Women only: The Doctor's office

Checking in

Well, I made it through the nightmare, but not without some rather silly thoughts.

First though, they used paper gowns which last about 15 seconds, give or take a moment.

Then, when this sweet young Physician's Assistant asked if intercourse was ever painful, I thought I might respond with, "I dunno. Does fisting count as intercourse?"


Then, I am home, on the phone with dear ole mum. I told her I was going to have a mammo. Well, doesn't she proceed to reassure me that the breasts can tolerate far more pressure than you think and that it is only really painful if they squeeze the flesh quickly. Ya, like tell me something I don't know, mom!

On a more serious note, the only distressing moment was when they reviewed my blood work and told me I was premenopausal. *sigh* I guess I really am getting older!
Re: Checking in

MissTaken said:
Well, I made it through the nightmare, but not without some rather silly thoughts.

First though, they used paper gowns which last about 15 seconds, give or take a moment.

Then, when this sweet young Physician's Assistant asked if intercourse was ever painful, I thought I might respond with, "I dunno. Does fisting count as intercourse?"


Then, I am home, on the phone with dear ole mum. I told her I was going to have a mammo. Well, doesn't she proceed to reassure me that the breasts can tolerate far more pressure than you think and that it is only really painful if they squeeze the flesh quickly. Ya, like tell me something I don't know, mom!

On a more serious note, the only distressing moment was when they reviewed my blood work and told me I was premenopausal. *sigh* I guess I really am getting older!

LMAO at the premenopausal part... But I'm not laughing AT you. You are just in my club now, dollface!
And take it from me... it's more like a dream and lots less like the nightmare we have been led to believe it is. ;-)
WriterDom said:
Why is this women only? I like playing doctor.

Giving free pap smears this week.

Somehow, I just knew you couldn't follow a direction given by me!


Women only is the thread title primarily because some men find women discussing women's issues offensive.

Perhaps, it is just residue from my conservative upbringing?
landcruisergal said:
Scariest gynae experiance I had was when I had to go back to my gynaecologist to have a post insertion of an iud check up. He had to trim the thread and having him insert a sharp pair of scissors up my vault....."hold very still" he said. No shit sherlock!

Oh and those pesky nurses? They usually have to be present during a gynae exam, for ethico legal reasons. It prevents a doctor from acting inappropriately and a client from accusing a doctor of sexual misconduct. And historically both were common. I know a gynae trainee who was jumped on by a patient.Poor boy was scared out of his wits, lol.It simply keeps all the bastards honest.
And if you are simply terrified ( youngens/oldies/cultural differences/past bad experiances) a 3rd party can reduce the anxiety.

of course i understand why the nurses are there (the legalities), but to be honest having a third person there, particularly a female, just makes me more uncomfortable. makes me feel like my pussy is part of some exhibition. also hate when the nurse tries to smalltalk me or worse, hold my hand, as if that will comfort me. inside i'm screaming, wanna make me feel better? leave please! but *sigh*, i know they have to be there.
Kajira Callista said:
something happens after child birth...a gyno visit aint nuthin compared to having a baby...hands stuck in places they shouldnt be stuck in front of your husband who is growling as he watches....the water breaking thingy...fingers opening your cervix. getting cut or even worse tearing on that last push, stitches......

Yeah ill take my regular gyno appointment cold hands and all over all that anyday :)

Can relate in part, though I have never totally lost the stress issues. The worst experience I had with a gyno was a female one who I went to around 19 (my mother's gyno), and who started the appointment with telling me I should have STD tests because she saw my Aboriginal lover in the waiting room, and according to her, that would mean I was infected...told her where to stuff her racist attitude.

After that, I was spoiled as I was referred to one of our top specialists who was excellent at what he did, and who I stayed with until I left Oz in 2002. Still didn't like the medical aspects much, and did tell him what I thought of his comments during the last child he delivered (both were difficult and stressful births that rid me of wanting to go back and do it again), but over such a long time we got to know and respect each other well on a personal and professional level. It was not until I got my divorce (after 15 years of being patient/doctor) he came clean with his desires/feelings and much to my friend's envy we had a short, fun affair. All my friend kept asking was 'What is wrong with me...how come you are the only one he ever made a pass at?' (She also had been seeing him for several years) LOL, he had a reputation for being way above doing such things and one I believe was true, so it came as a surprise to me, but not shocking.

I have yet to be initiated into such things here and am hoping it is not like you describe in the US. I have never had stirrups, nor have I ever had a nurse or assistant present with any of the doctors I have been examined by, even in the hospital ER. LOL, maybe I will have to go back to Oz once a year to get my testing done there if it is too invasive here. I would prefer Masterful one actually come in with me, but not sure he is keen on the idea as he hates doctors, dentists, and anyplace medical.

