeed become illegal. But until it is illegal, the morality of someones conduct is surely their own concern."</b>

<b>" My point - I think (and I am not even sure about this) is that moral judgements ought to be reserved, even if most people find something reprehensible."</b>
Ok my list of unexceptable perversity now includes:
1-Child porn/abuse
2-beastiality/animal abuse
3-any form of Janet Reno
4-Rape, hetero or homosexual
5-Unwanted pain, or should I say torture
6-Water sports or stool, human and/or animal

May I add incest, I don't approve do you?
Have I missed anything?
I had this doubt ?!?

Hi !

Thought of posting a new thread but then, thougt of continuing here !

i had a doubt. Do you know of the many girls who are forced into prostitution and porn movies. NOw, we are the customers right, we enjoy these movies but actually they are made by forcing people ( not all )

so, do u think we are doing anything wrong here ! does it seem that we are also contributing to this racket somehow !?!
I'm not sure how to react to your post, earnestlover...

I am bisexual, and I don't see me being that way as wrong, which, if I read your post right, neither do you.

As for WHY I'm bisexual, I really can't tell you. I'm 19 years old now, and I'd say I started feeling an attraction towards people of the same sex when I was 15-16.

I really didn't start classifying myself as bisexual until very recently (probably about the time I started reading on Literotica-- thanks everyone!). I don't believe that any harmful attitudes towards me made me bisexual... I've lived in a relatively happy home for 19 years. I don't want to say I was born bi, but maybe I was. I was certainly not turned bi by any sexual experience, since I'm still a virgin (yet I do know, for a 100% fact, that I'm bisexual). I don't know if I've cleared anything up or just fucked things up more, but thats my story!

Rand al'Thor
The Dragon Reborn
Just to argue...

What is the point of nature. Why are we here? To make plastic? Movies? Try out new hair do's? Maybe to model our new outfits? Build skyscrapers?

We are here for one purpose only and that is to PROCREATE! That is the only purpose for a man and woman to find and enter into a relationship with each other. That being said, what is homosexually? The very concept goes AGAINST nature. If the primary reason 2 people come together is for procreation, male-male of female-female sex is now an act that goes against nature.

Now I'm not talking about the Bible and all of Jesu's rules and regulations. I'm speaking about the natural world and the animal kingdom. If anyone brings up the fact that dogs simulate gay acts, let me remind you that it is an act of domination. Very much along the same lines as rape. It ain't right but there it is.

One last thought, I am not homophobic nor do I give a whit if some guy likes salami over tacos, (gonna get killed for that one!) but it came to me after years of observation that homosexuality goes against nature.

P.S. You will not get me to change my thinking, but I am open for debate.
I don't think anyone chooses their sexuality. You can choose whether or not to act on certain feelings, but you can't control those feelings anymore than a zebra can wish away his stripes. Why is the sky blue? Why do you say ernest to earnestlover? KnowwhutImean, Vern?
I don't think the question, "Why are we here?" is a fair one... Possibly, "What should we do while we ARE here?" is a better one.

The only reason for any non-reasoning animal to have sex is to pro-create. I think that humans, on the other hand, are significantly different. Being with another person can make you have a happier, healthier life. Some of us would just prefer to have that life with someone of the same sex (or either sex, in my case). I don't think it goes against nature, but most people choose to have a relationship with someone of the opposite sex because 1)Their brains are wired that way and 2)You get the added benefit of procreation.

It is fairly well documented that most people are not completely straight or completely gay. If you ask most people completely honestly, they will have had fantasies about someone of the same sex. These feelings are just more prevelent in others. I don't want it to sound too set in stone, but some people are "a lot straight, just a little gay", or 50/50 (like me), or "not very straight, but way gay :). I know those sound stupid, and I wish I could word them better, but I think you get my point.

I'm not trying to change your opinion, but just thought I'd give the opinion of the minority...

