wicked eve

WickedEve said:
Oh, god. Is this a death thread? I'm dead, right? I wasn't gone long, and you people have me missing. I've told Ange before that I may just disappear once in awhile. Right now I've been obsessing over my cow. Eve's Habit is now called bored cow and I'm trying to restore some of the files from the habit but I must have a thousand! And in the last two days I made a bunch of cow illustrations. I'm going through a cow phase. I'll post a link in my sig line soon so you can all submit to the cow. Long live the cow and I notice that you all could not stay on topic even when the topic is ME!

By the way, are you submitting that poem, Art? I like it. :)

I said you were fine, although I suspected you were wrestling with a bout of mad cow disease.


PS The bunny wants to meet the cow. ;)
WickedEve said:
Oh, god. Is this a death thread? I'm dead, right? I wasn't gone long, and you people have me missing. I've told Ange before that I may just disappear once in awhile. Right now I've been obsessing over my cow. Eve's Habit is now called bored cow and I'm trying to restore some of the files from the habit but I must have a thousand! And in the last two days I made a bunch of cow illustrations. I'm going through a cow phase. I'll post a link in my sig line soon so you can all submit to the cow. Long live the cow and I notice that you all could not stay on topic even when the topic is ME!

By the way, are you submitting that poem, Art? I like it. :)

Art started it.....

How can we get motivated without our daily ration of Eve? Nothing tastes better than simple Eve lust.... :kiss:
WickedEve said:
Oh, god. Is this a death thread? I'm dead, right? I wasn't gone long, and you people have me missing. I've told Ange before that I may just disappear once in awhile. Right now I've been obsessing over my cow. Eve's Habit is now called bored cow and I'm trying to restore some of the files from the habit but I must have a thousand! And in the last two days I made a bunch of cow illustrations. I'm going through a cow phase. I'll post a link in my sig line soon so you can all submit to the cow. Long live the cow and I notice that you all could not stay on topic even when the topic is ME!

By the way, are you submitting that poem, Art? I like it. :)

I am content, I was thinking your keen sight or some ones would point at its faults and then I would submit it to keep in my list, I am glad you liked it EVE!

Like an ole farmer come out to gather some eggs and one of the yard birds was missing didn't fret till they were gone a few days gotta worry bout them pull-its with a fox around <grin>

glad to know your okay eve, bows to the poetress <bigrin> (~_*)

hey grasshopper (~_*)
is eve dead?

eve, are you dead?

i think someone has her password.

if it was really eve, she'd be cavorting with bulls, not cows.

...........just something to think about..........
PatCarrington said:
is eve dead?

eve, are you dead?

i think someone has her password.

if it was really eve, she'd be cavorting with bulls, not cows.

...........just something to think about..........

now that was funny....hehehe

I wrote this yesterday and been tweaking it <grin>
but it has a cow in it, great minds huh....hey at least
I didn't write BULL ...HEHEHEHEHEHE HEY!


Have you found comfort
in your lifes stumbles
soft sheets under a roof
ideas that simmer and fumble

it is intellect that builds
what the mind concieves
the pursuit of comfort
housing lifes luxuries

for under the house
out of the wind and rain
a baby kitten shivers
no owner or name

The tree in the yard
houses the squirrels
nestled in pine straw
in slumber their curled

feathers in a nest
ducking strong winds
only know the moment
and natures cycled trend

In a field across a meadow
stands a drenched cow
eye lashes batting fastly
wet bullets pelting its brow

a dog with out care
sits in the rain?
or a body massage
for a canine, strange?

a beaver family
goes to work
blocking where
the waters surge

a fish don';t care
about our worlds storm
every creature follows
their minds thoughts born
PatCarrington said:
is eve dead?

eve, are you dead?

i think someone has her password.

if it was really eve, she'd be cavorting with bulls, not cows.

...........just something to think about..........
WickedEve said:
Oh, god. Is this a death thread? I'm dead, right? I wasn't gone long, and you people have me missing. I've told Ange before that I may just disappear once in awhile. Right now I've been obsessing over my cow. Eve's Habit is now called bored cow and I'm trying to restore some of the files from the habit but I must have a thousand! And in the last two days I made a bunch of cow illustrations. I'm going through a cow phase. I'll post a link in my sig line soon so you can all submit to the cow. Long live the cow and I notice that you all could not stay on topic even when the topic is ME!

By the way, are you submitting that poem, Art? I like it. :)

ooh you want my bovine roadside? the cow may not be bored, she is more of an activist.

I even have a photo. He has a spot the shape of Texas. It took me forever to make.


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annaswirls said:
ooh you want my bovine roadside? the cow may not be bored, she is more of an activist.

I even have a photo. He has a spot the shape of Texas. It took me forever to make.

wow that is so cool! <texas size grin>
PatCarrington said:
eve, is that you?

what the fuck is this, India?
Did I miss something this weekend? Did Eve move to Texas and grow extra teats?
Okay, I danced with it now submittin' it

My Erotic Tale said:
I miss the wicked one~

wicked grin and turtle gloves
searching the shadows and
tossing bones from a closet
for a daggar eyed muse

twisting roses
to write from its dew
blade rides flesh
blood will do

nail kissing keys
while hot breath whispers
between lobes on the eve
of dangerous creativity

planting splinters in cerebriums
with jig saw smile words
to awaken the soul
and drag them to the shadows

the tail is the tune
on a wicked smile
tantalizing tongue
of a wild flower

Rhymes are spears
for the inner ear
but tis kind words
she lay anyway

sharing in the rain
and relish in thunder
in a literary worlds ride
wicked eve wonders

I searched shadows
for the wicked one
to lay before thee
my words I strung

back pats to thee
poetress, wicked eve
The_Fool said:
You better, I'll spank you if you don't.....
Hey, I just saw your sextina and commented.
No. The story is silly and it's about me after I had a baby and it's a really, really, really wet story. :D
WickedEve said:
Hey, I just saw your sextina and commented.
No. The story is silly and it's about me after I had a baby and it's a really, really, really wet story. :D

Thanks for the read...... :kiss:
Cow Pic

At an art gallery recently, I saw a picture (don't know the media) that a woman created called "I am a cow" which showed a cow with the artist's face, and a human baby under her grabbing one of her teats.

It was both funny and, in a strange way, sad. It made me understand, just a little, how strange it must be to have your body turn into a feeding machine.

Anyway, keep us posted, EVE, on your progress!

