Wine Enemas

Smart thinking.

(ya know these enema threads make me convinced I've worked in a hospital way too long)
In that Potency Enema, would the egg yolks and the olive oil help counteract the negative effects of the alcohol? Y'know, like greasy bar food helps keep you from getting quite so drunk quite so early in the evening?
Actually coffee enemas are suppposed to leach all kinds of toxins from your
A. kidneys
B. pancreas
C. i've forgotte and am too lazy to go look it up - so obviously i don't do these, right?

Anyway, a coffee enema is supposed to have some really outstanding health benefits - none of which include a caffeine high with an accompanying drop low when it leaves your system.

However, since i've actually had a couple coffee enemas given to me and DID get all jangly from them so the above is bullshit as far as my experience goes. However, maybe it was done wrong to me. Too much coffe and not dilute enough or something, you know?

I love this thread.
Stupid question time ...

(And cym thought she would get rid of all her old subscriptions, eh?)

The kits you can buy for enemas ... can they be reused? Or are they once only things?
I was wondering around a sort of botanicals kind of website, I guess that's what you'd call it. I found this stuff called peppermint castile soap, on that site it said it was good for soaks and bodywashes. I'm wondering if it would be safe to use as an additive to enema water.
WillowPuss said:
Stupid question time ...

(And cym thought she would get rid of all her old subscriptions, eh?)

The kits you can buy for enemas ... can they be reused? Or are they once only things?

If you keep them clean you can reuse them.

It's not a stupid question Willow.
reading this post just reminded me of something............

not that it has any baring on thi spost just that it reminded me of it and well anyway here goes...........

a few years ago I had to have sergery and while waiting for them to come take me to the operating room with my Dom and my mom both standing beside my bed trying to help me stay relaxed so I did not panic becaus ethe thought of being put to sleep terrified me......... I asked them when the nurse wa sonna come and give me my enama I was ready for it..........they both looked at me and said ar eyou pose to get one I said I don't know so my mom went and asked the nurse and she came in my room and told me that I wasn't supose to have one ......... me I looked her in the eye and said well go get the doctor and tell him I want one. She did..........and the doctor came in and said do you really want an enema I like a dummy siad yes now hurry along with it ......... he never ordered me one but he laffed his ass off at me and so did everybody else who had heard.

anyway this thread just reminded me of that and got me to laughing so I thought I'd share it.

(and after rereading this I think dang maybe this should embarrase me but it doesn't just makes me laugh my but off)
Willow: there are no stupid questions. Well, almost no stupid questions. Ask if you don't know. Quit apologizing for asking!

You can buy disposible enema kits (known in the U.S. as "fleet enemas" that you buy in any drug store. The other kind, the kind youhave clean and are supposed to be reused, those you can buy easily from online places. My favorite online enema place is but if you do a google search using the words "enema supplies", you'll get a zillion links.

lilfrk, i've used castille soap for years, both in small packets, in liquid form, and in bar form - just swishing it in the water as it fills the bag.

Peppermint would tend to be an irritant, mild perhaps, i would guess. However, it certainly wouldn't be harmful and i've seen mention of peppermint being added to the water to add some, uh, zing to the thing.

Do some research? Let us know?
cymbidia said:
Willow: there are no stupid questions. Well, almost no stupid questions. Ask if you don't know. Quit apologizing for asking!

Thanks ... I will try - but at times I feel a bit of a dumbo. Asking stuff that you have probably been asked a dozen times before - you know how it is.

And thanks for the answers.
Never tried one ... yet.

The closest I came was in the maternity ward, after having my son, ... and the bowel went on strike - mainly cos I hadn't eaten for a couple of days. I was given until the following morning to have 'moved'. All the ward was looking forward to the entertainment (AND it was Christmas morning to boot!) ... but I disappointed them all. I think the threat was enough.
i had my very first enema (that i can remember, atleast) about a month ago, given to me by my Dom... it was a soap and water enema, and i had terrible cramping and nausea for a day and half afterward.... any one else ever have this problem? i was wondering if maybe too much soap was used, or something.... because of that, i haven't wanted to do it again...
That brings tears to the eyes!

too funny!

Light the blue touch paper and retire.
Probably too much soap, sierra, maybe too much volume, maybe not the right temperature.

Read this whole thread.

Do a search on this subject. We've talked about it here, in this forum, and we've also discussed it in depth on the GB in the last year+. There's a lot of high-quality info on this subject at Lit.

If you were sick after your enema then something was wrong.
End of story.
WillowPuss said:
That brings tears to the eyes!

too funny!

Light the blue touch paper and retire.
tears to the eyes?? i think my rear end just closed up, permanently... :eek:
cymbidia said:

lilfrk, i've used castille soap for years, both in small packets, in liquid form, and in bar form - just swishing it in the water as it fills the bag.

