WickedEve talks "About My Panties"!

Re: DCL....you should never assume

tigerjen said:
But please don't assume I'm purposely promoting
others.......that was uncool of you to say that.


I didn't say it, I asked it.
Nobody can tell anybody here what they can and cannot write. If you read the threads you will see that daughter is talking about the fact that there have been comments on the way she critiques. Try the failing kid gloves thread.
It is a great site. DOn't lose sight of that fact. :)
WE: new to boards

This is my first experience with a message board, and I haven't been here long, you will have to explain this to me: "I wasn't speaking just about your poem, but to the on going debate on this site lately about what is and what isn't appropriate to say in a thread." [/B][/QUOTE]

WE, what a way to get acquainted with message boards, eh? :)

What I meant is that we are immersed in a debate about what is an appropriate reply to work posted in Feedback. The responses in some instances play lip service to "all feedback is welcomed". That does not bear out in replies to comments that do not praise a work.

TigerJen, I don't know if you've noticed, but you consistently refute a commenter when he disagrees with you while you thank and applaud everyone who praises you.

I was taught to thank everyone. That is exercising civility and protocol. You don't have to agree with responses, but do we want to dismiss something said simply because we disagree with it?

Someone said I can dish it out but not take it. Not true. REDWAVE and paganangel and others made no bones about telling me what they disliked or thought could be improved. I thanked them. :) The more you write, the higher the possibility of being called on the carpet.

Some suggestions I reject. It is our choice. I haven't heard any argue otherwise. Nonetheless, I still thank the critic for their time and effort.

I wonder about the level of experience we have. If you've been writing long or have plans on writing seriously, you have to be able to accept criticism. It's odd to me that people are less accustomed to hearing an unfavorable or different opinion.

Am I the only one who's ever been called on the carpet about a substandard piece and the observation was valid? :) If someone says, "Daughter, you can do better." I'm going to take a look. If she's right, I'm not only going to thank that critic, I'm going toget busy. :D


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WickedEve said:
Unlike the other Eve, I eat kinky little girls like you for breakfast. :p

Wicked Eve

OH! :eek: YES!:) PLEASE, YES! :D

Lucky & Pixie :p:eek:
"About My Panties" rising.....

"About My Panties" is rising quickly thru the ranks
on the poetry toplist! WickedEve, if you read this....
way to go! :D