Rand al'Thor
The Dragon Reborn
Rand, that is similar to the theory of author RMB (Venus Envy et. al.). She calls it the "Blue Dot Theory" of homosexuality. Therein, nobody could lie about it. Strict heterosexuals would have a white dot on their foreheads, on through to those who were strictly homosexual having blue-black dots. Presuming your self description is correct, yours would be bright blue, while mine would be very pale blue. The thought behind the theory, of course, is to shut up those who point fingers and name call, when they themselves have participated in the same activities. Just think of all the hidden dots we don't get to see! All in fun, naturally.

All Nyquilled up, off to dreamland I go...
You know, I for one..has always been straight..I always like to have sex with women. It is so magical and pleasurable when you make love to a woman in a gentle and sensual manner. I cannot understand why in the world are there people who feel this form of pleasure to be inadequate....I mean, a child is always so innocent and magical to look at , the laughter of a child and the touch is always so divine. But, it is really depressing to note that there are those among us who get sexually aroused with children ?!?[/B]

Hey Ernestlover! When did you learn to talk English? It suits you... man! Far out!


P.S. I'm giving you friendly shit. You're post was alright. :)
You know, I for one..has always been straight..I always like to have sex with women. It is so magical and pleasurable when you make love to a woman in a gentle and sensual manner. I cannot understand why in the world are there people who feel this form of pleasure to be inadequate....I mean, a child is always so innocent and magical to look at , the laughter of a child and the touch is always so divine. But, it is really depressing to note that there are those among us who get sexually aroused with children ?!?[/B]

Hey Ernestlover! When did you learn to talk English? It suits you... man! Far out!


P.S. I'm giving you friendly shit. Your post was alright. :)
Re: Re: Why should Perversity prevail ?!?

MADDOG said:
Hey Ernestlover! When did you learn to talk English? It suits you... man! Far out!

About the same time you did, and compounded it by taking up double posting? LOL :p
Haha! Very funny! :) But technically, it's not a double posting. I saw a typo, and hit stop, but it must have gone through. A great big tongue kiss to the first person who spots the difference! (Unless it's a guy - then it's just a firm handshake.)

MADDOG said:
Haha! Very funny! :) But technically, it's not a double posting. I saw a typo, and hit stop, but it must have gone through. A great big tongue kiss to the first person who spots the difference! (Unless it's a guy - then it's just a firm handshake.)


I blame my oversight on Dayquil, damn it! I'd oblige, but your hachoochie-kablooies would get me into serious trouble.
Dear Payne,

I think it has something to do with the ozone layer and light refraction.
LOL. Couuuuuuuuuld be! Not an impending comet crash, then?

M-i-c-k-e-Y, Why? cause mah heroh said so. Sorry, blame Dixon, he stuck that song in mah lil ol heyed. hee. I'm safe, he can't kill. Don't maim me, I just got my tan right!
Dear Payne,

My sincerest wishes that you get well, soon!
Thanks very much. I make a terrible patient. If I could just stay in bed and stay asleep for 2 days straight it would all go away. But, no! Here I am debating the death penalty, birth control, euthanasia, and Acher Daniels Midland genetically altered food stuffs. Does depression prolong illness? Anybody want to support my theory of Krispy Kreme's as cure for the common cold? Dixon seems to have connections, maybe he could provide a research grant?!
I wonder why people get a kick out of abnormal stuff..

Oh, and before anyone corrects me, I think 'abnormal' is the right word. Sexual intercourse has a clearly defined biological purpose: procreation.

This is why I don't agree with people who talk about 'everyone has a little bit of gay' and 'everyone has a little bit of straight'. The implication is that homo- and heterosexuality are really just two different forms of the same thing, gay desires occurring as naturally as straight ones. Perhaps the gay lobby have been able to achieve this partly through adopting the word 'gay', with its semantic weight of happiness and stuff like that. When gay sex was referred to as 'sodomy', nobody saw it as anything more than a fetish or a perversion.

But that's basically what it is - the same sort of thing as incest, bestiality, golden showers and even paedophilia. About 1/3 of paedophiles are gay - and that's just those who admit it :) It's tough to explain why people get a kick out of deviating from the norm, but they do...