Peppermint would tend to be an irritant, mild perhaps, i would guess. However, it certainly wouldn't be harmful and i've seen mention of peppermint being added to the water to add some, uh, zing to the thing.

Do some research? Let us know?

I know you can use castille soap because we use it at work. I have to tell you though...none of the patients have ever been thrilled with the idea. At least none of mine have been. I did the research and lookee what I found:

Castile Enema soap in pre measured packets. Standard packet is 2/3 Oz of soap. Instructions on packet usually say something like : Dilute contents of packet with 1 or 2 quarts of warm water. Water should be about 105 degrees.

Castile Liquid soap (Dr. Bronner's is one brand). Use about 1 teaspoon for each quart of water. Dr. Bronner's soap is available in plain (green label), with Peppermint (blue label) and for baby's very mild (pink label). The peppermint oil is a cooling additive. If you use any soaps, you want to finish with a plain warm water enema to prevent any soap from remaining in the bowel and cause more irritation.

So...I answered my own question yes you can. Funny thing is last night the site I was on was Dr. Bronner's. I saw the different kinds of castile soap and thought...Hmmmm wonder if... Now I know yes you can.

Here's a link if anyone wants to look at his soaps. I've never used them so I have no clue about them. I was just reading last night when I came across the site and started to think.

Just for the record I read and think way too much.
dont know why i'm interjecting this except that its one of those weird facts crammed into my head.

the romans and greeks (and some people even later)used a strong wine (in miniscule amounts) as a contraceptive. they soaked a small sponge in the wine and then pushed it into the vagina and left it there during intercourse. something in the wine kills the sperm or makes them inaffective.

just thought it was interesting.
Saint_Sinner said:

only if you were using whiskey instead of water and smoking mandrex.....I'm just joking too. YUUUUCKKKKKK. I'm having flash backs of spilled bong water.
Another useless fact,

One of the ancient South American cultures, may have been the Aztecs but I can't remember, actually used to consume their beer via enema as the standard technique in their public bars. There are pictures of people enjoying the process in stone reliefs. One has to suppose that they used to just stand on there head at the bar, hold the money in their toes and tell the barman to top it up. The mess trailing behind those who'd had a wee bit too much hardly bears imagining. Clearly they didn't consider it humiliating though; must depend on culturation.

If you must try an alcohol enema, try a low alcohol sparkling wine such as an Italian Spumante. If it takes 2 or 3 glasses to get you tipsi, use one standard white wine glass' worth. If it takes less, use half that amount. Even if you're a confirmed lush, more than two glasses worth is likely to kill you or make you wish that it did. If you die from it, or end up with some other awefull never-getover, don't blame me, I don't want to hear about it.
catalina_francisco said:
good bump?
I'm not sure I agree...this kind of thing is great in the library. It surprised me to see this thread again; I figured it was new but I do remember it from last time. It's an important topic, to be sure, but one that should it come up again, can be quickly referred to in the library.

That said, I haven't had an enema for a while. Hmmm.... :devil:
Etoile said:
I'm not sure I agree...this kind of thing is great in the library. It surprised me to see this thread again; I figured it was new but I do remember it from last time. It's an important topic, to be sure, but one that should it come up again, can be quickly referred to in the library.

That said, I haven't had an enema for a while. Hmmm.... :devil:

Perhaps, but some don't visit the library here, and many may be put in a position where this is suggested to try. If they are asked on the spot to consent, I would like to think perhaps they had seen this and knew the risks and the way to and not to do before blindly consenting to a possibly fatal playtime. I never think there can be too much awareness created around high risk practices as the longer I am in the lifestyle the more I am finding many are unaware of the most common risks despite the information being out there....and of course there is also the chance someone may wish to contribute to a thread which I also see as a positive, especially if they have something new to share for the benefit of all.

Catalina :rose:
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NemoAlia said:
Lacking a dom at this moment, I'm interested in neat sensations that I can experience by myself. What would happen if I gave myself an enema with wine? Does anyone have any experience with this?
You'll get badly drunk without fun
Wish I was lilfrk's patient

Then I could enjoy an enema from someone who enjoys them too. Guess it goes along with my medical fetish. Would it really be OK with you if I got an erection and enjoyed an enema you were giving me. You know the part, starting leaking pre-cum and all? What a torture, to be in a hospital and have a nice person give you an enema, and not be allowed to cum. OW, it hurts thinking about it.

Dr. Bronner's soap is a nice rush, but it needs a rinse enema, something that I'm not into by myself.

A slow coffee enema is nice. Boil the coffee and let it cool...makes the liver dump out all sorts of bile.

Check out my story please (cut and paste).

Someday I'll write another.
