Wolven Den

She jumps slightly, a smile coming to her lips.

Of kourse Daddi. I will make sure of it. They aren't allowed unless you post with them, or their in your siggy.

She nods, and bites her lip, resisting the urge to moan as she slides. She grins and closes her eyes briefly.

Yes Daddi. Sleep well! :) I will try to be good.
*coming in, moving right to my normal spot, curled up by the couch, hoping to see Luna today*
*shrugs, crawling up and getting comfy, ears floppy and over my face*

*smiles, massaging* I have it downloading a firmware update now. Had to set up my wifi connection for it. Then I have to figure out my PSN account info *laughing* I haven't used it since halloween.
*smiles, massaging* I have it downloading a firmware update now. Had to set up my wifi connection for it. Then I have to figure out my PSN account info *laughing* I haven't used it since halloween.

You do like to say things I don't much understand. *curls into a tighter, warm ball*
You do like to say things I don't much understand. *curls into a tighter, warm ball*

Ah...how to explain. The firmware is like the system's command code. Without it, the thing wouldn't even start up. PSN is the PlayStation Network. It's Sony's network dedicated solely to their gaming systems.
Ah...how to explain. The firmware is like the system's command code. Without it, the thing wouldn't even start up. PSN is the PlayStation Network. It's Sony's network dedicated solely to their gaming systems.

*nods and mumbles* As long as you are happy, that's all that matters.
Gah....and now I don't feel like posting thanks to being bitched at by Rick, who really needs to pull the fucking stick out of his ass and stop treating everyone like scum.
Gah....and now I don't feel like posting thanks to being bitched at by Rick, who really needs to pull the fucking stick out of his ass and stop treating everyone like scum.

*comes up behind Raven and rubs his shoulders, and patting his head with my long bunneh ears*
Probably in the real world. *finished my snack and rubs Raven's shoulders again

*smiles, letting the bunneh massage* I'm waiting on the second of two free downloads from Playstation Network. There's not the best of games though...*shrugs*
*smiles, letting the bunneh massage* I'm waiting on the second of two free downloads from Playstation Network. There's not the best of games though...*shrugs*

Rarely are free things, great things. *smiles, tickling with my bunneh ears*
Rarely are free things, great things. *smiles, tickling with my bunneh ears*

True enough. Their reason for the freebies is to thank those who returned to Playstation Network after the security breach that happened.