Catalina :rose:
catalina_francisco said:
I would prefer Masterful one actually come in with me, but not sure he is keen on the idea as he hates doctors, dentists, and anyplace medical.

Catalina :rose:

I'm not in the US, I'm in Canada, but my Sir is not allowed into the examining room with me for THAT particular appointment. He and I both go to all of our appointments together, and both attend each other's appointments, but THAT ONE, the one I most fear and hate, He's not allowed to be present for.

Pisses me right the fuck off. I guess it's cus it's a small room, and with the Doc, his nurse, and I in it, there wouldn't be much room for my rather tall, broad guy to sit and just be.

Still, it bugs me.
My first visit to the gyno is something of a funny story...

I was pushing myself hard one semester on an architectural design project that my school goes nuts over... it's historical. Making it through ICMA (the project's name) is a right of passage. It usually involves lots of cafienne and lots of sleepless nights.

Well, Five days before the project deadline, I began to feel uncomfortable. By the late evening -8pmish - I KNEW I had a UTI. I called good old mom and let her know that I would have to visit the Death Center the next day... ahem, I mean Student Health Center... in order to get a prescription since the visit was free and I knew what I had. So here I was, in pain, uncomfortable, itchy. Just miserable. I'd had a UTI back in middle school one summer so I knew what it was.

Anyhow, that night, I tried to work late but was just sooooo damned uncomfortable I decided to go home and try to sleep through the night. I was tired anyhow from the sleep deprivation. I got back to the dorm to find the air conditioning was broken. So, uncomfortable, I stripped down to my skivies, opend the windows, turned the fan on my face and laid on top of my sheets and blankets. That was about 2am... four hours later, I'm still tossing and turning, wishing I was dead... somehow, I manage to fall asleep around 7am. My alarm goes off at Nine, but figuring I'm going to miss class anyhow and will have a note from the Health Center, I turn it off and go back to sleep. Not two hours later a bang sounds and I groggily pull out of sleep as another bang sounds. Confused, I roll over and glare at my door when suddenly it opens and the air conditioner repair guy is there and I scream...

I felt violated.

And itchy, and burning and just miserable... and he'd seen my naked breasts.


So I shower, not wanting to smell at the doctors after a sweaty night in bed. I dress in the bathroom, afraid the repairman will return. When I get to the Death Center, I'm asked to pee in the cup. My pee comes back and they tell me that not only do I have a UTI but I also have my first Yeast Infection ever. Which is very rare to have both at once. So they insist on doing a pap smear. Which I'd never had done.

So imagine being swollen, itchy, tired, and just miserable... and that you'd been seen naked by the first male that wasn't related to you and he was the repair man.

I cried the entire exam as some young male doctor prodded me, I screamed when they stuck that damned cotton swab in. I think I hurt the nurse practitioner's hand squeezing it. I was so humilated that the first man to see my private bits was some doctor so lame he could only get a job at the death center.

I had to tell mom (a nurse) on the phone how the visit went. And then, the most mortifying bit ... she lectured me on how you have to pee after any sexual activity... "even masturbation".... I wanted to die.... why me?! Truth be told, I'd only recently started to masturbate so I felt guilty knowing that uhm, she knew the cause, and I sure as hell wasn't going to admit it.

The only good thing about it was how much better I felt the next day with the meds and the way my pee was BRIGHT ORANGE... I wanted everyone to come see... lol.

Oh and now I pee after I masturbate. And in retrospect, to gyno visit can be as bad as that so I don't mind em now. Weird?
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I hate having to chaparone "female" visits.
Kids are the worst though. I've been called down to the ER to chaparone for STD tests for 15 y/o's- that's not something to make one's day.
Trust me- as a chap. I take no more pleasure in the whole thing then you do. It sucks... but if it'll keep my doc from being suied, then I'm going to do it.
Still sucks though, and not in a good way.

Miss Taken- I was ROLFMTO over your "does fisting count" comment. Had to share with DH.
That is one I haven't seen/heard before, LOL.
I am a 5'6" tall 200 lb woman... (very tall very wide) and I insist on a child speculum... because my pussy is NOTHING like me. It is the ONLY petite part of my entire body. I HATE that the Dr.s don't listen and use the big ones... it hurts, it TEARS me.
TittiCat said:
I am a 5'6" tall 200 lb woman... (very tall very wide) and I insist on a child speculum... because my pussy is NOTHING like me. It is the ONLY petite part of my entire body. I HATE that the Dr.s don't listen and use the big ones... it hurts, it TEARS me.
never mind