So when I hear about 'gay rights campaigns'I really do wonder if the whole world has gone barmy. I mean, what's next? 'Animal rights' campaigners in Trafalgar Square? Equal rights for scatologists? (although they'll need a better name: how about the 'happies' :))

Nor am I 'homophobic' (although the fact that we've got the word 'homophobia' just shows how much you can achieve by branding yourself a 'minority group' and accusing others of discrimination. Look up the word 'scatophobe' - it doesn't exist!)Someone back on page one said s/he didn't mind what people got up to behind closed doors, so long as it was consensual. I'd agree with that. Even if it does involve something you would find on http://www.scatlovers.com. But these concepts of 'gay rights', and 'we've all got a bit of gay in us' just show what an insane, politically correct society we live in...

P.S. DO NOT go to that site unless you want to end up mentally scarred for life - it is NOT NICE and I'm trying to work out how to get my browser to block it!!!
Slutty name calling ..

yea ... and why are some woman labelled a "slut" (in a bad way) just cause they wanna have fun lol ..


Jill went to Kelly's place to tell her about a horrible experience she had the previous night with this guy, Simon, she took home.

Kelly asked "Well, what happened when you got there?"

Jill said, "After sex the S.O.B. called me a slut!"

"What did you do then?" Kelly asked, somewhat shocked.

Jill said "I told Simon to get the hell out of my bedroom, and take his eight friends with him!"
Man stitchface, I just saw the entrance page to that site and wanted to vomit... Thank God I didn't click "enter". :(

But of course, I must argue with you on a few points! :) Let me see:

"This is why I don't agree with people who talk about 'everyone has a little bit of gay' and 'everyone has a little bit of straight'. The implication is that homo- and heterosexuality are really just two different forms of the same thing, gay desires occurring as naturally as straight ones."

But homosexual desires do occur naturally. If they didn't, homosexuality could only be classified as some sort of disease, which I don't believe to be true. The "little bit of gay" analogy doesn't sit well with a lot of people, since homosexual thoughts have such a negative connotation with them. It also doesn't work on people whose "gay" tendencies might just be a little speck in a heterosexual world. Also, most men will not admit to having a homosexual thought, no matter what. Women seem to be more *ahem* honest about it. I don't want to say that men are being "dishonest", its just that if a homosexual thought ever ended up in their heads, they would dismiss it immediately and go look at some porno! On that note- If people are so offended by homosexuality, why do men like lesbian porn? I admit I like lesbian porn, but I also admit I'm bisexual... I'd like to hear the reasons from a straight guy. Actually, I'd like to hear everyone's opinions about this... Maybe a new thread. Hmmmm... :)

"But that's basically what it is - the same sort of thing as incest, bestiality, golden showers and even paedophilia. About 1/3 of paedophiles are gay - and that's just those who admit it It's tough to explain why people get a kick out of deviating from the norm, but they do... "

Whoa there buddy. I thought we quit equating that sick shit with gay sex back on page one? Anyway-- consentual sex between persons of the same sex is much like that between a man and a woman... Its just harder for straight people to understand it. And who defines what "the norm" is. Homosexuality has been looked down on for so long that people cannot fathom it being something "normal." Oh yeah, if 1/3 of pedophiles are gay, then 2/3 are straight...

"So when I hear about 'gay rights campaigns'I really do wonder if the whole world has gone barmy. I mean, what's next? 'Animal rights' campaigners in Trafalgar Square? Equal rights for scatologists? (although they'll need a better name: how about the 'happies' )"

I can't say too much about gay rights, since I'm tucked away in my closet nicely! :) I for one, do not, in any way, support gay marriages, and I really don't like the idea of gay couples adopting children, either. I guess that makes the gay community frown on me, too (damn it! no acceptance! :)) While some gays will go to the extremes that I mentioned a second ago (that I do not believe in), most of them (or should I say, us?) just want to be treated equally-- not to be fired from a job for being gay or be unfairly ridiculed. I guess my views on these things might change whenever I do come out of the closet, but for now, thats my 2 cents!

Rand al'Thor
The Dragon Reborn